Unpopular Opinions On Gaming

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, November 09, 2011, 11:23:42 PM

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Rosalinas Spare Wand

Quote from: Desensitized on November 16, 2011, 03:07:18 PM
I know the fanbase hates Bowser Jr., but since he is one of my mains in one of my favorite games*, I can't help but have a soft spot for the little guy.

*Toad & Bowser Jr team in Double Dash is unstoppable.

Nah I totally agree. His debut was horrible but he's a fun as fuck character in the spin-offs and he's always got something new to use in the main Mario games. Way better than the Koopalings, and definitely less deserving of the same hate that Waluigi and Toadette get.

Fuck Toad though. He's such an asshole about his god tier Kart skill.


Okay, here we go.

- I hate Banjo-Tooie and find the original Banjo-Kazooie better in every conceivable way. Tooie was a mess and the levels were too large to the point where it felt like they were making them huge just because they could. They also bogged the game down with stupid minigames. Banjo-Kazooie was the perfect 3D platformer, they fucked it all up when they made Tooie.

- While we're at it, Banjo-Kazooie > Super Mario 64. (And I like SM64)

- Resident Evil (Remake) is my favorite Resident Evil game. RE4 is a great game but nothing will be able to top REmake to me.

- I actually enjoyed Resident Evil 5. I had a lot of fun playing it on co-op.

- New Super Mario Bros. (both DS and Wii) did nothing for me. I found them boring and uninspired.

- Brawl is better than Melee.

- Zack & Wiki is overrated as shit. It isn't a Wii gem that didn't get the recognition it deserved, it was a point and click game that relied way too much on trial and error and just wasn't fun.

- Sonic CD is overrated too. When I got Sonic Gems Collection I was all excited to play what Sonic fans claim is THE BEST SONIC GAME EVER and I just found it to be extremely mediocre. The time travel aspect was more annoying than anything. Give me Sonic 2 or Sonic 3 & Knuckles any day.

- I like the Darkwing Duck NES game more than Mega Man 4-6.

- I loved Heavy Rain. Haters gonna hate.

- I thought Luigi's Mansion was a really fun game.

- I liked Star Fox Adventures. I know it wasn't a real Star Fox game but I had a lot of fun with it.

- I like Chuck Greene more than Frank West.

- Medal of Honor, Call of Duty, and Battlefield do nothing for me. They all look the same. Boring, brown textured, generic war shooters. I like plenty of FPS games but I don't understand why so many people shit themselves when one of these comes out.

- Sports game suck. Unless they're arcadey or have Mario they suck.

- I don't see the appeal of realistic racing games. I find them boring.

- Dead Space 2 was scarier than Dead Space 1.

- Even though the story wasn't as good, I though BioShock 2 was a great game.

That's all for now! I'm sure I can think of some more later.


It's late, so I don't have a ton of these right now... but anyway, here's a few;

-I like Yoshi's Story. Now, yes, as a sequel to Yoshi's Island, it's totally inferior, and there are times when it can seem embarrassingly childish... but infancy be damned, I like this game. Call it nostalgia, call it what you will; as head-slappingly easy as it is, I still have fun with it.

-Diddy Kong Racing is a thousand times better than Mario Kart 64. Hell, to this day, it's still one of the finest racing games I've ever played.

-Zelda DS games are terrible. I hate 'em both; Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks just bore the absolute shit out of me. I cannot believe this is the be-all, end-all direction they've taken handheld Zelda, but it's a sorry sight indeed, and I long for the days of the Oracle titles.

-I don't like Halo. Not a bit. I'd say a good chunk of that dislike comes from my overall indifference towards the FPS genre, but I simply do not like these games, and I've never understood why people hold these titles atop such a pedestal as they do. I'm sorry, but I just find them all to be very boring, and, dare I say it, a tad overrated.

-I like Sonic 3D Blast. I know everyone else hates it, and I see it frequently called out as one of the worst Sonic games ever, but I like it. It's fun... you know, in it's own quirky, time-consuming way. Oh, and uh, yeah, I should also mention; the music is fucking awesome.

-Wario World is wayyyyyyyyyy too short, but it's still a damn fun game. I don't know why people hate this one so much.

So yeah, that's it for now. More to come later... perhaps.


The original GBA design is miles better than the SP redesign; if they had kept that one and added the back light to it it would have been perfect.  Likewise, the GBA Micro is a better design than the SP, however I don't really like it's lack of GB/GBC compatibility.

I also like the GB Pocket over the GB Color.
It doesn't matter what you say, soon you'll be dead anyway.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Kiddington on November 17, 2011, 03:47:55 AM
-I don't like Halo. Not a bit. I'd say a good chunk of that dislike comes from my overall indifference towards the FPS genre, but I simply do not like these games, and I've never understood why people hold these titles atop such a pedestal as they do. I'm sorry, but I just find them all to be very boring, and, dare I say it, a tad overrated.

