Unpopular Opinions On Gaming

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, November 09, 2011, 11:23:42 PM

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Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 12, 2012, 09:31:48 PM
But as someone who played YI first on the SNES, I was introduced to the best version of Yoshi off the bat. ;D

Same. Well, my first introduction to Yoshi was technically in Super Wario World, but as much as I love that game, YI pretty much blew it out of the water as far as I'm concerned. For whatever reason it seems like developers have never been able to nail down just what made YI so special with any of its sequels.


Yoshi is my main in SSB64. Nothing like hitting a poor sucker with a well timed flutter-kick and finishing them off with an up-tail. He was pretty awesome in Brawl too.

Spark Of Spirit

I was so disappointed in Smash when they made Yoshi's level based on Yoshi Story. Thankfully they finally rectified that in Brawl with epic music and a sweet level.

But Yoshi himself was really good in Smash. Pretty much everyone was, actually.

Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on December 12, 2012, 09:34:31 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 12, 2012, 09:31:48 PM
But as someone who played YI first on the SNES, I was introduced to the best version of Yoshi off the bat. ;D

Same. Well, my first introduction to Yoshi was technically in Super Wario World, but as much as I love that game, YI pretty much blew it out of the water as far as I'm concerned. For whatever reason it seems like developers have never been able to nail down just what made YI so special with any of its sequels.
I didn't care for Yoshi much in SMW. I mostly just used him as an extra hit or a boost for several tricky jumps. Yoshi's Island, IMO, turned him from a power up into a character that was fun to play as.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Well of course I agree that Yoshi's Island had the far better Yoshi Gameplay. Yoshi literally was just a power-up in SMW (you got him by hitting those boxes that contained either coins or power-ups). His gameplay in SMW is more of like a prototype to his game in Yoshi's Island, and of course being that he was the only real playable character in that game (well, him and all of his brothers, I suppose), they did a lot to flesh out his gameplay and thus gave him a lot of his trademark abilities that have been present in both the sequels to this game as well as the Smash Bros. games.

That said, I still enjoyed his addition in SMW. There are a lot of fun ways to play through the levels in that game when you're riding on Yoshi. It was a really unique gameplay element at the time, and it was the first game to introduce Yoshi, who is by far my favorite Mario character, so I still give the came credit for that.

Also, one thing that SMW did have for Yoshi that was not present in Yoshi's Island was the ability for Yoshi to temporarily sprout wings and fly by eating a certain type of winged Kuppa. It had the helicopter power-up, but that wasn't as much fun, IMO. The rest of the power-ups for Yoshi in YI were awesome, though.

Spark Of Spirit

Man, I really hope that Good-Feel developed Yoshi's Land comes true. A proper Yoshi game with no game-play gimmicks like YIDS or weird detours like all the other Yoshi games would be nice.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Rosalinas Spare Wand

I wish Sony had embraced the more japanese side of things for the PSP. It's a goldmine of japanese games but it was all ignored and buried in favor of PS3 companion games, and the smaller companies like Atlus were some of the few to support it after most other developers quit trying in the US.

Now they're doing the same thing with the Vita and its dying even faster than the PSP did.

Spark Of Spirit

I'm still pretty annoyed about VC3, but at the same time I know why Sega Of America didn't bring it here (and SOJ never should have moved it to the PSP) but it doesn't really excuse how Sony seems to have no idea how to market their systems at all.

The Vita will not live through 2013 at this rate.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I really wish Falcom would just develop their portable titles for the 3DS rather than the Vita/PSP at this point. I love the Ys series, but there's no way I'm buying a Vita for the remake of Ys IV. That, and they keep making the Trails In The Sky series for Vita.

I know that TitS (fun acronym, amirite) 1 and 2 are getting HD rereleases on PS3, but I doubt XSeed would bring them over here.


For some crazy reason, I haven't already posted some of my own thoughts into this thread. Might as well change that. Here are some of my unpopular opinions on gaming.

-I actually kind of liked Raiden in MGS2, even if he's no Snake.

-Art > Graphical power. Everyone here is smart enough to agree with this, that what you DO with your graphical power is more important than how much graphical power you possess. So I won't go any further on this point.

-I kind of like New Super Mario Bros. Wii more than the original Super Mario Bros. That's not to diminish what an accomplishment SMB1 was, and it doesn't change the fact that NSMBW was far too conservative. But, to put it simply, NSMBW has advantages that SMB1 was simply too old to have. You can't go backward in it, the bosses are very simplistic, the coop is less fun, secret areas are stagnant and very unimpressive by today's standards, etc. Still a classic and far more impressive for its time, just not one of the finest examples of 2D platforming.

-I like 2D Sonic platforming more than 2D Mario platforming. What is this I don't even.

-This one is more of an unpopular opinion around this site, but I quite like RPGs (from what I gather, most people here aren't big on them, and I do see why that would be).

-I like Super Smash Bros. Brawl more than Melee. Sure, it might be slower, but I just think all the added content makes a big difference... I guess one way I could put it is, if I were to play Super Smash Bros. for 30 minutes, I'd pick Melee as it's more fun in short bursts. But if I were to play for 1 hour, I'd pick Brawl, as the excitement might not reach Melee's at its peak, but the added characters and stages allows the fun to last that much longer... if that makes any sense.

-If you can accept having to play it with a walkthrough at your side, Castlevania 2 is a good game.

-I disagree whenever people say how mindblowing video game stories have become. I mean... they still have a long way to go (heck, speaking of MGS2, that game is a prime example of this). Not many games have storytelling that can really hold up compared to any other form of media. Though there are exceptions, like Silent Hill 2, which probably still has the best video game story.

Spark Of Spirit

I pretty much agree with most of that. But here's mine:

The only JRPGs with good or enjoyable stories are: Ys series, Final Fantasy IV-VII and IX, Grandia 1, Chrono Trigger, Secret Of Mana, Super Mario RPG, Earthbound, Terranigma, Live A Live, Final Fantasy Tactics, Brave Fencer Musashi, Phantasy Star I-IV, Wild ARMs 1-3, Suikoden I-V, Valkyria Chronicles, Vagrant Story, Paper Mario series, Mother 3, Breath Of Fire 1-3 (and Dragon Quarter), Ogre Battle, Tales Of Destiny, Mario & Luigi 1 and 3, Trails In The Sky, Valkyrie Profile series, Fire Emblem series, Persona series, Radiant Historia, and Final Fantasy XII.

Not to say others aren't fun gameplay-wise, but these are the only ones with stories I actually enjoy. That I've played, anyway.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I think that most people on this board do like RPGs, quite a bit. Last time I checked, I was one of the only people on the board who doesn't care for the genre, mostly due to time constraints in my daily schedule, and how these types of games generally force you to invest a lot of time into them if you want to get anything worthwhile out of experiencing them.

Spark Of Spirit

I think as a whole Suikoden is probably the best RPG series. It's just a shame that Konami has been so horrible to it.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I thought Raiden was alright too. It was the first full MGS I played though.

And I of course take 2D Sonic over any Mario. Sonic 2 is the best 2D game of all time.

I paid little attention to Breath Of Fire I & II's stories. I do like how clever a henchman in the original was though.

Is Phantasy Star I-III worth playing? I had to put 1 down. It got on my nerves.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on December 18, 2012, 06:02:59 PM
I think that most people on this board do like RPGs, quite a bit. Last time I checked, I was one of the only people on the board who doesn't care for the genre, mostly due to time constraints in my daily schedule, and how these types of games generally force you to invest a lot of time into them if you want to get anything worthwhile out of experiencing them.
My attention span doesn't lend itself well to JRPGs unfortunately, as turn-based combat bores me for the most part. But I still enjoy RPGs a fair amount, especially hybrids like Deus Ex and CRPGs like Baldur's Gate.


Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 18, 2012, 06:01:20 PM
I pretty much agree with most of that. But here's mine:

The only JRPGs with good or enjoyable stories are: Ys series, Final Fantasy IV-VII and IX, Grandia 1, Chrono Trigger, Secret Of Mana, Super Mario RPG, Earthbound, Terranigma, Live A Live, Final Fantasy Tactics, Brave Fencer Musashi, Phantasy Star I-IV, Wild ARMs 1-3, Suikoden I-V, Valkyria Chronicles, Vagrant Story, Paper Mario series, Mother 3, Breath Of Fire 1-3 (and Dragon Quarter), Ogre Battle, Tales Of Destiny, Mario & Luigi 1 and 3, Trails In The Sky, Valkyrie Profile series, Fire Emblem series, Persona series, Radiant Historia, and Final Fantasy XII.

Not to say others aren't fun gameplay-wise, but these are the only ones with stories I actually enjoy. That I've played, anyway.

Not sure that use of "only" works too well here.  :sweat:

Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on December 18, 2012, 06:02:59 PM
I think that most people on this board do like RPGs, quite a bit. Last time I checked, I was one of the only people on the board who doesn't care for the genre, mostly due to time constraints in my daily schedule, and how these types of games generally force you to invest a lot of time into them if you want to get anything worthwhile out of experiencing them.

I could've sworn Foggle and Avaitor said before... Well, nevermind that point then. :P

Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 18, 2012, 06:05:30 PM
I think as a whole Suikoden is probably the best RPG series. It's just a shame that Konami has been so horrible to it.

I've really been wanting to get to that one. Someone's been telling me how good Suikoden II is, but unfortunately it's $100+ range. And it's not on the PSN either. :bleh:

EDIT: I posted before seeing Foggle's correction on his RPG views. I see how I made the mistake, then. :P