Unpopular Opinions On Gaming

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, November 09, 2011, 11:23:42 PM

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Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I was inspired to create this thread after seeing Avaitor's thread for unpopular opinions on animation. To be specific, this is not to be confused with the "things that bother you about gaming" thread, as that thread is for general gaming-related things that you don't like, but this one is more specifically for stuff that you know that you hold the minority opinion on.

Its alright to let loose and be honest with your opinions here, as its only just that, opinions.

Also, keep in mind that this isn't just contained to having negative opinions on popular stuff. You can also take this chance to explain why you feel that some stuff that everybody else hates is something that you personally enjoy and thing gets way more hate than it deserves. At any rate, I'll start, and in no particular order I'll just randomly list unpopular opinions of mine that would normally get me flamed:

-I have come to the conclusion that Mass Effect, the first one at least, is fucking overrated as hell. The graphics are great (for an RPG, at least) and the voice acting is great. That's about it. Everything else about this game was over-praised WAY too much. The characters are all pretty bland. Their all just archetypes that we've seen in other RPGs before, including BioWare's KOTOR games which I personally feel were MUCH superior to Mass Effect. The story is so boring and mostly uneventful that it pretty much puts me to sleep most of the time. My biggest issue was with the gameplay, though. Its so half-baked and downright boring. The shooting lacks any sort of kick or satisfaction, the enemy AI is garbage, the AI for your squad-mates is garbage, the side-missions are all just repetitive search and destroy missions with little variability to them and little pay-off/reward, and the abilities are boring to use and don't even feel necessary half of the time. Overall its just a bland game that got way too much praise. Keep in mind that before its release it was my most anticipated game in a while, as I was a huge fan of the KOTOR games and was hoping that this would be the spiritual successor to that. To me, it really wasn't.

-Team Fortress 2 is boring. There, I said it. To be fair I think that most online multiplayer-based games are kind of boring for me, but for all of the praise it gets, I never got what people found so engaging about Team Fortress 2. Maybe its one of those games that you absolutely NEED To play with friends that you know to enjoy, because just playing with random people online is no fun at all. Even when you and various other have voice-chat and try to work together, there is very little satisfaction to the gameplay, IMO. I don't care for the class system as being forced to stick to one class with one special ability isn't much fun, and whenever I tried playing it online I would usually just quit half-way in. I know it'll piss some people off, but personally I found Halo's regular team-based matchmaking to be a much more entertaining and cohesive team-based experience, even when I encountered some ass-holes online. And for the record, I DID try playing the game on the PC several times since my friend tried to get me into it a couple of years ago, so I'm not even referring to the XBOX360 version which I own as part of The Orange Box.

-Stories in most AAA game releases are extremely overrated and pretentious. Critics love to say how great the last Halo or Assassin's Creed story was, but really they are just a bunch of crap that any shit-for-brains nerd who was into fan-fiction could write-up. I HATE when people (especially game journalists) try to act like video games like these are on the levels of high-profile films, because they're not even close to that level. Stories in games can be quite good, and occasionally even great, and they are still evolving as the medium changes, but really for the most part they lack any sort of sophistication or drive to be compared to a great film, and ironically the ones that try to imitate such films are usually the weakest stories in games. The ones that embrace the fact that its a game and take advantage of the medium and, for lack of a better word, tell a more "gamey" sort of story usually end up being more interesting to follow and more amusing at the very least than something like Read Dead Redemption or Assassin's Creed in which the writers clearly believe that they are writing something worthy of an Oscar or some shit like that (though, to be fair, I think that the Academy Awards are shit to begin with, so maybe its a nice fit after all).

Now, as for an opinion in which I think more positively of something that everyone likes to rag on:

-I think that Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 gets WAY, WAY more hate than it deserves. Yeah, its light on content; yeah, its not incredibly balanced (but neither were the previous MVC games; and somehow I doubt half the people complaining about it are even skilled enough for balance issues to even matter that much); yeah, it doesn't have the best selection of characters in the series; yeah, Capcom is fully of greedy businessman who want to cut costs with as little content as possible for as much money as they can milk out of it. But you know what, I don't care about that too much when it comes to this particular game because you know what? I think its fun. I can have fun playing it with friends or against the computer and I can spend hours at a time just experimenting with different combinations of characters in my team. I feel that gamers these days are way too spoiled and many are just so big on whining and complaining that they just LOVE to focus on nit-picking the fuck out of a game over whether its actually fun to play or not. If a game has not much content but can still keep me playing it a lot and having fun with it, then at least its done its job of entertaining me, and that's what I get from this game. I'm also tired of people gushing about MK9 all the time in comparing its level of content to this game.

I respect MK9 for doing various things to push forward the fighting genre and for actually creating a game with a pretty awesome story and cramming its game full of content for fans. But personally I don't care for its combat system, I find the enemies to be annoying to fight in the story mode (and the bosses are downright cheap; a term which I hate to use but will use when I really feel that way about something), and I don't really feel that most of its extra modes are even that much fun. Now, that's just my opinion and like I said, I still respect the game for the obvious hard work and effort put into it. I just can't stand getting the "WTF?" reaction from people every-time I admit that personally I'd rather play the much less popular and much more hated MVC3. I mean, is it so wrong to like a game that most people find to be a popular title to complain about? For the record, I do agree with a number of the complaints that the game gets, but underneath all of that the game is still entertaining, IMO.

That's what I have for now, and I really only posted stuff pertaining to this generation of games, but I'll post a lot more stuff later on, including my unpopular feelings about some retro games.


For TF2, I think part of its popularity has to do with its artstyle and characters.

I agree with you on the AAA title story. I really couldn't care less about story in games like God of War or Call of Duty, or any other action game/FPS. If the story is good, then great, if its shit, then let me skip it. I do enjoy Halo's story though, mainly for the fact that its not afraid to  poke fun at itself from time to time. Its like it knows that its plot is as deep as a popcorn flick, and everyone involved with the game was just having fun with it. IF more games poked fun at their own stories, I'd  be more tolerable of their pretentiousness, which is why I don't mind Blazblue's story mode (SquareEnix, take notes).

As for your points on MVC3 and MK9: While I hate Capcom and MVC3's roster with a passion, even I can't deny it looks hella fun. And it definitely is from what little I've played of it.

I still haven't played MK9 yet, but would like to. A fighting game with a deep story mode isn't that new, since Melty Blood, Blazblue , and heck, even the first Dragonball Z Budokai game and the second Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm, did it first. Maybe MK9 does it better than those games or something, and it is the first mainstream fighter to have a rich story mode. And while extra modes are great, just give me a vs mode against AI, and a decent score attack mode, and I'll be playing it for hours.

As for my own unpopular opinions off the top of my head:

I'm not as miffed about the Operation Rainfall games like everyone else seems to be. People should just be grateful that they got realeased in an english speaking country at all. I wouldn't mind if they did come to america, but I'm not exactly holding grudges either.

Most of Sonic's cast is overhated, and is really no better or worse than the cast of any other kids game franchise.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I actually don't have a problem with Halo's story in terms of it being pretentious like other games or featuring an overly-convoluted narrative. I just find it to be highly overrated for all of the praise that it gets from critics. I mean the games have paper-thin characters and feature bare-boned plots. That's fine and I have no complaints about that, but I always dislike how fans and critics act like it has more depth to it than that. Sometimes fans have cited the novels and how it references those, but that's a load of shit because it doesn't matter what material the novels or comics have if that material isn't featured in the game. I don't read those and shouldn't be expected to. The quality of a game's story-line should only be evaluated based on what's in the actual game and the game alone. just adding in stuff in an expanded Universe of books and other media doesn't change jack-squat for the game's actual narrative.

But yeah, for what its worth I do like how the Halo games themselves at least don't get anally pretentious about their narratives like many other AAA titles tend to do. Assassin's Creed is one of the biggest offenders of doing that, IMO.


I agree on MVC3. There's a lot I don't like about it, but from what I've played of it, I think the game's still fun enough. It's hard to rag on a game too much where you can play as Deadpool. Also, I agree with you on most stories for AAA games.

I can't really think of any other opinions right now, though. Maybe after class, because I know they're there.
Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 09, 2011, 11:23:42 PM
-Stories in most AAA game releases are extremely overrated and pretentious. Critics love to say how great the last Halo or Assassin's Creed story was, but really they are just a bunch of crap that any shit-for-brains nerd who was into fan-fiction could write-up. I HATE when people (especially game journalists) try to act like video games like these are on the levels of high-profile films, because they're not even close to that level. Stories in games can be quite good, and occasionally even great, and they are still evolving as the medium changes, but really for the most part they lack any sort of sophistication or drive to be compared to a great film, and ironically the ones that try to imitate such films are usually the weakest stories in games. The ones that embrace the fact that its a game and take advantage of the medium and, for lack of a better word, tell a more "gamey" sort of story usually end up being more interesting to follow and more amusing at the very least than something like Read Dead Redemption or Assassin's Creed in which the writers clearly believe that they are writing something worthy of an Oscar or some shit like that (though, to be fair, I think that the Academy Awards are shit to begin with, so maybe its a nice fit after all).

Most people who know what they're talking about would agree with this, from my experience. It's just a shame that games, such as Metal Gear Solid 4, can't seem to realize that they'll never be as good at being films as well... films. :sly:

I'd like to bring Majora's Mask into this. As many know, I love this game. One of the reasons why is the story. Unlike all these film wannabees, it tells an incredible story in a way that only games can. It's told through the characters and the environment itself. There is a minimal use of cutscenes, but they aren't needed. I just wish other games could follow this example.

Spark Of Spirit

Prepare to hate me.

*Bionic Commando HD is better than the NES game. The NES game has control issues out the wazoo, has an awful upgrade system, terrible bosses, and relies on cheapness for difficulty. The ReArmed remake proved this further with me and is actually better because the bosses require actual thought to beat, yet the levels are still poorly designed. The HD version isn't exceptional (especially if you use the retro costume and ignore the dumb 'serious' story), but it has a lot of fun swinging and platforming sequences, interesting challenges and guns, and is actually quite the fun game. In the age of "AAA", it might be considered a "7" game, but last gen, everyone would have declared it a minor classic, I'm sure. Also, Rocking' Kats on the NES is a much better game than Bionic Commando NES especially in swinging and platforming.

*Super Mario Bros. 2 The Lost Levels is a bad game. It is not better than USA which has amazing level design and controls, as well as being one of the most unique and fun games on the NES; it is a cheap game that derives all difficulty from making players fumble with the controls and the game is the definition of unfun. USA destroys it in every way, and don't give me that crap about 'not a true Mario game'- it doesn't matter. USA is superior in every way to the Lost Levels which is easily the worst Mario platformer.

*Metroid Fusion might be the best Metroid game. Fans lambasted it for "linearity" when the thing is, every Metroid game is linear, the were only mad because Fusion didn't hide it. You can still sequence break the game, which makes the complaints even more silly. Also, unlike Super, the wall jump isn't garbage.

*Duke Nukem Forever is not bad game, and not deserving of its public execution by game journalists who give every COD game a perfect 10 despite them all being identical. At its worst it's a 6 and at its best it's an 8- it isn't consistent, but it is a legitimately fun game.

*Modern Warfare 1 remains the best movie shooter game this gen. Every shooter since has tried to ape it and paled in comparison because they don't try to better it; they try to copy it.

*Team Fortress 2 is the most boring multiplayer game I've ever played. I'd rather play Left 4 Dead 2.

*The only good stories in games are the ones where everything occurs while gameplay is happening. Note that I didn't say 'well written', I said 'good'. This is a game, you are supposed to be playing it. This isn't a movie.

*Mortal Kombat 9 is the best fighter this gen next to Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom which is far better balanced and has tons more content than MvC3.

*I... don't really like 3D Zelda all that much. Don't get me wrong, they were pleasant experiences, but they never feel as tight as a 2D Zelda. Wind Waker was close, barring the sailing and the stupid Triforce hunt, but I'm hoping Skyward Sword will finally do it for me.

*Double Dragon 2 NES is better than Double Dragon 2 arcade in every way. I don't even know why this opinion is unpopular. Other than graphics (which are debatable because I think the NES had a better art style for these games) the NES version is just BETTER. The arcade game is nothing but a reskin of the first game with tons of slowdown while the NES game has new level design, more content, more moves, and is longer. I still don't know why this is a minority opinion.

*Tiny Toon Adventures is probably the most consistent licensed game series. Not a bad game among them and a few are classics. Yet no one ever talks about them.

*I don't like Super Mario Sunshine. Sorry. I don't like the camera, I don't like the controls, I don't like the gimmick, I don't like the story (UGH), I don't like the levels, and the final boss is embarrassing. While I don't consider it bad like Lost Levels, I easily like it the least of any other Mario game except-

*Super Mario Land 2 is a bad game. The level design could have come from any other game series, the sprites are too big for the screen, the game is very choppy, and the entire package feels like a fan hack. It's just not a good game.

*Kirby's Dream Land 2 is not as good as Kirby's Dream Land 1. Here's why; there are almost no powers that are good, the animal buddies are shallow, the levels are really short, the bosses suck, and the entire package feels like a weak Kirby's Adventure clone. In contrast, Kirby's Dream Land 1 has pretty good level lengths, great atmosphere and music, well designed bosses, and a hard mode for after you beat the game. KDL2 gets way too much respect for being mediocre.

*I don't think Retro Studios are all that great. The Prime games are pretty good, but IMO, nothing all that grand; and DKCR has some fundamental issues that simply shouldn't be in a platformer. Yet people always tend to overlook these issues, like finding it strange that someone could enjoy Sonic Colors more than DKCR simply because of the names involved in both games. Sonic Colors doesn't have any stupid flaws like bad checkpointing, dumb control schemes, unplayable levels, or a lack of any real character. Don't get me wrong, it's a great game, but I don't like that people are willing to overlook one game's flaws and overrate another's simply because of who made them.

*The Sega Genesis is becoming underrated these days. Don't believe what Nintendrones are telling you, Sonic was on par with Mario, there are games that sold better on it, and it is the ONLY system war where there was no clear winner until it ended. The SNES might be the best system of all time, but the Genny was close. This shouldn't be an unpopular opinion these days, but look around and you'll see that it is.

*The Dreamcast was the best system last gen. It had the most unique game library, the best presentation and style by far, tons of arcade ports, and had the best quality to crap ratio of all the systems. The PS2 just had quantity with a few gems scattered around, it isn't as rich in content as the DC was.

*Sony can't build a brand worth a damn. Think you'll see Uncharted, Killzone, or Resistance next gen? History will tell you they won't. Why? I don't know, but Sonyfriends seem to think it's a genius move. Clearly the continuing success of Mario and Halo prove their stupid point, right?

*I'm not the biggest fan of the N64. I think it did a lot of damage to Nintendo and lost a lot of the straightforwardness of games. But because it looked "pretty", people were willing to forgive the fact that it had long droughts of quality games and most of the games were clunky and slow even for their time. Now, I think it's a decent system with some quality games, but after the build up from the NES and the SNES, it was a pretty big letdown to me and the Gamecube did little to pull me back. I think the Wii is a much better system that remembers why the NES and SNES were so good and builds on what they learned with the N64 and Gamecube leading to much better games.

*Portal 2 was okay. That's it. It was fun, but completely disposable. Sort of like the original, actually.

*Garou: Mark Of The Wolves is better than every single Street Fighter, Guilty Gear, BlazBlue, or KOF game. It is the best 2D fighter ever made.

*Ninja Five-O is the most underrated game ever made. The game should be a long-running series going up against the likes of Shinobi or Ninja Gaiden. That it's not is proof that Konami blows.

*The GBA(SP) has the best portable game library of all time. The DS has the variety, but it doesn't have the pure amount of quality content the GBA(SP) had.

*The single best part of the PS360 is their Live and PSN games. If it wasn't for those, the systems wouldn't be nearly as good.

*The Outrun, Mario Kart (CTR and DKR clones are good too), and Road Rash series are the only racing games that are awesome. Everything else is samey and boring.

*Tank controls are an abomination. Putting the camera behind the character in RE4 and Deadly Premonition is the only way I can play this genre. Would it have been hard to just use a shoulder button to "Hold aim"? Seriously annoying.

Wow, that's a lot. Sorry, i guess I just had a lot to get off my chest.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Feel like addressing your Mario points.

Quote from: Desensitized on November 10, 2011, 11:26:55 AM
*Super Mario Bros. 2 The Lost Levels is a bad game. It is not better than USA which has amazing level design and controls, as well as being one of the most unique and fun games on the NES; it is a cheap game that derives all difficulty from making players fumble with the controls and the game is the definition of unfun. USA destroys it in every way, and don't give me that crap about 'not a true Mario game'- it doesn't matter. USA is superior in every way to the Lost Levels which is easily the worst Mario platformer.

Absolutely. To me it feels like one of those fan hacks that just make the games overly difficult using cheap methods. However, I do still like it. And I think the worst Mario game is Sunshine. Speaking of...

Quote from: Desensitized on November 10, 2011, 11:26:55 AM
*I don't like Super Mario Sunshine. Sorry. I don't like the camera, I don't like the controls, I don't like the gimmick, I don't like the story (UGH), I don't like the levels, and the final boss is embarrassing. While I don't consider it bad like Lost Levels, I easily like it the least of any other Mario game except-

This is a common opinion. I actually like every Mario game, but I think this is the worst.

Quote from: Desensitized on November 10, 2011, 11:26:55 AM
*Super Mario Land 2 is a bad game. The level design could have come from any other game series, the sprites are too big for the screen, the game is very choppy, and the entire package feels like a fan hack. It's just not a good game.

FINALLY, someone agrees with me. I also found the levels to be really barren.

Spark Of Spirit

I'm a pretty big Mario fan, but honestly those games just don't do it for me. I still remember playing Lost Levels for the first time wondering why we didn't get his originally. Then I played through most of it and realized why. I'm glad they didn't release it as it probably would have damaged the series here.

I don't get the hate USA receives. It's legitimately awesome and one of the best games on the NES. Lost Levels is not even close.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote*Mortal Kombat 9 is the best fighter this gen next to Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom which is far better balanced and has tons more content than MvC3.

I wouldn't really call that an unpopular opinion. A lot of people would probably agree with you. I'd at least agree that it has way more effort put into it than MVC3 and is probably more deserving of its recognition (though I still find MK's combat system to be more style than substance). I agree that Tatsunoku Vs. Capcom is better without question, though, from the little that I've been able to play of that game.

Rosalinas Spare Wand

Black Ops would be a much better game if it was just an expanded version of zombie mode and not just another half-baked World War shooter. My brother plays the shit out of this game and the only time I ever felt remotely interested in it was the zombie mode, just because the cast is a bunch of ragtag cheesy stereotypes that are fully aware of how ridiculous they are.

Earthbound bored the shit out of me. Enough that I still haven't been inspired enough to finish Mother 3 just because it feels too similar.

I think Donkey Kong Country Returns is probably the best pure game this generation. I disagree with Desen about the game's flaws, not because its from Retro Studios, but because it felt to me like one of the more natural evolutions of 2D games. The rocket levels didn't feel clunky to me, they felt incredibly challenging and were used sparingly enough to not disrupt the flow of the game. The few times I had to slow down wasn't because the game forced me to, but because I wanted to plan the best route to go further. The fact that there's a Speed Run option in all levels prove that the game is still a pure platformer through and through.

GameStop isn't a horrible store. It just smells a bit weird, and the typical corporate stuff is to be expected of a specialized store. The only thing that bothers me about them is how they stick price stickers on both sides of the plastic cover. That shit sucks.

Modern day Collectors/Limited Editions are absolute balls. At least when it comes from western publishers. A shitty statue, a sample CD of tracks and some day 1 DLC is a total insult to people that want the real deal. I don't like Black Rock Shooter or Madoka Magica, but look at their games CE's. They come with an art book, a full soundtrack CD, a fully articulated action figure, a few misc. stuff like illustrated cards or tag, and a fuckhuge case to hold it all. Why can't we get that kind of treatment?

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I'll post a couple more unpopular opinions of mine, though I hope it doesn't piss Foggle off:

-PC shooters are overrated. Alright, now let me just say that I will never deny that they are in every way better than console shooters on a technical level. They can always support better graphics (though, usually only provided that you have a relatively high-end rig to run it on, which is often much more costly than a console), are much less likely to suffer from frame-rate issues, and the mouse and keyboard style of control undeniably allows for more precision. Personally, though, that barely makes a different for me in the experience of whether something is fun or not. I've tried playing games like Call of Duty and bits of Crisis and various other titles on the PC. To me, its certainly a great experience, but its not like its so much superior to the consoles that it makes experiencing the games on those obsolete. Obviously if you have the choice you should pick up the PC version as you can play online without any fees and less chance of lag, and it has many more little benefits, but when it comes down to actual gameplay I honestly don't feel that PC shooters make that much of a difference in being better than console shooters aside from looking better and having more precise aiming (and they can also support more players in multiplayer, but I personally don't give a shit about multiplayer to begin with). Maybe my experience with PC games is too limited, but if they were really that much better I'd be able to see the difference right away.

Don't get me wrong, I think PC gaming is a great thing and is no less great when it comes to shooters. I just can't stand how people gush all over its superiority to consoles when personally I don't find it to be that much better than experiencing a game on a console, even an FPS. Sure, the dual analogue stick control-scheme is less precise but you know what? It still works fine. The games will usually assist by giving you a little auto-aim or a little more leniency with accuracy, and I'm fine with that as it still balances out the overall experience and at the end of the day a great shooter is still a great shooter, whether its on a console or the PC. I guess I just can't stand the plethora of snobs out there who almost try to make it seem as if you're inferior if you stick with console shooters. Personally, I think that if you can't afford a high-end PC to play them on, you're still not missing out on too much.

-Oh, and I'll probably get flak for this from everyone, but I think that Halo: Reach has a better campaign mode than just about any other shooter that I've played this gen (including plenty of stuff from last-gen, as well). I like it better than Half-Life 2 and its episode sequels because even if it isn't as long it still doesn't ever get bogged down by boring segments which kind of dragged down the overall experience for me in Half-Life. It never gets as intense as something like Left 4 Dead 2 but personally I'd take fighting intelligent enemies that require strategy to defeat over mindless drones of zombies any-day (before  you get pissed at me, Desensitized, I still do think that L4D2 is a great game, so don't think that I'm trying to bash it here ;) ), It doesn't have nearly the high level of presentation as something like Battlefield or even Call of Duty, but I'd still take its open environments and more strategic-centered gameplay over the movie-shooter experiences of those games, personally. For the record I am only talking about the campaign mode, and I'm not including the multiplayer in the experience. I also believe this is an unpopular opinion because most people like Halo games only for their multiplayer (past the first one) and this one is no exception. If anything Halo: Reach for whatever reason actually got the least positive reception to its campaign mode out of the entire series (it even has lower opinions than ODST and Wars) and even journalists who gush about everything Halo criticized its campaign mode. Ironically I found it to be the best thing about the game by far, and really when you think about it that's a pretty unpopular opinion in regards to that game. Its short, sure, but its highly re-playable, and that has a lot to do with it being perfectly paced, giving you the freedom to play the game the way that you want to, and because it allows you to tweak the level of challenge in almost any way that you want to (I think the skulls are a brilliant idea, and they are used even better in this game than in Halo 3).

*Foggle: Before you get pissed at me keep in mind that I still think that F.E.A.R. is hands down the best FPS ever made, and I still say that its sequel is extremely underrated. :thumbup:

-Also still regarding Halo, I think that Halo 3 had better multiplayer than Halo 2, maps and everything. I think Halo 2 was great, but honestly I never got why people think its better. To me Halo 3 took everything great about the 2nd game's multiplayer, refined it, took its best maps and added it into its own set of great maps, and to me its mechanically the best multiplayer that the series has seen. I personally believe that people prefer 2 for reasons having more to do with nostalgia than it actually being a more refined multiplayer experience, because its not. Keep in mind, though, this is coming from someone who usually doesn't care about multiplayer and only casually plays the multiplayer in Halo games.

Spark Of Spirit

Oh yeah, I haven't been keeping up with it, but the new Kirby game is excellent. I played it at my friend's house with his nieces and its tons of fun, easily the best Kirby game since Super Star. I know people were raving about Epic Yarn and ignoring this one, but it really is fantastic and one of the best games this gen.

Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on November 10, 2011, 12:24:00 PM
I think Donkey Kong Country Returns is probably the best pure game this generation. I disagree with Desen about the game's flaws, not because its from Retro Studios, but because it felt to me like one of the more natural evolutions of 2D games. The rocket levels didn't feel clunky to me, they felt incredibly challenging and were used sparingly enough to not disrupt the flow of the game. The few times I had to slow down wasn't because the game forced me to, but because I wanted to plan the best route to go further. The fact that there's a Speed Run option in all levels prove that the game is still a pure platformer through and through.
Even the rocket barrel world? Honestly, I loved most of the game, but that one area of the game made me hate the freaking world. That said, I do agree that it's a great game and one of the best this gen.

