Things That Bother You About Gaming

Started by Spark Of Spirit, May 17, 2011, 03:10:13 PM

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Those are changes are very much appreciated, especially the removal of the recovery animation for depleting Ki through attacking. It didn't make much sense to be punished for playing aggresively and it made enemy encounters boil down to baiting your opponents to deplete their Ki and go in for the kill. The final game sounds a lot balanced by rewarding you for playing offensively and punishing you for being too defensive. FTR, BloodBorne having similar offense-focused combat is why I decided to go with that one as my first Soulsborne game.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I'm also playing Bloodborne and enjoying it a lot (I'm still very early on in the game, though). Granted, the frame rate is jank and the hit detection occasionally questionable. I also don't care for how being hit during a dodge causes you to take double damage. I think that punishing you with a knockdown from a mistimed dodge while still taking normal damage would be enough. Increasing the damage taken sends the wrong message to the player, though, IMO. It encourages you to tank through attacks rather than to just get better at dodging properly.

That aside, it's a very well designed game, and while it's not a super in depth combat system, I like how there is nuance to the combat such as being able to transform your weapon mid-attack for extra damage and a higher chance of staggering or breaking the guard of certain enemies, and also being able to perform an attack when you do a backswing. Using your gun to perform parries is also a unique and clever design choice as it lets newer players practice their timing from a relatively safe distance.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Foggle on June 19, 2017, 09:19:47 PMSick footage! Didn't expect anything that level from Nioh from what I played.

It is sick, isn't it? The funny thing is that the final version of the game was toned down from the Alpha. If you watch this guy's videos of the Alpha from last year and what he could do with it, your mind would be utterly blown by just how much he could break the game. :joy:

But once again, full disclaimer, that isn't exactly representative of how normal people play. It's just that XLH Gladiator clearly isn't a human being, or of this world at all. ;)

That said, the combat in this game is really fun when you get the hang of it. I think some people can understandably be turned off by how repetitive the game can be in recycling a lot of enemies. However, the reason that it didn't get stale for me was because I was constantly trying out different approaches with my combat strategies. In that way this game has a lot more DMC-esque appeal than that of the Souls variety.


I really want to get Odallus. I loved the demo and watching a lot of a playthrough on Twitch. Plus JoyMasher's previous game, Oniken, which I own, is a pretty fun hack n slash platformer influenced by Berserk, Contra and Fist Of The North Star.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Talk about a bad time to be apart of the FGC, my goodness. I brought it up in the Fighting Games thread, but I didn't know the drama got as bad as it is now.

James Chen pretty much explained everything, but the gist of the matter is you got people that're upset with Capcom (myself included) with how they're handling Street Fighter 5. Then you got the announcement of Dragon Ball Fighterz and while there was much praise, it just went downhill. Marvel vs Capcom Infinite was shown and next thing you know, folks that played the demo (well, some of the folks were invited to a vip room) are being labeled as shills. Capcom "paid" them off. I knew Justin Wong, Yipes and Filipino Champ were being labeled as shills, but when I saw that LI Joe was called a shill I nearly lost it. The same L.I. Joe that came in 4th at EVO last year? Joe's not even a Marvel player and he's being labeled a shill. WHAT? And then this notion of Capcom paying them off. I swear this is why I try to distance myself away from "gamers" because they are dumb.

Ensatsu-Ken mentioned something along the lines of being confused, not sure why, but at the moment I'd say stay far away. It's almost toxic at the moment. I don't get when did it become cool to shit on people because they like the way the game plays. I think everyone and their mother agrees that MvCI looks terrible, visually speaking, but they way they F-Champ and James Chen describe how fighting in that game is, seriously? They are a shill for liking that? Kill that noise. I go to Shoryuken on a regular basis (don't want to link to their forum) and in their MvCI thread, good God, it's just full blown stupidity.

I hope when both games (DBFz and MvCI) are released this don't cause the scene to come to an end. I'm upset at Capcom. I'm not upset at the players. I learn from these people for Christ sakes (Even Max). Nothing good will come from this if the community becomes even more divided. The only scene that can survive is Smash.

Have gamers always thought they were entitled?
3S - Ken, Ryu, Makoto, Dudley, Yang
SF6 - Ken, {Terry}
T8 - Kazuya, Hwaorang, Leroy, Jin


Quote from: Mustang on June 24, 2017, 09:39:30 PM
And then this notion of Capcom paying them off. I swear this is why I try to distance myself away from "gamers" because they are dumb.
I think the only game company that's actually been proven to have paid people for good previews/impressions is Warner Bros. I don't think Capcom in its current state even has enough money to throw around doing so anyway. But yeah, internet discourse surrounding video games - especially hardcore communities/fanbases dedicated to specific genres or franchises - has always been terrible and is only getting worse as years go by.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

So, it has come to my attention that certain "professional" game journalists (who I'm told are apparently supposed to be full-grown adults) are complaining about how the Crash N' Sane Trilogy is too hard. A series of games that I beat when I was, the time that the third game came out....

I even read one review that compared it to Dark Souls. To make sure that the level of ridiculous that I was witnessing was indeed real, I have in fact confirmed with other gamers who grew up with Crash that not only were the games not made any harder than before, but certain tweaks were actually made in order to allow these games to be a bit more accessible to a modern audience.

Seriously....what the fuck? How is it that game journalists never fail to amaze me with how low they can sink?

Spark Of Spirit

Because game journalists are awful at games. Look up the Polygon DOOM 4 footage.

I don't listen to them about anything.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I just love how Game Journalist and people going up to bat for them, are getting mad at a Dunkey video. Even though Dunkey did admit that the turtle portion of the game sucks (I will agree, that the bridge level was bullshit back then, and is bullshit now). I also liked how he highlighted a video that IGN did when they reviewed New Super Mario Bros U where  the reviewer had a lot of negative things to say, then he's shown that IGN's reviewer gave the game like a 9.1 or something.

Here's the video in case you've been living under a rock. I know that Dunkey is supposed to be a joker, but there was a lot of points that he brought up that I agreed with, mostly with stuff like how when I watch a reviewer on something like YouTube, I know whose opinion I'm getting, but on a site like Game Spot or IGN, they have different reviewers with varying tastes that I don't feel like they reflect the site as a whole. Plus the whole 10 point rating scale being the dumbest thing ever to be in reviews. If you have to use a scoring system to summarize your review, I recommend either a 5 point scale or a letter grade.


Crash Bandicoot 1 is a fucking hard game to be honest, but I've been playing the N. Sane Trilogy on and off the past few days, and Vicarious Visions definitely made it quite a bit easier/less frustrating with their remake.

Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on July 11, 2017, 09:28:13 PM
Because game journalists are awful at games. Look up the Polygon DOOM 4 footage.
The Joystiq Nier review is even worse. Dude gave up on the game because he couldn't beat the extremely easy fishing mini-game or follow a waypoint properly and proceeded to declare the game shit.

Quote from: Daxdiv on July 12, 2017, 03:58:01 AM
the bridge level was bullshit back then, and is bullshit now
I've never actually beaten it. :cry:

Spark Of Spirit

Naughty Dog made a rookie platformer design mistake in the turtle stage. They expected the player to use the full extent of Crash's limited moveset with instant death consequences in this one level and never again. You have to knock the turtle over near the edge of the bridge, then back up and run at full momentum, then jump on it, in order to reach the other side. It's frustrating, but once you get the hang of it, it's not that tough.

It is bad design, though.

I don't blame VV for not fixing it since bad design or not, it's hardwired into the controls. They would probably break the rest of the game by "fixing" it.

The rest of the criticism behind the game is typical VG journo complaints. If the game isn't a glorified corridor with 700 tutorials every five seconds then they have no idea what to do. Seven year old kids could beat these games in the 90s and now thirty-something reviewers can't even beat the first world of it.

No idea what games they were playing as kids, but it wasn't these ones.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I saw the memes before I saw the actual story. These journalists are ridiculous comparing Crash Bandicoot to Dark Souls (or everything else to DS for that matter). I'm with Spark; what the hell were they playing growing up? Or is their background just journalism, and this is where they wound up?

Dr. Ensatsu-ken


Wow, people asking for an "Easy" mode. I don't care how people play their games, but to hear people actually asking for an easy mode (is it people in general or is it journalists?) is crazy. I mean, I can see both sides of the argument, but good God, maybe it's just bad time for gaming in general. I'm seeing arguments about lootboxes, tutorial modes, matchmaking and now apparently an easy mode.
3S - Ken, Ryu, Makoto, Dudley, Yang
SF6 - Ken, {Terry}
T8 - Kazuya, Hwaorang, Leroy, Jin


cuphead already has an easy mode though

Quote from: Mustang on October 13, 2017, 02:32:05 PM
I mean, I can see both sides of the argument, but good God, maybe it's just bad time for gaming in general.
This is actually one of the greatest years for gaming in history IMO.