Unpopular Opinions On Gaming

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, November 09, 2011, 11:23:42 PM

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Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I think I may invest in a fightpad down the line. Not that I plan to play any fighting games competitively, but I can't even rely on my XBOX360 controller's left stick anymore, which I was actually able to use for fighting games with moderate accuracy in single-player against the CPU at default difficulty. But my left stick has had a problem of being sensitive whenever I tap it in the left direction, and my character will start moving that way without me giving any input for them to do so. Its actually gotten worse since I've been playing GMOW and SSF4 quite a bit recently, so I'm probably gonna use any money I get for Christmas and get a fightpad with it so I can use it for all of my 2D gaming experiences in general, from now on, and save my XBOX360 controller for FPS games and 3D action/adventure games.

From what I can gather, the Mad Catz fightpad seems to be the well-liked and affordable controller option for fighting games.


On the D-Pad discussion, I didn't like the GameCube's. It was too small for my liking.


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on December 19, 2012, 12:39:53 AM
I don't know, I just couldn't really get into the whole Alan being trapped inside his mind (or Thomas Zane's mind) scenario.

Here are some unpopular opinions of my own:

-Sonic's gameplay was just fine in the Sonic Adventure games. Don't listen to the critics who tell you it was always garbage. Having replayed all of Sonic's stages in Sonic Adventure as well as the demo of Adventure 2, I can say for certain that his controls work and the camera rarely screws you up so bad that it'll cause you an unfair death. Also, if I were to be perfectly honest, while I do like what I've played of Sonic Colors and while I really enjoyed all of Generations outside of the challenge missions, I still prefer Sonic's gameplay from the Adventure games. It just feels more fluid and less restrictive to me, honestly.

-Ninja Gaiden 3 on the NES is really not a bad game. Extreme difficulty of the North American version aside, the game doesn't get enough appreciation for the elements it really does right. It has by far the best and most creative platforming scenarios out of all 3 of the classic NES games, and its not like it suffers from cheap enemy placement anymore than the first 2 games did (honestly, the Japanese version of the game makes it probably the easiest classic NES NG game of the trilogy). I think people have bad memories of that game as kids because they played the North American version which gave them double the health damage from enemies and limited continues. I played it just a year or so ago as a grown adult and still found enjoyment out of it. Its really a decent side-scroller. Not a great game, but I had fun with it.

-Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is a good game. Yeah, I said it. Fuck the haters. It may be light on content but so are a ton of other classic fighting games that other people seem to love so much. What matters is the fighting. I've heard complaints that the fighting is not balanced in MVC3, but I guess people forgot that the series never really had perfectly balanced fighting to begin with. First off, how many of the people complaining about this game are so hardcore at fighting games that they play them so competitively anyways? The combat system is fun, and it DOES actually take some level of skill to get good at. Its not like a button-masher will be on equal footing with someone who has practiced the game extensively. It may fall apart on a more technical level, but as a casual fighting game player who'll never be good enough to be that technical, I couldn't give two shits. The real reason everyone hates on this game is because they didn't get their favorite characters in the roster, and the original Mega Man's not in it. Yeah, its kind of dumb of Capcom to leave him out, but you have MVC 1 and 2 if you want to play as MM. I played a ton of MVC3 against my brother and I had genuine fun with it, whether I was winning or losing. I guess fun doesn't matter so much for gamers anymore.

-I don't get what the big deal about Fez is. I'm pretty sure its gameplay gimmick has been done before, and even if it is original, its nothing mind-blowingly great. I played an hour or so of it since a friend of mine downloaded it via XBLA (he loves all of these "artsy" indie games, like Braid and Limbo, that I personally can't get into). For what its worth its not a bad game or anything, and I'd probably take it over some of the other popular indie platformers out there, but people overrate the hell out of this game. Its puzzles get rather repetitive after just half an hour or so of gameplay, and it most certainly does not emulate classic 8-bit gaming despite having an 8-bit look. People who say that clearly don't understand that there were more to classic games than just the style of their graphics.

-The XBOX360 controller isn't bad for 2D platformers and action games at all. I've heard people say that but I've played tons of classic 2D games from Sonic to Castlevania: SOTN, and the controls work fine for that. It does however suck for fighting games, since if you plan to use the d-pad for anything more than just 4 basic directions (up, down, left, and right), then you'll get absolutely no precision at all and likely won't be able to pull of the moves that you are trying to pull off more than half of the times that you actually attempt them.
Fuck that. MVC3 missing key characters is a big negative. Having C. Viper instead of Mega Man or Ken is just bullshit. Last time I checked, rosters in fighting games are very important.

The D-Pad is fine for 2D games, except fighting games, of course. I still wish they'd make a better D-Pad. It would be the best controller ever if they did.
Quote from: Foggle on December 19, 2012, 12:52:05 AM
Agreed on all accounts, except for liking Sonic Adventure's gameplay more than Colors/Generations'. And to be honest, I play 2D games with the control stick. *everyone begins throwing tomatoes at me*
Oh and Adventure's gameplay, from the little bit I've played...hmmm, it doesn't have a boost button, right? Yeah, it shits on Generations. They decided to make 3D Sonic's gameplay to much of a speed fest. Yes, that makes since. Sonic should be more about momentum when it comes to speed.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: gunswordfist on December 19, 2012, 06:14:54 PM
Fuck that. MVC3 missing key characters is a big negative. Having C. Viper instead of Mega Man or Ken is just bullshit. Last time I checked, rosters in fighting games are very important.

So in other words you don't play fighting games for any actual fighting and just want to see your favorite characters and hope it looks pretty? Yeah, pretty much fits your shallow taste of style over substance. I wouldn't expect anything more from you, GSF? :>

QuoteThe D-Pad is fine for 2D games, except fighting games, of course. I still wish they'd make a better D-Pad. It would be the best controller ever if they did.

Microsoft knows by this point how bad their D-pad is. They made the controller just with FPS and standard RPGs and action games in mind. They didn't realize how big the resurgence in classic 2D gaming would become (which is ironic, because they helped bring about that resurgence via XBLA, which was the first to start putting out classic games and new 2D games that were styled like classic games), so when it happened people realized just how awful the XBOX D-pad was. They'll probably fix it for the 720/Durango (or whatever the next XBOX is called), but at that point it won't matter much to me since I don't plan on actually getting the next XBOX.

It is the best controller for FPS games, though if you have a good PC that can run FPS games then that's your primary option. I will say that the 360 controller is my personal favorite for action games, though. Its my controller of choice for hack n' slash games like Ninja Gaiden and Devil May Cry, as well as TPS games like Resident Evil 4, Max Payne, and Alan Wake.

Quote from: Foggle on December 19, 2012, 12:52:05 AM
Oh and Adventure's gameplay, from the little bit I've played...hmmm, it doesn't have a boost button, right? Yeah, it shits on Generations. They decided to make 3D Sonic's gameplay to much of a speed fest. Yes, that makes since. Sonic should be more about momentum when it comes to speed.

I think that might be my problem with 3D Sonic's gameplay in Generations. In Colors there's at least more emphasis on straight-up platforming, but in Generations, which I do enjoy Sonic's gameplay, I'm not a huge fan of level design that encourages you to speed through levels with the boost feature and just react to certain obstacles in your way. Sonic is fast, but he's not all about speed, and I'd prefer more platforming to just straight-up boosting and rushing through levels. Its fun for a couple of play-throughs, but it fails to keep my interest the way the more free-style gameplay from the Adventures games do, and its nowhere near as smooth when its gameplay is compared to that of the classic 2D Sonic games (the physics in those games were perfect).


You would think wanting characters in a fighting game would be all flash. The last time I checked, it's kind of hard to having fighters in a fighting game is kind of important. :sly:

Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on December 19, 2012, 06:30:06 PM

Quote from: Foggle on December 19, 2012, 12:52:05 AM
Oh and Adventure's gameplay, from the little bit I've played...hmmm, it doesn't have a boost button, right? Yeah, it shits on Generations. They decided to make 3D Sonic's gameplay to much of a speed fest. Yes, that makes since. Sonic should be more about momentum when it comes to speed.

I think that might be my problem with 3D Sonic's gameplay in Generations. In Colors there's at least more emphasis on straight-up platforming, but in Generations, which I do enjoy Sonic's gameplay, I'm not a huge fan of level design that encourages you to speed through levels with the boost feature and just react to certain obstacles in your way. Sonic is fast, but he's not all about speed, and I'd prefer more platforming to just straight-up boosting and rushing through levels. Its fun for a couple of play-throughs, but it fails to keep my interest the way the more free-style gameplay from the Adventures games do, and its nowhere near as smooth when its gameplay is compared to that of the classic 2D Sonic games (the physics in those games were perfect).
I am NOT Foggle, dammit. :wth:

I agree with what you said, though. Pretty much none of the 3D Sonic levels in Generations are replayable to me. They are fun to speed through once and that's it.

I also don't like the parts in 2D Sonic's level where all you can do is run straight forward. Sure the camera angle looks cool...but that's it. I wish there was more emphasis on 3 tier levels, kind of like they promised. Still good though.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


There's lots of platforming in Sonic Generations. It's extremely fast, so you have to react quickly, but there are alternate paths and jumping segments everywhere. Boosting is a great mechanic IMO; it works way better than the spin dash in 3D.

Also, Modern Sonic > Classic Sonic (in Generations. 2D Sonic is way better of course.)

Spark Of Spirit

I prefer Sonic Adventure 1 controls over 2. The removal of the roll for the useless somersault was the first time I was actively annoyed at a Sonic game control-wise... Well that and I really don't like the mechs in SA2.

Sonic Colors/Generation only problem control-wise is that the roll is still gone (but there's a slide for some reason) and I would have loved the option to spindash. Crouching and pushing jump should seriously do something!

But SA2 controls over Colors/Generation? I can't agree.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Foggle on December 19, 2012, 07:07:53 PM
There's lots of platforming in Sonic Generations. It's extremely fast, so you have to react quickly, but there are alternate paths and jumping segments everywhere. Boosting is a great mechanic IMO; it works way better than the spin dash in 3D.

