Unpopular Opinions On Gaming

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, November 09, 2011, 11:23:42 PM

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My favorites are the over the top, arcade style sport games. NBA Jam '99 for the Nintendo 64 is awesome!


Motion sensoring is an outdated gimmick that's un innovative and only popular because Nintendo slapped its name on it and called it new.

I don't care for 3DS at all and would rather play PSP's limited good games.

I don't care for either of Nintendo's platform but I do it without hating Nintendo at all.

A console having more power is much more important than having motion sensoring.

I don't think it's cool to hate Killzone and you'd have to be a fucking moron to think it's ripping off FEAR.

No game should have an easy mode. Normal mode should be balanced out instead.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Again, Mass Effect 1 is a shitty PS1 game but Bioware did the right thing by salvaging the series. The characters are definitely overrated though. On top of that, it's hard for them not to be with how fanboys gush all over epic scifi games.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Quote from: gunswordfist on November 12, 2011, 07:59:46 AM
I don't think it's cool to hate Killzone and you'd have to be a fucking moron to think it's ripping off FEAR.

The only similarities it has to F.E.A.R. are how the weapons and some of the stages look. One enemy type also appears to be ripped directly from Project Origin, but yeah, they're not really much alike...

That said, the first Killzone (the one on the PS2) is terrible while the others are fairly fun if unremarkable.

Spark Of Spirit

Oh yeah, here's a big one:

I honestly don't give a crap about graphics anymore. Yes, I know everyone who says that is "all talk" and "well you just have low standards", but the truth is, the last time I was wowed by graphics was last gen when they perfected 3D from the previous gen. I care (and have always cared) more about art style and original styles over grim and gritty browns and washed out greens don't do anything for me at all. IMO, Duke 3D already did this look back in the 90s, and other than being prettier, they don't offer anything new for the most part. That said, some art styles still impress me (Mirror's Edge and Galaxy being two), but honestly I rarely even notice or care about graphics quality anymore.

And I don't see next gen being all that impressive graphic-wise, either. We've hit a ceiling now.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Admittedly, I do care about graphics. HOWEVER, how good they are technically doesn't matter at all cause most new games look dull. As you just mentioned, it's more about art style. I just find that the art style is part of what captivates me, what draws me into the game. But again, how good they are technically is nothing. For example, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is timeless looking and one of the best looking games if you ask me.

... Speaking of which, since posting it here I've made an update to my list. Replaced F-Zero X with Thousand-Year Door. I actually wanted it there before, but I didn't want to crowd my top ten with too much Mario... Eventually, however, I decided "Screw it, if it's good enough it's on my list". :P

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I've pretty much always been the same way. As long as the graphics aren't somehow so terrible that they actually get down to the level of interfering with the gameplay (like stuff looking too dark or not giving you good enough in-game depth perception), then I couldn't care less whether they are on the level of an early PS1/N64 era game or if they or on the standards of Uncharted. Art design is far more important to me in terms of how a game looks, and if its environments are interesting and make its level design feel more intuitive, then that means a whole lot more to me then how many actual polygons it can push.


The worst is when the graphics in games take away from the experience. I mean, even NES games didn't do that. But there are some games where the graphics are just SO unappealing, just lacking texture or displaying the ugliest colors.

Spark Of Spirit

I'm finding I think DKC1 is my least favorite DKC game. Over the last few months I tended to replay them on my GBA and while I enjoy the game, DKC3 has been really steadily growing on me and I think I severely underestimated its quality. I would probably rate them like this:

Donkey Kong Country 2
Donkey Kong Country Returns (niggles aside, it's great)
Donkey Kong Country 3
Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Land (the only Land that is fully original)

Again, I really like them all, but I think the series got way better in later installments.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Unless the GBA version (which I haven't played) has substantial changes to the level design, DKC3 bored the hell out of me. I got half-way through it and quit, and I tried to get back into it after you said it was good, but I don't really get it. I don't see what makes it so special. I guess its more creative than DKC1, but none of its gimmick levels were all that much fun or re-playable for me aside from a few. By contrast DKC1 is much more simplistic compared to the sequels, but in that regard its also more consistent and I think I had more fun with it than DKC3. I do think DKC2 is the best of the trilogy, though. It has the perfect combination of simplistic yet consistent gameplay design while also having the best gimmick levels of the series, IMO.


I'm not really a fan of the first DK Land, it's too clunky and the the characters, especially DK, are kind of hard to control.  I greatly prefer the other two Lands, even if they are just portable adaptions of DKC2 and DKC3.
It doesn't matter what you say, soon you'll be dead anyway.

Spark Of Spirit

See? Unpopular.  ;)

I also greatly enjoy 64 and Brawl to Melee which also seems like a minority opinion.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Same here.

I'm not sure if this would be considered unpopular or not, but I honestly find the graphics in "cartoony" games like Blazblue, Sonic Unleashed, and Super Mario Galaxy to be far more stunning and beautiful than any "realistic" looking game.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I've seen pretty mixed opinions on that myself, but I'm sure it could be considered unpopular if you apply it more to the huge gaming community for the online multiplayer-based shooters like Halo, CoD, Battlefield, Gears of War, etc., and so on.

While I do appreciate the high-level of graphics and attention to detail in something like Uncharted, and respect the effort that goes into making those games, to me it'll never look as appealing or beautiful as something like Super Mario Galaxy or Sonic Generations. Those games have really colorful worlds with amazing art-design and in their own ways they also have an insanely high level of detail. I certainly find something like Sonic Colors far more appealing to look at than something like God of War, but maybe that's just me.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

-While I haven't played a whole lot of it, I think that Splatterhouse was way too unfairly bashed by the critics. I think its a pretty fun game with excellent voice-acting and a suitable story to fit its tone.

-I don't think that the camera in the Ninja Gaiden games are that bad at all. Aside from some admittedly frustrating and annoying instances, a majority of the time they follow the player just fine as long as they aren't randomly jumping around everywhere. I also don't think that Ninja Gaiden II was that cheap or poorly designed, even though it had some of those instances. Call me obnoxious if you want, but I do believe a lot of critics and other players who say such things just suck at the game and don't care to figure out the right way to approach a tough challenge. It does have its cheap moments, no doubt, but unless you're playing it on Master Ninja mode, they are pretty few and far in-between in the grand scheme of things.