Actually, that opinion may not be too unpopular these days. There are a lot of people who hate Halo. I think it has a pretty equivalent mix of both fans and haters these days, rather than too many of one-side.

As for me, I never saw what people found so great about the campaign modes of Halo 2 and 3. I discovered that Halo 2 was not only the most popular in terms of multiplayer, but also the most popular in terms of its campaign mode. I don't get it. Personally I thought it had the worst campaign mode in the series by far.

In terms of how I feel about the series, I do agree that on the whole its pretty overrated, mostly in terms of its multiplayer, though, which I think is merely OK, but then again that's saying a lot coming from me since I don't care much for multiplayer in general.

In terms of its campaign mode, I actually feel that Reach (the most recent Halo game) is a tad bit underrated, as unlike most FPS games that I've played this generation I actually found this one to be genuinely fun and have high replay value. I also like playing the Halo games on Heroic and Legendary because it offers up a fun challenge, and I love any games with intelligent enemy AI.

That said, I can understand why you would find it boring. Truthfully, aside from the first game and Reach, I do find the rest of the series kind of bland on the whole, looking back on it. Not really bad, but just kind of dull compared to other stuff that I could be playing.

As for yet another unpopular opinion of mine:

-I think that Kratos is one of the worst video game characters ever created. I don't see why people think he's awesome. Just being a douche doesn't make someone a bad-ass. Just acting mean, talking in a grizzly voice, and attempting to give off a dark and brooding presence doesn't make a character deep or interesting. In truth Kratos is one of the most unlikable characters that I have ever seen in any form of fiction, yet so many gamers and game critics praise him as some great character and treat The God of War stories as if they are on the level of classic Greek myths. I think the stories in the GoW games are extremely amateurishly written, and I feel that if they didn't have the smoke and mirrors trick of wowing most people with epic scale and stuff like that all of the time, then most people wouldn't be distracted by how little substance the story and characters of that series have. Really, its fine if someone likes the games for the gameplay, and while its not my cup of tea I'm sure its simplistic approach works for a lot of people. However I just can't stand it when people try to make the series out to be more than it is. Its basically just a mindless hack n' slash action game, with a poorly written story that just has high production values. There's nothing wrong with that, but I'm sick of people acting like it does so much more than other action games when it really doesn't. To be honest, there's very little separating it from something like Splatterhouse, in my eyes, aside from production values, though even Splatterhouse at least has a more likable main character.

Spark Of Spirit

I love my GBA SP, but I do agree with Chalmy that the original would be superior if it had the back-light. As it is, I love the SP (just had my battery replaced- lasted over 10 years!) especially for GB/GBC games, but the original design was almost perfect.

It's also the only redesigned console I've ever purchased and traded in the old one, the lack of back-light was that bad.

I probably won't be getting a 3DS redesign either. I have a great battery that adds good weight, and have no desire for dual stick games on a handheld. They've already overtaken console gaming, I don't need my handhelds tainted by them either.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Kiddington on November 17, 2011, 03:47:55 AMOh, and uh, yeah, I should also mention; the music is fucking awesome.

As a hater of that game myself, I can agree with this point 100%.


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 17, 2011, 12:05:59 PM
-I think that Kratos is one of the worst video game characters ever created. I don't see why people think he's awesome. Just being a douche doesn't make someone a bad-ass. Just acting mean, talking in a grizzly voice, and attempting to give off a dark and brooding presence doesn't make a character deep or interesting. In truth Kratos is one of the most unlikable characters that I have ever seen in any form of fiction, yet so many gamers and game critics praise him as some great character and treat The God of War stories as if they are on the level of classic Greek myths. I think the stories in the GoW games are extremely amateurishly written, and I feel that if they didn't have the smoke and mirrors trick of wowing most people with epic scale and stuff like that all of the time, then most people wouldn't be distracted by how little substance the story and characters of that series have. Really, its fine if someone likes the games for the gameplay, and while its not my cup of tea I'm sure its simplistic approach works for a lot of people. However I just can't stand it when people try to make the series out to be more than it is. Its basically just a mindless hack n' slash action game, with a poorly written story that just has high production values. There's nothing wrong with that, but I'm sick of people acting like it does so much more than other action games when it really doesn't. To be honest, there's very little separating it from something like Splatterhouse, in my eyes, aside from production values, though even Splatterhouse at least has a more likable main character.