I have Sonic Generations and have played it multiple times, so I'm aware of all of the alternate paths. I'm not saying that 3D Sonic is devoid of platforming in that game, but there's clearly more emphasis put on boosting in his level design than straight-up platforming, and I'm just not really a fan of the boost ability. I like how in Colors it was at least a little less emphasized and it wasn't as easy to build up your boost meter in the first place, so it was something you generally wanted to save for when it was appropriate to use, and the game didn't give you too many instances in most levels where you downright needed to use it.

As for working better than the spin dash....to each their own, I suppose. For the record, though, the spin dash is faster than boosting. You can actually test this out by comparing modern sonic and classic sonic in the level select area with the white background. Hold down classic Sonic's spin-dash for just a second and let go, and he'll make it almost all of the way across the map in a matter of just a few seconds. It'll take modern Sonic a few seconds longer to travel the same distance with his boost.

QuoteAlso, Modern Sonic > Classic Sonic (in Generations. 2D Sonic is way better of course.)

I've heard quite a few people say that, but I guess this is another instance where I just don't really agree. Again, I like modern Sonic's gameplay in Generations, but classic Sonic's is just so much more addicting for me. On the subject of the spin dash again, that skill is really fun to use in this game if you know how to time your jumps with it, which causes Sonic to go soaring across the level and cover tons of ground that could take a certain amount of time to cover by just running in just a fraction of that time. Its also the reason why I personally find that classic Sonic's stages in Generations are way more fun to speed-run than modern Sonic's. I've had some real frustrating moments trying to S rank modern Sonic's stages, but I always found myself having fun with classic Sonic when it came to replaying levels and trying to attain a better time and higher score than before.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 19, 2012, 09:18:16 PM
But SA2 controls over Colors/Generation? I can't agree.

I'd easily take that over the boost-heavy gameplay of modern Sonic in Generations, personally, and I've played quite a bit of Colors on my little sister's Wii. The controls feel way more sporadic and its actually harder for me to control Sonic's direction in the 3D segments. I replayed the SA2 demo to test out the controls just recently, and I can say with certainty that wherever I pressed my analogue stick, Sonic would go in that direction. It just felt smoother controlling him, maybe because he didn't move as fast as he does in Colors and Generations, since SA2 wasn't quite as focused on emphasizing the speed. Like I said, to me, Sonic isn't just about speed, and I feel that the Sonic Adventure games got that.

Spark Of Spirit

Colors doesn't really have that much boosting. But it does indicate at certain points (when you run out of boost) that some quick way to gain speed and momentum when you're out would be quite helpful. Like being stuck at the bottom of a steep hill in Asteroid Coaster while out of boost and slowly crawling up. They really need to bring the spindash back.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 19, 2012, 09:59:51 PM
Colors doesn't really have that much boosting.

I'm aware of that, which is why I said that I actually preferred Sonic's gameplay in Colors over Generations. I just prefer holding a stick or d-pad down in one direction to make Sonic run. I can't explain it too well, but the element of holding down a button to boost through entire sections of a level just doesn't appeal to me very much. I still liked Generations because it did have a decent amount of platforming for modern Sonic and the boosting sections were mostly at least done well so as not to feel too memorization heavy with the obstacles in your way, but I'll always prefer just using an analogue stick to control 3D Sonic for an entire level, rather than having very linear stretches where I have to boost and avoid obstacles by tapping the shoulder buttons or jumping over certain obstacles. The latter just feels more like a mini-game than Sonic gameplay to me.

QuoteBut it does indicate at certain points (when you run out of boost) that some quick way to gain speed and momentum when you're out would be quite helpful. Like being stuck at the bottom of a steep hill in Asteroid Coaster while out of boost and slowly crawling up. They really need to bring the spindash back.

Yeah, I also liked how Sonic Adventure still kept the spin dash. Its OK to keep the boost ability, but there really should be some sort of feature implemented in future 3D Sonic games that give you some sort of alternative to using the boost. I've also had my share of situations in what I've played of Colors and in Generations where I have gotten stuck on the downside of a slope without any boost left, and have to pretty much crawl my way up to the top in order to regain my momentum. Those moments can really kill the pacing of a level for me.


Honestly, I'd say that Sonic Colors is a much better game than Generations, graphics and frame rate aside.


I haven't played Generations yet, but I'm gonna have to disagree with you guys about Colors. The 2D sections were solid, but I hardly remember any legit platforming in the 3D ones. And the controls in them were just bad. I guess I can see why many would like the game. But I honestly think it's merely a step in the right direction. Overall, I guess it's okay.

Spark Of Spirit

The 3D in Colors was mainly for flash and some alternate paths, the meat of the game was mostly in 2D platforming. It was Generations where they put more alternate paths and platforming in 3D. But as the full package I would say Colors is the better of the two.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Spark Of Spirit

Modern game soundtracks stink

Seriously, if those are the year's best, then they're in trouble. They sound like bland movie scores.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton