Reviews & Features Discussion

Started by Foggle, December 27, 2010, 04:00:22 PM

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Dr. Insomniac

Kotomi's portrayal offends me for some reason.

Oh God, I wrote over 13,600 words about this show.  :whuh:


Those facial expressions are obnoxious as shit.

Clannad has terrible writing all around. Kinda' to be expected, though.


I think your analysis was pretty good, actually.

I remember this episode being fairly boring. Seems that I wouldn't change my opinion if I saw it now.



I'll try to remember to post my full thoughts on your review once I get my laptop back, since I have an interest in the Nasuverse and would like to get into it. But for now:

Quote"Maybe she can't breathe out her mouth
because it' s filled with my penis."

Award winning writing right there.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Great write-up. While I don't think that I'd personally ever have the patience to get into a visual novel series myself, reading what you had to say about FSN was indeed very interesting, and I'd be glad to see any other input you may write about it or other VN series that you are into in the future, if you ever plan on doing so. ;)


Doubtful. My friend wants me to read Tsukihime, but I don't know if I have the patience for more unfiltered Nasu. As far as other ones I've read (or started reading) go:

To sum up the Higurashi VN, it's basically the anime with a lot more detail and worse pacing. But if someone ever translated the PS2-exclusive arcs, I'd definitely write about 'em.
As much as I'd like to write another article bashing Umineko (Chiru is every bit as bad as the anime adaptation), that ship has sailed.
I can't see myself ever finishing Fate/Extra since the gameplay frustrates me.
Everyone already knows that Saya no Uta and Utawarerumono are awesome, and they're old news by now, so it's pointless for me to write about them.

I might pick up Corpse Party soon, though. I could do a piece on that.

Thanks, btw! :joy:





Couldn't or wouldn't?

In my case, both.