Gearbox Software (Borderlands, Brothers in Arms, Duke Nukem, etc.)

Started by Foggle, June 12, 2011, 08:43:57 PM

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Spark Of Spirit

I played through the beginning of Borderlands 2 at my friend's place in split screen. I picked the Assassin class since I always play ranged characters in action RPGs with guns (though his close-up attacks are a good bonus), played through the entirety of the first area and rather enjoyed myself. The game almost feels like the General Knoxx DLC spread into a full game which makes it all the better.

So as a whole, great game. I'm sill a bit burned out on the first game, but it seems they really improved everything here. My spending cash is currently locked into the Wii-U, but I'll still play it at my friend's place when we have the time. I do think that people who have never even played the original should absolutely try it, though.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Oh wow, the Wildlife Exploitation Preserve mission... :'( is all I'm gonna' say...


oh my fucking god Statuesque why Gearbox whyyyyy

Awful awful AWFUL escort mission that seems nearly impossible to solo. The sheer volume of Badass and armored enemies coupled with the low health of the robot you're escorting make it just downright cheap.

Seriously, I thought GBX were better than this.

EDIT: So apparently you can cheese this mission by... not escorting the robot you're supposed to escort. He'll get to the destination without taking damage if you just hang back at the starting point. Sometimes little glitches can be real life savers.


Opportunity is a real bastard in general. HUGE difficulty spike from Thousand Cuts. Should've done Lynchwood first, I think...


Okay, ignore my last post, you definitely want to do Opportunity before Lynchwood. I think the latter has been my favorite area in the game, so far. The Bane is amazing, as is the unique Hyperion gun you get from killing 100 bandits.


I'll have to keep that thing you said about the escort mission in mind when my friends and I get to it.

Working our way through the game as a team takes some time since we can only really play when we're all free. But we're getting there.

Saw Fink's Slaughterhouse but when I told them it was "like Moxxi's Underdome but harder" they didn't want to go in just yet. :blush:


Quote from: Eddy on September 28, 2012, 02:26:11 AM
I'll have to keep that thing you said about the escort mission in mind when my friends and I get to it.
That mission is balanced properly for co-op, you'll be fine. Especially if you have a Maya who can heal the robot you're escorting, or a Salvador who can tank the Super Badass Loaders. The problem is mostly that I'm playing single-player as Zer0, who from what I hear is the least viable character for solo play. :lol:

QuoteSaw Fink's Slaughterhouse but when I told them it was "like Moxxi's Underdome but harder" they didn't want to go in just yet. :blush:
Much like Statuesque, the slaughter arenas are only really balanced for co-op. They're not that bad in a group. ;)


Maybe I can talk them into doing the Slaughterhouse next time we play then! :thumbup:

I've been playing as Maya and have become the teams designated medic. My bullets regenerate health if in my teammates if I shoot them, we regenerate health when enemies are phaselocked, we regenerate health if an enemy dies while in phaselock, and I can instant revive my teammates with phaselock when they're in the "fight for your life" mode.


That's pretty much how I played Roland with my buddies in BL1. And how I'll play Maya with them once we get a chance to do co-op. :thumbup:


So the Merchomancer has got a LOT of MLP references in her skill tree. :blush:


Dr. Insomniac

Quote from: Foggle on October 08, 2012, 09:33:48 PM
Damn it Gearbox. I expected better from you. Far better. :srs:
Yeah, this is clearly racist, sexist, and homophobic propaganda.


Quote from: Dr. Insomniac on October 08, 2012, 09:34:11 PM
Yeah, this is clearly racist, sexist, and homophobic propaganda.
Yep, and I'm going to lynch them for it.

Seriously though, seven references in her skill set? That's going a bit overboard.


Eight, actually. There's one called "The Stare" which is another reference.

Some are debatable though, like Sharing is Caring which is a phrase that's been around for a long time. 20% Cooler, Evil Enchantress, Fancy Mathematics, The Stare, and Discord are references for sure, though.