Also my only hate at Gamestop is that the one we have here doesn't always get preorder bonuses despite the fact that they advertise that they do.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton



- This gen is fucking great. Each console - the big 3, the handhelds, and the PC - has tons of great exclusives. There are loads of excellent multiplatform games, as well. Sure, there are a few movie shooters out there as well as some worthless "artsy" shitfests like Heavy Rain, but really, there are still hundreds of fun games out there. I think people who hate on this gen are just looking at previous ones through rose-colored glasses, because they weren't any better at all.
- I love my gaming PC, but I detest PC gamers. So much. They hate EVERYTHING that isn't Planescape: Torment (which is definitely a masterpiece, but that's neither here nor there).
- Left 4 Dead 2 is terrible compared to the first one. The level design is godawful, the new characters are lame, and the DLC campaigns are easily some of the most worthless I've ever experienced. The Passing is absolutely the worst level in Valve history. Also, Killing Floor is far superior to L4D in general.
- Just Cause 2 and Saints Row 2 are better than ANY Grand Theft Auto.
- Street Fighter 2 is quite possibly the second most boring game I've ever played after Street Fighter 4.
- EA, Capcom, and UbiSoft are a lot worse than Activision.
- Pokemon is extremely boring.
- If Mirror Moon's translations are anything to go by, Nasu is by far one of the worst writers I've ever encountered (hey, visual novels are games, right?). He does have great ideas and stories to tell, however.
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution is every bit as good as the original.
- Comic Jumper is horrible in every conceivable way that doesn't involve writing or voice acting. The gameplay itself is just dire.
- Resident Evil 4 is better without motion controls.
- Ratchet: Deadlocked is an excellent game. Meanwhile, Quest For Booty is one of the worst on the PS3.
- Sonic Adventure 2 is goddamn great and has aged very well.
- Dead Space 2 is a lot scarier than the original.
- I love GameStop. Oh, and I work there.
- Goldeneye hasn't aged nearly as well as Doom, Quake, or Duke Nukem 3D.

Oh yeah, and to everyone talking shit about Team Fortress 2... it was far better before it went free-to-play. From 2007-2010 it was basically the greatest online multiplayer FPS ever made, but it got casualized and microtransactioned to shit after awhile.

Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 10, 2011, 12:48:05 PM
I'll post a couple more unpopular opinions of mine, though I hope it doesn't piss Foggle off:
Nah, dawg, we good. The only reason I prefer PC shooters to console shooters is because I can't aim with the dual-analog scheme to save my life. It's just too hard for me. I'd rather have terrible graphics on a shitty old PC and be able to actually play with auto-aim turned off on a difficulty above Easy than ever play a shooter on the Xbox (if I can help it). Remember, it wasn't until recently that I actually got a kickass gaming computer. I played F.E.A.R. on Minimum settings the first few times because my rig couldn't handle it and it looked like fucking Hexen... still instantly became my favorite FPS of all time. :thumbup:

Also, Halo Reach is a pretty kickass game from what I've played. I'm sure it's easily one of the better shooter campaigns this gen.

Spark Of Spirit

Halo Reach and the new GoldenEye, IMO, have the best campaigns in any shooter this gen. They were the only ones that instantly made me want to replay them as soon as I was done, which is my #1 rule of being a great video game. I'd say BioShock as well, but the last quarter of that game soured me on a replay for a while.

Oh yeah, here's the big one:

*Perfect Dark was better than GoldenEye when it came out, and it's still a great shooter now. The core gameplay still works, the missions and weapons are still fun, the story is awesome sci-fi cheese, the multiplayer is STILL great with more options than most games these days even without pointless leveling and the multiplayer maps are extremely well designed. The only two modern things it doesn't include are a hand holding option (oh no, I have to figure out objectives on my own!) and graphics. The XBLA version with the rock solid 60fps is still a treat to play now. I do find it ironic that the things people criticize this game for these days are the very things most shooters do WORSE than it nowadays, yet they love those. Hilarious.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton
