Things That Bother You About Gaming

Started by Spark Of Spirit, May 17, 2011, 03:10:13 PM

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Quote from: - we love that you're creating all these fun physical extras, but this has gone crazy. Why build levels that only a subsection of players will get to see? Why do I have to choose between a Special Edition with the level A Dangerous Secret, or a Join Or Die Edition with Ghost Of War and a toy medallion, both the same price? How am I supposed to know which level I'll want more? Are either important to the game's overall story? Am I expected to buy both? And what about Lost Mayan Ruins? That's not available in any of the PC packs. Do I need to play it? Am I supposed to get the console version then? But then I wouldn't get the PC-only Digi Deluxe's Cozumel Island. OH JUST SELL ME YOUR GAME!


Agreed. If you're making a special edition, make one. The way they do it for the AC games is genuinely annoying.

Spark Of Spirit

The new Ratchet & Clank game is a Tower Defense game.  :wth:
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Is it tower defense like in the style of just controlling a bunch of characters and defense turrets and objects and such like chess pieces and making strategic moves, or does is it more in the style of still allowing you to play the game as a TPS but having you basically just defend hold-points? The former sounds completely lame and out of place for an R&C game, but I honestly could actually enjoy a game like the latter if that were the case. I like it when a game allows you strategy and such, and a tower defense game in that style could be fun if it allows you to be creative in the way of setting up traps and structuring the proper defense, while at the same time it could offer some intense, challenging, and fun shoot-em up action in the way of just blasting enemies that get within your perimeters.

Either way, though, it'd probably just be better to make a straightforward R&C game like the main ones. I still need to get around to playing the games in this series, though, so I guess I really shouldn't be commenting on this.

Spark Of Spirit

It's like Trenched / Iron Brigade (if you've played it) three planets each with 5 levels, the whole nine yards.

The reason I'm disappointed is because this is yet another spin off. I was hoping for one more platformer from the Insomniac team before this gen runs out. That seems to be getting less and less likely.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


So it isn't like the original Monday Night Combat then?

Spark Of Spirit

Quote from: Daxdiv on July 18, 2012, 07:55:54 PM
So it isn't like the original Monday Night Combat then?
Monday Night Combat is more like Team Fortress meets Tower Defense. This is kinda like Trenched-style Tower Defense with an active player.

It might be good for all I know, but I'm kinda tired of the genre.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Honestly I have never even played a single game in the genre, before. I just like the idea of a tower defense that allows you to control an individual character while also just giving commands to other units and settings traps and stuff to defend a point for as long as you can. It sounds like a fun and strategic sort of challenge.

In this regard, I really liked the whole concept of harvesting in BioShock 2, believe it or not. Since you knew that a wave of enemies would come your way once you got a Little Sister to start harvesting Adam from a dead body, you could take initiative and set up a ton of bizarre traps and defense turrets and such in strategic locations in preparation of the oncoming assault. I once made a really awesome set-up myself in which I didn't even have to fire a single shot, since I managed to have all the enemies killed by the portable turrets, hacked turrets and security cameras and bots that I had, and a bunch of tripwires and landmines. It was really rewarding to see it all used in action, really. :)

Spark Of Spirit

Reviews of each SOXBLA line up:

Last year was still probably worse. Dust will probably be a great game but last year didn't really have any.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


The Tony Hawk game isn't getting too hot of reviews?  That's too bad.

Not that I was going to buy it on Xbox anyway.  Playstation all the way for T-Hawk.
It doesn't matter what you say, soon you'll be dead anyway.


Bastion's soundtrack and narrator are fucking awesome. Haven't actually played the game, though.

Spark Of Spirit

I played Tony Hawk HD at my friend's house just last week...

It's not too hot. For one, the physics feel weird and there's annoying input delay in the controls. For two, the soundtrack is terrible and you can't skip songs or turn off certain ones. For three, the level selection is really light and some spots are wasted on those downhill levels nobody liked from Tony Hawk 1 that were removed from every game afterward (except that one game based on them) at the expense of levels like Philadelphia. For four, there is absolutely no couch co-op in the game. For five, the rag-doll physics are totally unneeded and jar with the skating. For six, the lighting has an orange tinge that looks like everything is soaked in urine. For seven, it feels like a mod, and doesn't ever feel like proper Tony Hawk.

It's totally overpriced for a really disappointing remake. They should have priced it lower or put more into it to be worth the price-tag. Seriously, just upscale Tony Hawk 2X to HD and throw in more courses from the first 3 games and that would have been enough.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Foggle on July 30, 2012, 07:31:54 PM
Bastion's soundtrack and narrator are fucking awesome. Haven't actually played the game, though.

I still have Bastion on Steam and haven't touched it since the last time Steam made it an objective in the Holiday sale. I liked what I played of it though.

Also looking at those scores makes me wonder I played the same Limbo or Braid as the reviewers. Still can't get into them.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Trick Attack was such an addicting multiplayer mode that my brother and I used to spend hours on end playing. It just doesn't feel right playing something like that online, though. It works best as a split-screen game since you can directly see what territories you're opponent is capturing and can try to outdo them with higher scores to claim those zones for yourself.

Spark Of Spirit

Bastion is okay. It's pretty average from what I've seen on my friend's 360.

But yeah, some of those scores are off. Braid, Limbo, and Lara Croft are not THAT good while games like Castlevania and Hydro Thunder are treated a bit too roughly for being arcade experiences (Summer of Arcade.... Duh!) instead of flashy cinematic experiences you'll play once then never again.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton