Unpopular Opinions On Gaming

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, November 09, 2011, 11:23:42 PM

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I actually did surprisingly well at Vanquish on Normal (which is probably equivalent to most shooters' Hard mode), so when I finally buy Reach I'll definitely try playing it on Heroic from the start!

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Well, while I'd agree that Vanquish is a harder game, keep in mind that it doesn't play anything like a Halo game, or vice versa, so how difficult you find it depends on how naturally attuned to that style of gameplay you are. Vanquish is about being quick and efficient. You do have to be careful, but you're encouraged to be far more offensive than in most cover-based shooters and take out all enemy threats as quickly as possible before they overwhelm you. Halo, in contrast, is slower paced (though the beauty is that you can play through it with lots of speed and offensive power if you know the level layout well and have the skill), and usually requires you to assess a situation and plan out an effective strategy to get through it. The reason that I find it fun is because there's very rarely just one best way past any tough situation, and it feels rewarding to find a plan of action that works out successfully for you.


I don't know how popular this opinion is, but I do know some people here, and some people in general, go by this idea. And sorry, Foggle, but I don't like the Silent Hill intrepretation that... :P


The monsters aren't real monsters, and may in fact be real people. It'd be a shocker, I get that. But I feel like, if it were true, it would kind of undermine a lot of what happens in those games. Especially what happened to the nurse in the first game, who we nearly witnessed becoming one of those monsters while begging and crying. It also seems weird imagining that these monsters are actually just people around town.

The guy who suggested the idea seemed to mostly be doing it just to scare Heather though, so I'm not sure it was ever meant to be taken as factual.

Spark Of Spirit

"Platinum makes button mashing games sadly. The same game but just with a bigger learning curve at the beginning and set to force playing it right would be far more enjoyable."
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Yep, sounds about right. Because clearly The Wonderful 101 and Vanquish are "the same game" (despite being in completely different genres, just go with it) and support mindless button mashing. And shame on PG games for having a learning curve. Games should just be pre-programmed with a win button from the start. When will these third rate developers ever learn that?

Spark Of Spirit

QuoteI have played the first Bayonetta (Few Hours) and Wonderful 101 (All of it on Normal).

Wonderful 101 didn't destroy me and it should have done the way I was playing it using cheap tricks.

QuoteIn Bayonetta all I did was lock on / dodge and mash two buttons not really knowing what I was doing and it was working.

The rest of the game with the combat of a 3d fighting game I would have liked. (Excluding the QTE's which are pure button mashing).

Complaining about difficulty but playing on normal.

This is like playing a game on Easy and complaining it's a cakewalk.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

You've just gotta love people who act all big when they did nothing special. :>

Is that person even aware that the game offers harder difficulty settings? Complaining that Bayonetta is too easy and you can button mash you way through when only having played the game on Normal is like saying that Halo's enemies are pushovers because you managed to breeze through the game on Easy.

The game purposely makes its default difficulty more accessible to newcomers. That said, it has harder difficulty settings for people who want a challenge. If that person actually played Hard mode or NSIC, or 101% Hard in the case of a The Wonderful 101, and complained that it was still too easy to get through with cheap tricks and exploiting certain balance issues in the mechanics,then maybe they'd have an argument, claiming that the game is too easy on one of its easier difficulty settings is pitiful, though.


Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on October 06, 2014, 01:14:50 PM
According to EDGE, this are the best games of last gen:

10. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
9. LittleBigPlanet
8. Bayonetta
7. Super Street Fighter IV
6. Red Dead Redemption
5. Grand Theft Auto V
4. Portal
3. The Last of Us
2. Super Mario Galaxy
1. Dark Souls

I can go deeper into the whole "not even close" opinion I hold, but I'm curious as to your thoughts.
You made it seem like it would be nothing but Call Of Duty games. It's not  bad list. I'd take out CoD due to me hating war games and SMG, GTAV, Portal because I've never played them, TLOU and Dark Souls because I have not beat them and LBP because I like it not love it. I'd add in: DMC 4, MGS IV, Metal Slug XX, Blood Dragon, BulletStorm, Streets Of Rage Remake, Rayman Origins and A Crack In Time. Edit: I forgot about Ninja Gaiden 2.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Now, as someone who honestly really likes Super Mario 64, I still have to be honest and say that as far as the first "true" (not counting bad spin-offs) 3D entries in these classic 2D platforming series go, I've always felt that:

Sonic Adventure > Super Mario 64

I say this because in many ways it still felt like a Sonic game should, just in 3D. True, some of the side characters were lame, but out of the 6, I only didn't really care for Big the Cat and Amy, who to be fair had the shortest stories, anyways. I honestly really liked playing as the rest of the characters, though, including Gamma, who just had an interesting and different sort of design to his gameplay.

Of course I know that nobody would ever agree with me on this, hence why it's an unpopular opinion, so don't bother trying to give me a rebuttal. That's just the way that I feel.

Spark Of Spirit

I agree 100%. Even though that opinion can get you lynched among some crowds.

Speed Highway, Red Mountain, and the sewers in Casinopolis was pretty much what I always thought Sonic would look like in 3D.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Even though I've been critical of Sonic Adventure in the past and love me some Mario 64, I can see why you'd hold that opinion. SA has much better music and pacing, and the Sonic stages are pretty rad.

I actually liked Amy's levels, for what it's worth.


Wouldn't agree with you? Sonic Adventure is my second favorite game of all time! I love (almost) everything about that game, flawed as it is. I'd replay it over SM64 any day of the week.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Oh, sweet! I'm glad I'm not alone on that opinion. :D

I swear, though, I got roasted for mentioning that on another board several years ago.

Spark Of Spirit

Yeah, 3D Sonic is a hate magnet online. Even the good games.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Seriously, if you even so much as mention 3D Sonic in a positive light, some people will go apeshit.