The Legend of Zelda Series

Started by talonmalon333, May 27, 2011, 03:27:33 PM

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Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on October 13, 2015, 03:20:28 PM
The cut dungeons are in Twilight Princess, so it wouldn't have made much sense to add them.
Wait, really!? :shit:

Quote from: gunswordfist on October 13, 2015, 03:23:19 PM
And 40 bucks is breaking the bank. A new 360 controller cost only ten dollars more than that in 2008.  :whuh:
Yeah, controller prices are way too steep, and have been since last gen. Hence why it took me 4 months to buy a new one. ;)

Spark Of Spirit

Quote from: Foggle on October 13, 2015, 03:35:32 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on October 13, 2015, 03:20:28 PM
The cut dungeons are in Twilight Princess, so it wouldn't have made much sense to add them.
Wait, really!? :shit:

Yep, Aonuma brought it up when people were asking about what changes could be added in the remake. Since they used the dungeons (both of them) in another game, they simply couldn't add them here. It would have been nice, but at least they truncated the Triforce Hunt.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Wow, I never knew that. Gives me even more incentive to finally play TP, then!

I'm pretty iffy on the changes made in WWHD (I actually think I prefer the original due to its lack of overpowering bloom), but the abridged Triforce Hunt was a very, very good thing.


It's weird because Twilight Princess' dungeons are clearly better than Wind Waker's. So if they were the ones cut from the latter, that would be weird because it would mean some of Wind Waker's best dungeons were removed.

And, honestly, Twilight Princess is still among the greats in my opinion, regardless of its shortcomings (which are no more than Wind Waker's). Nintendo can't keep on remaking these games that are still great.


In general, I'm not a fan of remakes unless they have a reason to exist. Like, if a game feels dated to a large group of people, the developers can go back and use their new technology and acquired talent to potentially make them even better than their well-regarded sequels (e.g. Zero Mission, REmake, hopefully Ratchet & Clank PS4). With that in mind, I think I would much rather see a remake of Zelda 1 or 2 over Twilight Princess.

Spark Of Spirit

A remake of Zelda 1 would be neat, but a remake of Zelda 2 would be legitimately exciting.

Partially because Nintendo hasn't really made a sidescrolling Action-RPG/platformer since it came out and partially because it so desperately needs the polish modern Nintendo would give it.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


You know, if Retro has to do a Zelda game, I think a remake of LoZ 2 would actually be perfect for them. They could easily use techniques they learned from both Donkey Kong and Metroid to make an amazing exploration-based 2D action RPG/platformer. :)


Remaking the original could potentially be cool because of how bare bone the original is. It's such a simple game that a remake could really stand out on its own.

Instead of remaking Zelda II, I think I'd like to see a new shot at its style. I think Nintendo or Retro could produce something now that puts Zelda II to shame.


Quote from: Foggle on October 13, 2015, 03:35:32 PM
Yeah, controller prices are way too steep, and have been since last gen. Hence why it took me 4 months to buy a new one. ;)
Gotcha. And I had no clue TP had WW's dungeons. I, of course, still want to see a remake with them.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Spark Of Spirit

Quote from: talonmalon333 on October 13, 2015, 04:28:55 PMInstead of remaking Zelda II, I think I'd like to see a new shot at its style. I think Nintendo or Retro could produce something now that puts Zelda II to shame.
Or they could do what Nintendo did with Metroid.

Make a new game in the old style (Metroid Fusion) then release a remake of an old game with the new engine (Zero Mission) updated with all the crud sanded off. That way we get two of them.

Fat chance of either happening anytime soon, though. Zelda's established formula has a very cranky fanbase that does not like divergences too much.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Spark Of Spirit

It's looking more and more like the rumor is real.

Also, more Wii games like Wario Land Shake It and Skyward Sword (not listed as "HD") look like they're on the way as well.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


My assumption is that at the very least, the ice isle's dungeon became the mansion in TP. The dungeons probably were changed quite a bit between the time they were cut from WW and made for TP. I'm guessing that the original third dungeon for Jabun became the Lakebed Temple to fit the water theme. Not sure about the volcano island and the rumored temple they were going to do for the Triforce of Courage, if that ever even made it past the planning stage. Goron Mines? Arbiter's Grounds? Temple Of Time? I dunno.  :??:


Hopefully this is just an eShop remaster of the game, and that remaking games that are already nearly perfect and still playable on the Wii U won't distract them from making the new stuff.


Wind Waker HD wasn't really a remake, to be honest. It had more changes than, say, the Sly Cooper HD Collection, but it's basically the same game it always was with shinier graphics and a simpler final act. Twilight Princess HD will likely be the same, if not less altered. I don't even know if I'd consider OoT or MM 3D to be full-on remakes, either; they're more like high resolution texture packs than anything.

Also, I highly doubt they're going to have a main Nintendo studio working on TP HD if it does happen. WW HD was mostly made by HexaDrive, I believe (which, judging from the grotesque motion blur in Type-0 HD, might explain the horrendous amounts of bloom), and Zelda U is still in development. Another remaster isn't going to distract anyone.

Personally, I'd like to see them do an HD port of Skyward Sword with the motion controls removed...


If they are going to give Twilight Princess the same treatment as Wind Waker, they might as well release a Wii U collection that contains Ocarina of Time 3D, Majora's Mask 3D, Wind Waker HD, and Twilight Princess HD. At least then, something interesting could come out of it.

Quote from: Foggle on October 14, 2015, 08:10:09 PM

Personally, I'd like to see them do an HD port of Skyward Sword with the motion controls removed...

That won't happen. Skyward Sword was so concerned with being a showcase of motion controls instead of a good game, that ever facet of it is built around the controls. The enemies are built around it, the puzzles are built around it... even the story being about the Master Sword was basically used as an excuse to make the sword (and thus, the controls) the game's focal point..