Unpopular Opinions On Gaming

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, November 09, 2011, 11:23:42 PM

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Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 10, 2012, 02:54:41 PM
I must be the only person in the world who will find the controller tablet being able to be played off the TV a huge killer app, because I really love it.

In that regard, no, you're not the only one who loves that feature. So many gamers who don't need the feature just jump up at the opportunity to attack Nintendo's tablet controller as nothing more than a gimmick, because they assume the console is just designed with them in mind. A while ago there was an interesting interview with Itagaki about what he thought of the WiiU, and one thing he praised about it was the tablet controller, which he explained was a big deal from the perspective of a Japanese gamer, being that most Japanese homes only have 1 television and it creates a lot more convenience for gamers who would normally have to fight with their family to get any control over the TV. For someone like myself it may not always be necessary, but I still appreciate the feature all the same, especially since there are some instances in which I'm with my family and I want to play a game when someone else just wants to watch TV. Also, aside from that, the touch screen capability of the tablet controller creates a TON of a new potential control options for future games that you couldn't get with just a basic classic controller or even a Wii motion plus controller. Personally, I am excited for the WiiU, even though I won't be able to afford it until at least a full year or 2 after its launch.

Spark Of Spirit

Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on March 10, 2012, 03:01:47 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 10, 2012, 02:54:41 PM
I must be the only person in the world who will find the controller tablet being able to be played off the TV a huge killer app, because I really love it.

In that regard, no, you're not the only one who loves that feature. So many gamers who don't need the feature just jump up at the opportunity to attack Nintendo's tablet controller as nothing more than a gimmick, because they assume the console is just designed with them in mind. A while ago there was an interesting interview with Itagaki about what he thought of the WiiU, and one thing he praised about it was the tablet controller, which he explained was a big deal from the perspective of a Japanese gamer, being that most Japanese homes only have 1 television and it creates a lot more convenience for gamers who would normally have to fight with their family to get any control over the TV. For someone like myself it may not always be necessary, but I still appreciate the feature all the same, especially since there are some instances in which I'm with my family and I want to play a game when someone else just wants to watch TV. Also, aside from that, the touch screen capability of the tablet controller creates a TON of a new potential control options for future games that you couldn't get with just a basic classic controller or even a Wii motion plus controller. Personally, I am excited for the WiiU, even though I won't be able to afford it until at least a full year or 2 after its launch.
Yeah, it is brilliant in how it seems to address the Japanese audience's issues with game consoles and their love of portables. But also how the rising love of tablets in North America should easily give it a push here too.

The only negative about the system is that it is certainly going to be weaker than the next PlayStation or Xbox, but since it can run all the same engines as they will, they can get the games this time. And seeing as how I don't really care about graphics anymore, that's pretty much all it means to me. It will also be out at least a year earlier than the next Xbox and like two years before the next PlayStation, which gives it a bit more time to gather steam.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


The only things I don't like about the Wii U controller are that it seems to be using 3DS style circle pads instead of traditional joysticks, and that I'm not sure how multiplayer will work with the thing.

And the Anti-Nintendo bias is up there with the "Phones will replace handheld gaming" on the "BS people say that piss me off" list.


I dunno if I'm knocking the Wii U for having a tablet controller, but I wish that there would be an option for a more conventional type controller.  That was one thing I liked about the Wii, many games gave you the option of using the GameCube controller(especially for a game like Smash Bros., I can't imagine using the tablet for that).

But who knows, we don't really know anything about the system yet(and claims of the system being released "prematurely" are ridiculous, since Nintendo hasn't really set a solid window for launch).  Aren't we supposed to get more info at this years E3?  I thought Nintendo was planning a whole new re-reveal for the system.

And I prefer the original Classic Controller, not really a fan of the Pro.
It doesn't matter what you say, soon you'll be dead anyway.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I'm pretty sure that the WiiU does support the classic controller, though, or at least I remember hearing or reading about that somewhere. As for its launch, no specific date has been announced, but Nintendo did state that it would be launched by the Holiday season of this year. Perhaps they may push back its release date with an announcement at this year's E3, but they seemed pretty set on getting it out this year. I think they are trying to take advantage of not having any competition, being that both Microsoft and Sony seem to have no plans of launching new consoles of their own anytime soon.

Spark Of Spirit

Well, for what it's worth apparently the sticks are supposed to be improved from the 3DS circle pad which would work easier for a controller.

Quote from: Comeau on March 10, 2012, 03:12:07 PM
I dunno if I'm knocking the Wii U for having a tablet controller, but I wish that there would be an option for a more conventional type controller.  That was one thing I liked about the Wii, many games gave you the option of using the GameCube controller.
But the Wii-U tablet is literally a tablet in the middle of a traditional controller. It has two sticks, a d-pad, four face buttons and a pair of shoulder buttons on each side. It's like a modern Dreamcast controller, basically. Plus all the old Wii stuff will work on it like the old Gamecube stuff worked on the Wii.

So basically control-wise it has everything short of Kinect on the thing.

QuoteBut who knows, we don't really know anything about the system yet(and claims of the system being released "prematurely" are ridiculous, since Nintendo hasn't really set a solid window for launch).  Aren't we supposed to get more info at this years E3?  I thought Nintendo was planning a whole new re-reveal for the system.
We're supposed to be getting a big blowout at E3 since the system is out this fall. We might get teases before then like apparently it being able to run Unreal Engine 4 and such, but nothing big yet.

QuoteAnd I prefer the original Classic Controller, not really a fan of the Pro.
I can go either way on VC games, but on Wii games, I prefer the Pro for the easier to access shoulder buttons.

Like I can see being worried about it since we need a more indepth reveal, but it is Nintendo after all. They've never had a home console without an awesome controller, a good launch game or two to sell you on their new concepts, or something you haven't see before. What I wouldn't do for a launch as good as the SNES or Dreamcast, though.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I'd be lying if I said I was excited for the Wii U. I think the controller looks both uncomfortable and counterintuitive, and I'm pretty sure all the games that have been announced for it so far will also be available on 360/PS3/PC. Also, I'm not really a graphics whore, but releasing a console with Xbox 360-level hardware in late 2012 is a terrible idea.

I don't think the Wii U will be a bad console, but it hasn't impressed me yet. In fact, it's done quite the opposite.

Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 10, 2012, 03:23:59 PM
Well, for what it's worth apparently the sticks are supposed to be improved from the 3DS circle pad
I'd hope so. The circle pad is awful. Better than the PSP's utterly pathetic analog nub, though.

Spark Of Spirit

Really? I like the circle pad. It's really comfortable for a portable system. I really enjoyed it in SM3DL and MK7 especially.

But I don't see a problem with it getting PS360 games while it gets its own games. That way at least you're guaranteed not to have a drought like the Wii, PS3 or 360 had last gen. Plus it will easily be the most powerful console version of any of the games.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Ehh... I prefer d-pads and analog sticks. I didn't find the circle pad very comfortable when I was playing Revelations.

"Xbox 360-level" hardware is a bit unfair, I guess. It's probably somewhere between the PS3 and whatever the PS4 will be like. I'll probably reevaluate my opinion once I actually get a chance to try out the controller. And once it has some games I'm interested in.


Oh yeah, gaming journalism is a total joke these days. Back in the 90s there were more magazines, they were bigger, and had more perspective from multiple sources. They held themselves to a higher standard. Given that gaming magazines are quickly dying out, they don't do much now except hype the latest big releases. As for websites, their quality have been in serious decline for a while now. Especially the ones that let any schmuck with a lot of posts become a writer.

As for as how Nintendo is being treated, there a lot of bad blood there. Nintendo was pretty brazen about courting "casuals" and not caring about traditional game buyers. That worked for them for a while, but it eventually blew up in their face. Now, I don't buy into the idea that there's any real hardcore-casual war. Not at all. But Nintendo erred when it tried to appeal to people who just don't care very much about games. Remember their infamously horrible 2008 E3 conference?

Spark Of Spirit

Quote from: GaryPotter on March 10, 2012, 04:04:59 PM
Oh yeah, gaming journalism is a total joke these days. Back in the 90s there were more magazines, they were bigger, and had more perspective from multiple sources. They held themselves to a higher standard. Given that gaming magazines are quickly dying out, they don't do much now except hype the latest big releases. As for websites, their quality have been in serious decline for a while now. Especially the ones that let any schmuck with a lot of posts become a writer.

As for as how Nintendo is being treated, there a lot of bad blood there. Nintendo was pretty brazen about courting "casuals" and not caring about traditional game buyers. That worked for them for a while, but it eventually blew up in their face. Now, I don't buy into the idea that there's any real hardcore-casual war. Not at all. But Nintendo erred when it tried to appeal to people who just don't care very much about games. Remember their infamously horrible 2008 E3 conference?
Yeah, E3 2008 was probably one of my single worst gaming related memories. I won't deny Nintendo made some heavy mistakes with the Wii and 2008 was definitely a mistake, but I do feel they learned from it and improved in 2009. It was only E3 2010 when I felt like they really got it again, and that E3 is still one of my favorites. Short of a new StarTropics, it had pretty much everything I was looking for.  The 3DS was the same way. They stumbled out of the gate, but seized upon it and improved it. So while Nintendo tends to make mistakes, they tend to also learn and improve on them. This isn't something they used to do until Iwata took charge of the place.

But it's not like the gaming press is completely off the hook when it comes to Nintendo. IGN especially for that Nintendo podcast where they slammed Nintendo and insulted Nintendo fans and that anti-NSMBWii article where they basically derided the entire 2D platformer genre and anyone who enjoyed the games. Its stuff like that which lead me away from "game journalists", now I only look for screenshots and videos from them. Reading or listening to their opinions is a waste of time.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


PC gaming supremacy bugs me. If your preferred way of playing games is the PC, that's fine, but I can't stand the PC gamers that look down upon us lowly console players for not playing games "the way they were meant to be played". Look, I just prefer to play games with a controller and with consoles I don't need to worry about "oh, will my computer be able to run this?" Not to mention there are a lot games I like that just aren't available on the PC.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Yeah, that's something that has always ticked me off. I especially can't stand the types who believe that the PC is the "definitive" best way to play games. Playing the same game on a console automatically makes it inferior, according to them, just because it doesn't have the same level of graphics and you can't play it with a keyboard. I say fuck that. I like playing games on console's just fine, and the keyboard is definitely not the best control option for every kind of game out there (though, they are unquestionably more optimal for FPS and RTS games, but those are only 2 out of many genres of gaming).

I couldn't really care less about how technically advanced games on the PC are, either. Yoshi's Island is an old-school, 16-bit, 2D platformer, and I'd take that over the most technically efficient PC running something like Battlefield 3 or the like any day.

I'm not trying to insult PC gaming, and I'm not even saying that I dislike it, but the snobs who believe that its objectively superior gaming just based on better graphics and frame-rates really need to get off their high-horse and learn to just shut their traps. I'll play the types of games that I want to play the way that I want to play them. If I can ever get a good PC that will run games just fine, I'll get it, and I'll enjoy the great PC games out there that appeal to me, but that doesn't mean that I'm playing inferior games as long as I'm sticking with console gaming.


"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Spark Of Spirit

I have no problem with PC Gaming either, but I really loathe arrogance and PC gaming "elite" are some of the worst out there.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton