The Legend of Zelda Series

Started by talonmalon333, May 27, 2011, 03:27:33 PM

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It looks like the reaction this game has gotten is extremely mixed. And understandably so. So far, I feel like we haven't really discussed how we feel about it.

As for me, I can't say if I expect it to be good or not. It's definitely intriguing, and it can work out. I'm just not sure yet. I'm not sure Zelda can compete on the hack and slash field, and the fact that Dynasty Warriors is apparently rather shallow in comparison to others doesn't bode too well.

But, we shall see.

Spark Of Spirit

I like Dynasty Warriors games, so I'm interested.

In other news, I do wonder what the Zelda DLC for Sonic will look like. The Yoshi's Island one was surprisingly fun.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

If Nintendo would just so much as consult with someone who knows how to make good hack n' slash combat, like Itagaki, Kamiya, or Itsuno, and develop the game themselves, then it'd most likely be better than getting TecmoKoei to make yet another DW clone.

I'm not saying that the game has to have crazy deep combat like the games made by those developers. It can still be made very accessible to most gamers. It's just that they could use the experience and knowledge of one of those guys to craft above average combat with some degree of nuance to it for players who don't just want to button mash.

Spark Of Spirit

I got sucked into A Link Between Worlds. I got lost, I was exploring almost every inch of the map and using items in dungeons I probably shouldn't have been, and the game never sucked me into a funnel.

It might be the best Zelda game. The reviews and general fan reactions were right.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Spark Of Spirit

There is one dungeon you specifically have to do before another (the item is the only one you can't rent until then), but I don't really regret it because that dungeon was hard.

I don't really know what to say. This is Zelda done right in every way. There are certain items I miss, but as a whole, I don't have any complaints.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


So I finally broke into it two days ago, and, uh... yeah, this is great stuff. I've barely even scratched the surface, and I can still tell you everything we've come to know and love about Zelda is here.

What a game.

Spark Of Spirit

I'm quite eager to hear talon's impressions. Everything about this has blown me away as far as Zelda games go.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Spark Of Spirit

And I'm done. I'll try to avoid spoilers, but I'm going to say that it is one of the best Zelda games.

My only disappointment is as follows, and it's not plot-related so peek if you are worried about such trivial things as I am:

NO ROC'S FEATHER! It's been in every top down Zelda since Link's Awakening, how could they forget it!?

Otherwise, every dungeon is masterfully designed and allows you to choose your own path through them while allowing you to basically carry a full arsenal of items at any time because rupees are actually needed for many things in this game. But don't let that make you think that items in dungeons are history, because they're not- you will still find some quite helpful things in dungeons some of which I couldn't even figure out how to get.

The bosses are the best ever in a top down Zelda- no question. The dungeons as well are full of clever puzzles as is the over-world (neither of which are much like ALTTP other than the base design of Hyrule) that has plenty of secrets to find- I don't know what some critics were saying in saying there were no secrets, you have to look for them. The music is excellent including a remix of my favorite Zelda tune (the dark world over-world theme from ALTTP) and highly atmospheric and the sound effects as well are dead-on classic Zelda. Even the art-style, criticized as always, reminds me of the Zelda 1 art in a more modern style and fits the fast-paced action perfectly. Which means, yes, the gameplay is fast like all the classic 2D Zelda games are which melds well with how tightly everything is designed.

The game isn't overly long because there's no padding, but it probably won't take more than 20 hours to beat which is perfectly fine with me. It's tight enough to offer much replay value especially with the obvious unlockable at the end. No 45 minute to 3 hour intro sequence, no corridors to funnel you down, no wide-open spaces of field with nothing to interact with, just you with whatever items you choose exploring the world around you.

I don't know where it would rank after only one playthrough, but it has been the Zelda game I've wanted since Minish Cap, and is probably the best game in the series since Wind Waker or maybe even A Link to The Past.

All in all, if you're a Zelda fan- this is well worth your time. The Zelda team is back on track.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Definitely the best Zelda I've played in years, probably since Wind Waker or even Majora's Mask.

It's just that good.


So Zelda Informer, that website that I used to follow but no longer, is apparently in the middle of a tournament putting every Zelda game against each other. They are currently on the final match.

Majora's Mask is in the final match (figures, being that Zelda Informer is one of the sites that made it cool to like Majora's Mask in recent years)... against Skyward Sword...

Yes, Skyward Sword is in the final match.


Four Swords Anniversary Edition is free on 3DS for a few days. And A Link To The Past is on the Wii U shop.

About damn time... *grumble grumble*

Spark Of Spirit

ALBW is my 2013 GOTY.

I know I should have mentioned it earlier, but there you go.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Welcome back. We missed you.

...And I agree.  :joy:

Spark Of Spirit

Thanks, it's nice seeing you guys again.

Zelda is back to form.  O0
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 03, 2014, 03:48:04 PM
Thanks, it's nice seeing you guys again.

Zelda is back to form.  O0

Wait until the next console game is on-rails, and in a more literal sense than the last console game. :o