The Legend of Zelda Series

Started by talonmalon333, May 27, 2011, 03:27:33 PM

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Spark Of Spirit

"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


The thing about the moon in MM is that, I'm not sure if it necessarily benefited from the lower polygons, but it hit the sweet spot of looking intimidating without looking cartoonish. Its eyes were a bit softer which were especially effective because, even when it was looking directly down toward you, it never seemed to be looking at you. Rather, it almost seemed to be looking past you. It seemed more soulless and evil.

In the remake it just looks silly. It's not as "soft" looking. Those expressive big bulging eyes and that exaggerated grin causes it to miss the same sweet spot. I am being honest when I say that, when I first saw the moon in the remake, my natural reaction was to laugh.


It's the same issue I have with the graphics in the Fatal Frame 2 Wii remake. They're technically better, but they also look a lot less creepy to my eyes.


I made this argument about OoT 3D years ago; those low-res N64 graphics did a lot more than you'd think in adding to the ambiance of the environment. Once you flatten and brighten everything up, it's just.....not the same.

Both remakes are very nice to look at, but the atmosphere is definitely lacking from the originals. It is what it is though.


Majora's Mask. Ikana Castle. On the roof. Want the piece of heart... are these Guay endless? I keep getting knocked off the roof and I'm about ready to whip my 3DS at the wall. I come up. Try to kill them all... and they seem to be respawning. What the actual hell.

EDIT: Stone mask doesn't seem to be solving the problem either. Does it not fool the birds? O_o


IIRC the Stone Mask worked on Guay's in the original.

Hmm.....maybe the remake took out some of the cheapness? I mean, you could really bypass a lot of the challenge in these scenarios with that mask.


Quote from: Kiddington on March 27, 2015, 11:39:42 AM
IIRC the Stone Mask worked on Guay's in the original.

Hmm.....maybe the remake took out some of the cheapness? I mean, you could really bypass a lot of the challenge in these scenarios with that mask.

Most of the things you could bypass with that were enemies that weren't trouble anyway, so I don't think it matters much.


The Stone Mask actually worked once I reset the game. I have no idea what the hell was happening before.

I'm finding Hyrule Warriors to be a "play one level per day" kind of game. Each level takes long enough that I've had my fill by the end of one. Kind of disappointed by the dlc costumes. I had no idea the polygon count of the costumes would be the same as they were in the game they originated from (well, not exactly, but close). I expected just the old designs in modern graphics. Ah well. I tried the first "evil" level and fucked it up about twenty minutes in when I beat a Bombchu inside a crucial base and it blew up. Along with the base. Derp.


Zelda Wii U delayed

Surprised none of you guys have any kind of hot take on this. I's not really that much of a surprise for anyone that's paid attention, though definitely disappointing.

Lot of gloom and doom talk for the Wii U resurfacing, although I don't see it that way quite yet. Nintendo's own bungling when it comes to supply and demand will do them in before anything like this does. At the very least, we'll be getting a (hopefully) more polished product out of it.


I mean, doesn't every mainline Zelda get delayed at some point? It's not too much of a surprise, honestly.
Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!


I distinctly remember E3 after E3 of Twilight Princess, but I can't remember if it kept getting delayed or they were just making slow progress. I'm also seeing people taking this news and the NX news and thinking that Nintendo are saving Zelda U for that, but I don't really think much of it. I'll be excited when it's out. Until then, I'll just keep my attention on the sea of other games around me.

Spark Of Spirit

That was obvious. Though now they have no big holiday game so I hope they have something lined up.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I'm very sure that Twilight Princess was delayed at least once, when Nintendo decided to port it over to the Wii.

I know that it seems weird that Nintendo may not have planned for it to come out on the system to begin with, but until recently, they have had a tendency to save one or two big games for the end of a system. But I think that's done for, now.
Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!


TP was delayed quite a few times. First it was 2004, then 2005, then early 2006, then late 2006... or something like that. From what I hear, they wanted to delay it again so they could boost the graphics in the Wii version, but they couldn't afford to do so.

Zelda is the game that will make me need to get a Wii U. There are games currently out that make me want one, and I will get them when I get the console, but they aren't making me get one the way that Zelda will. Hopefully the console will get a price drop before this game comes out.


Tier 1: OoT, MM
Tier 2: ALttP, LA, OoA, OoS, WW, TP, ALBW
Tier 3: LoZ, AoL, MC, SS
Tier 4: FS, FSA, ST
Tier 5: PH

Tier 1 consists of what I believe to be the absolute best the series has to offer. As we all know, the standards for Zelda are high, and these games top even that. The tier 2 games are masterpieces just a notch below tier 1, and a game of this quality in any other franchise could easily be called the best in said franchise (if that makes any sense). Tier 3 consists of the games that are good. None of them are particularly special, but when looked at as video games outside the standards of the series, they are fine. Tier 4 are the okay games. And the lone game in tier 5 is what I'd consider to be the single bad video game in the series. Like, I know you guys aren't fans of the DS Zelda style, and neither am I. But I would easily say that game is bad for reasons far beyond even beyond just the problems in its style, unlike its sequel which could have been fine if it were made with Wind Waker's style.