Unpopular Opinions On Gaming

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, November 09, 2011, 11:23:42 PM

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Spark Of Spirit

Maybe I might have enjoyed it more if it cost that much. Instead of the ten dollar price Nicalis stuck to it, it definitely didn't feel like I got enough value out of it.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Yeah, I don't think I would have enjoyed it as much for $10, either. :( It's a good game, but the only truly amazing part is the music, IMO.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I think that when it comes to level design, classic 2D Sonic is my most ideal type of platformer. It doesn't punish you with death for missing a tricky jump (well, at least not most of the time), but instead you just end up taking a lower level path that end up being longer than the harder ones to get to, whereas getting your timing right and making it through harder paths rewards you with faster level times (most of the time) and better power-ups to be found on the way and such.

Of course, I don't mind tough platformers that do punish you with death if you screw up, as I am a fan of classic 2D Ninja Gaiden games after all (minus the birds), but those have to be handled with utmost care or can easily risk screwing up the line between being highly challenging and fun or frustratingly difficult and cheap (even NG games themselves usually cross that line by the last level in each respective game, but at least the core experience up until that point is solid, IMO).

Also, I like it when platformers have lots of interesting obstacles one after another that force you to constantly utilize different skills to progress. I hate long stretches of repetitive types of jumps and what I hate even more than that is long stretches of almost nothing, where it show that the developer clearly got lazy. Yoshi Story on the N64 was guilty of doing stuff like that at least sometimes, from what I remember, and I believe that DK64 is a lot like that from what I've heard about the game.


The actual levels in Vx6 don't have any dead areas, but the (pointless) overworld is filled with them. So when you're spending time playing the game rather than exploring the map, there aren't any boring parts. ;)

Spark Of Spirit

Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on February 01, 2012, 06:56:07 PM
I think that when it comes to level design, classic 2D Sonic is my most ideal type of platformer. It doesn't punish you with death for missing a tricky jump (well, at least not most of the time), but instead you just end up taking a lower level path that end up being longer than the harder ones to get to, whereas getting your timing right and making it through harder paths rewards you with faster level times (most of the time) and better power-ups to be found on the way and such.

Of course, I don't mind tough platformers that do punish you with death if you screw up, as I am a fan of classic 2D Ninja Gaiden games after all (minus the birds), but those have to be handled with utmost care or can easily risk screwing up the line between being highly challenging and fun or frustratingly difficult and cheap (even NG games themselves usually cross that line by the last level in each respective game, but at least the core experience up until that point is solid, IMO).

Also, I like it when platformers have lots of interesting obstacles one after another that force you to constantly utilize different skills to progress. I hate long stretches of repetitive types of jumps and what I hate even more than that is long stretches of almost nothing, where it show that the developer clearly got lazy. Yoshi Story on the N64 was guilty of doing stuff like that at least sometimes, from what I remember, and I believe that DK64 is a lot like that from what I've heard about the game.
Yeah, classic Sonic style is my favorite too, with the multiple levels and all, it gives you a lot of options when playing it. But I do have appreciation for Mega Man and Ninja Gaiden style "Here's your path now use what you have to get through" platforming. I think my issue is that we don't have enough of those. Most platformers rely on puzzles and one hit deaths, or without any sort of weapons/skills for challenge. While I enjoy classic games like Pitfall, Super Mario Bros is what made the genre into pure fun. All these new platformers going to pre-SMB style is just a drag as its just plain not as fun as what came later.

Like, where are my DuckTales or Rescue Rangers rip offs? I don't need another quirky character running through meme-filled levels that dies with a slight breeze touching him, it got old with Braid.

I want more games in the style of what made platformers great, not in the style that made them tedious.

Quote from: Foggle on February 01, 2012, 07:15:04 PM
The actual levels in Vx6 don't have any dead areas, but the (pointless) overworld is filled with them. So when you're spending time playing the game rather than exploring the map, there aren't any boring parts. ;)
They should have just taken the over-world out. It's totally pointless and dull to explore.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Spark Of Spirit

To shift the focus a bit, I actually like the Maximo games more than the GnG series. And this from the guy that usually enjoys 2D stuff over 3D.

Maximo has simple point A to B levels, but manages to be hard without relying on bad controls (I HATE fixed jumps like those in GnG and Castlevania) and poor enemy placement to be difficult. The music and art style is just as fresh, and the game is one of the few 3D platformers that is legitimately hard but not too unfair about it. Some people complain about the camera, but I never had a problem with it once, and I'm the first to complain about such things.

Really, put these babies on the 3DS with spruced up graphics and give this series a real shot to succeed.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I think my ideal 2D platforming series is Donkey Kong Country. DKC and DKC2 are just masterpieces of level design, and while not nearly on the same level, DKC3 is a good game, too. And then DKCR came along and totally blew me away. They feel more polished to me than Mario and Sonic and the others.


I played so little of DK 1 and 2 (none of 3) so I can't comment besides saying I liked what I played. I really want to get back into DKC2.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Rosalinas Spare Wand

I fucking hate online play in fighting games.

Endless latency issues, rage-quitters, god-awful connections even at their peaks, and worst of all, not being able to see your opponent right next to you desperately trying to read your moves. Yeah this is mostly my nostalgia talking, but the completely isolated feel of matches really takes you out of those moments.

Spark Of Spirit

Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on February 01, 2012, 10:00:47 PM
I fucking hate online play in fighting games.

Endless latency issues, rage-quitters, god-awful connections even at their peaks, and worst of all, not being able to see your opponent right next to you desperately trying to read your moves. Yeah this is mostly my nostalgia talking, but the completely isolated feel of matches really takes you out of those moments.
I have yet to play an online fighter where my moves do not come out a half second after I pushed the button, usually costing me the match because I can't do anything.

Not fun.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


My internet sucks in the first place so online fighting games are out of the question, even do I did like trying to one online King Of Fighters demo. I am forever appreciative of online demos.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Contra Hard Corps is way better than Gunstar Heroes. I cannot get over people calling GSH the best Genesis shoot em up and not Hard Corps.

Games should only be considered too long if they have too many boring parts. Game length shouldn't be based on the average length of other games. I don't care if a game is a 1000 hours long as long as it is fun.

Also, anyone who wants games to be shorter/loves how a lot of 3D games are like 8 hours long these days should be SHOT IN THE FACE! And don't give me that "But..but I have other things to do" BS. That's why they made the save feature, dumbass.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


I want Spyro to be revived as a good series.

I think the first Spyro getting a HD update would stack up well against any modern 3D platformer.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Quote from: gunswordfist on February 18, 2012, 11:34:14 PM
I want Spyro to be revived as a good series.

I think the first Spyro getting a HD update would stack up well against any modern 3D platformer.

Mario has kinda set the bar so high that I don't think any 3D platformer can ever catch up. But Spyro definitely deserves to be good again.


I don't think that's true at all. It's like how Super Mario Bros., Sonic The Hedgehog, And Donkey Kong Country were all equally awesome back in the day. As much as I love the 3D Mario games, I don't think they've surpassed Ratchet or Jak (or even Sonic Colors and Generations). They're all excellent series, but in different ways. As long as new, quality Spyro games did more than just copy the concepts and level design from, say, Mario Galaxy, I think they'd definitely be able to stand up to it.