Agreed 100%

And now for another one of my unpopular opinions:

- I think more FPS' should have melee weapons. One of the reasons I prefer Halo to most other FPS' is because it actually has melee weapons like the Energy Sword and the like. I know it goes against the whole point of a First Person Shooter, but personally, I always feel more comfortable using a close range weapon to take out enemies in those games.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I do really like weapons like the Energy Sword and the Gravity Hammer. Stuff like that actually makes fighting The Flood fun in the sequels. If you're stuck with a standard weapon like the assault rifle or something that's not too powerful as close-range like the Shotgun, then fighting that enemy type can be such a pain since they always close in on you to take you out at close range. Plus, melee weapons that instant-kill are always a blast to use. ;D

Here's another personal opinion I have on gaming:

-I prefer more focused progression in games than games with huge open sandbox environments. That isn't to say that I necessarily prefer games being completely linear, in the sense of a movie-shooter. Its more like I prefer games that have a linear "focus" in terms of the main objectives that you need to complete the game rather than just throwing a bunch of stuff at you and having you go do any random thing without having any clear sense of what to really do. I love exploration, but not in the sense of mindlessly exploring for the next objective and aimlessly wandering around, but rather solving puzzles and gaing items to backtrack and access other areas that you couldn't before, very much like in a Zelda or Metroid game.

I also like when levels have alternate routes strewn about them and tons of hidden secrets, very much like classic 2D Sonic and Mario games. What I can't get into is most open world games such as GTA and the like, though I can understand the appeal they have for people. However RPGs like Oblivion and Fallout bore me to sleep since their entire appeal revolves around their sheer sense of scale. Without that the actual gameplay is rather boring and the world's themselves are quite bland, IMO. I spent over 20 hours in Oblivion but in that whole time I was just wondering when I'd get to the good part until I realized that I had essentially seen all that the game had to offer me on a level of gameplay depth, and with Fallout 3 I spent just over an hour playing it before realizing that it was pretty much the same deal as Oblivion. Its fine that people like those games, and I don't mean to sound disrespectful since I do know that a lot of hard work goes into them, but personally I'll never be able to get the appeal of games like that when it comes to actually being fun to play through.

In terms of FPS games, I like the level designs of games like DOOM, BioShock, and Halo: Combat Evolved/Reach. With the first 2 of those there is a good amount of room for exploration, but you're main objective is still simple and focused and for that, those game's are very well paced. With the latter, while its not really as exploration-heavy and is more linearly focused with its level design, the environments in those games are big and open enough to allow for lots of varied tactics against intelligent enemies, and there are a lot of alternate strategies that you can experiment with in different challenging situations. Conversely, with a game more along the lines of Far Cry 2 or Fallout 3, you do have some really big sandbox environments with impressive scales, but the mechanics feel less tight and eventually I grow tired of killing the same redundant enemies. I mean, sure, they look different, but they all act like mindless drones and I feel no satisfaction or reward in taking them out, personally. I'm not saying that those games are bad, but they just aren't my cup of tea. Personally, I think that linear games benefit from being more focused, and thus having stronger pacing that open world games, which to me is more fun than wandering around aimlessly.


Morrowind and Skyrim are far more exciting than Oblivion and the FPS Fallouts. You should try playing Skyrim sometime, I think you might like it; the world is a lot more carefully crafted than previous Bethesda games while the gameplay itself is quite solid and refined.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Well, one of my friends back at home (I'm in college right now, but I still keep in touch with some of my old high school friends) messaged me on XBL saying how addicting the game was for him and warning me not to get it until Winter break started. Perhaps I can get him to let me borrow it for a little while during break, and I'll try it for myself to see if I can get into it. I think may main problem with Oblivion was the dull combat mechanics. I don't expect something as sophisticated as Ninja Gaiden, but even on its own terms the combat felt slow and clunky and the magic lacked any sense of impact. Have they improved that in Skyrim? Because if they at least addressed that much, it can be entertaining to fight some enemies for a while, at least, especially when it comes to the actual dragon battles.


The melee combat is a little bit better. Magic attacks, archery, and stealth kills are miles ahead of past games.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Heh, One thing I actually liked about Oblivion was how when it came to archery, you could re-use your bows once you picked them off of the dead bodies of your enemies. That at least saved you the trouble of having to run out of ammo.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

-Little Big Planet is "meh." Not bad, mind you, but I don't consider it great, either. Its not really that much fun for me, but I can't really find it in myself to hate on it either for some reason, so really its just kind of there, to me. I don't think its as great as everyone else does, though.

-Assassin's Creed (the first one, as I haven't even touched any of the sequels) is the most boring game that I have played, this gen.


-Assassin's Creed (the first one, as I haven't even touched any of the sequels) is "meh." Not bad, mind you, but I don't consider it great, either. Its not really that much fun for me, but I can't really find it in myself to hate on it either for some reason, so really its just kind of there, to me. I don't think its as great as everyone else does, though.

-Little Big Planet is the most boring game that I have played, this gen.
