IGN's Top 100 Modern Video Games

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, June 24, 2011, 11:05:44 PM

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Aww, I'd have liked to see Twilight Princess rank a little higher. I don't keep up with IGN, so I don't know how well it or other Zelda games are received, however. That might be a surprisingly high ranking for them.
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I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!


Woo! Borderlands, Shadow Complex, Metroid Prime, Team Fortress, and StarCraft. Not bad at all!

I wonder what Desen will think of World of Goo being so high up on there, though. :SHOCK:

Spark Of Spirit

It's an acquired taste, so that doesn't bother me.

LIMBO does, though. Seriously, the game is good for one play, and then you'll never play it again. it's a $15 two hour game with no replay value whatsoever that barely even has any challenge or variety at all.

The game shouldn't even crack the top 100.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Yeah, a friend of mine and I beat Limbo in just over an hour back in college. It was a fun game to play through, but it has no incentive for replay value (unlike better puzzle games in that department like Portal), and I don't see how games like this can rank so high when games that offer so much more value for the amount they charge you don't even rank on this list at all.


I'm so sick of hearing about how great Limbo is.

I enjoyed Limbo for a while but, once you get past the visual style, it's really just a subpar platformer with nothing much to offer. I haven't even beaten it. I got as far as the factory but at that point I lose any interest in really continuing with the game. The charm of the presentation has worn off on me by this point (really, the forest was the best area in the game, and it was the first level). Certainly not worth the $15 price tag. And I really wanted to love Limbo.

Seeing Limbo get so much praise when we were given XBLA games that were so much better really made me get sick of hearing about how amazing Limbo was. It got far more praise than it deserved.

Spark Of Spirit

You're actually very close to the end of the game. Spoiler? The ending sucks, too.

I played it through a second time for the hidden stuff (that was easy to find), and it didn't hold up at all. That and Braid are the only 2 XBLA games I regret getting for full price, both completely style over substance and overhyped by the gaming media.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Haven't played Limbo or Braid since they don't really seem like games I would enjoy. I'd be far more inclined to try Braid than Limbo, though, especially if there was a Steam sale.

The only XBLA game I regret paying full price for is Comic Jumper. The shooting parts are overly difficult and tedious while the beat 'em up sections could be 100%ed by a blind five year old. Sure, it's extremely funny, but that's not really enough for me to overlook the mediocre gameplay and see it through to the end.


I actually loved Comic Jumper, but it was really the writing and characters that kept me going moreso than the gameplay.

I still say the best platformer (and best arcade game) of last year was Super Meat Boy. It was a tough as nails game, but it was always fair. If you died you had no one to blame but yourself. The replay value was also endless and it offered so much more content than Limbo. And the difficulty curve was perfect--starting off easy and gradually getting more and more difficult.

Really, it was one of my favorite platformers in years and my favorite game on XBLA. If Limbo makes the list and Super Meat Boy doesn't, I will have completely lost faith in IGN.

Not that I have much faith in IGN to begin with.

Rosalinas Spare Wand

Mario Kart Wii getting the shaft for the inferior DS version is a joke.

But awesome to see Lumines and Metroid Prime 3 on that list. The latter never seems to get as much credit as the first Prime, just because it isn't Super Metroid in 3D doesn't mean its inferior.

How in the world did Fifa and NBA 2k11 ever make this list though?


Quote from: Eddy on June 30, 2011, 11:23:49 PM
I actually loved Comic Jumper, but it was really the writing and characters that kept me going moreso than the gameplay.
Both the writing and characters were absolutely brilliant, I'll give it that much. Very charming game.

I love Super Meat Boy! The level editor just got released for the PC version; I'll need to check that out soon.

Spark Of Spirit

#1 is going to be Uncharted 2 and #2 is going to be Mass Effect 2. I'm calling it.

Super Mario Galaxy 2 should be #1, but I bet it doesn't crack the top 5. (Or they use the first game instead)
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Desensitized on July 01, 2011, 12:27:35 AM
Super Mario Galaxy 2 should be #1, but I bet it doesn't crack the top 5. (Or they use the first game instead)
I'd rather see New Super Mario Bros. Wii be #1, honestly.


I might in in the minority here, but I was actually really disappointed with New Super Mario Bros. Wii.

I actually expect Super Mario Galaxy 2 to place at #3. But Uncharted 2 and Mass Effect 2 taking the first two spots is going to happen for sure.


Aww, I loved it. Co-op was a blast!

Spark Of Spirit

I love it more than Super Mario World.

Quote from: Foggle on July 01, 2011, 12:30:13 AM
Quote from: Desensitized on July 01, 2011, 12:27:35 AM
Super Mario Galaxy 2 should be #1, but I bet it doesn't crack the top 5. (Or they use the first game instead)
I'd rather see New Super Mario Bros. Wii be #1, honestly.
IGN wrote an article pretty much questioning the entire game's existence and decrying anyone who would buy it. It's pretty much what finished me off on the site.

They'll probably use the sub-par DS one instead, if they rank it at all. Surely it can't have more value than those purty two hours of gameplay Limbo offered!
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton