Opinions On Various Popular Games/Franchises

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, January 14, 2012, 07:18:08 PM

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God of War: Boring
God of War 2 & PSP games: Excellent
God of War 3: All flash, no substance

The Batman games are great, but like Sparky said, they're only good for one playthrough every three years.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Yeah, Desensitized (Sorry, Spark, but I'll probably always refer to you by that name since I'm more used to it :sly: ) pretty much hit the nail on the head with Batman, which is what I forgot to leave out. Their fun games, no doubt, but I have absolutely no motivation to replay them once I'm done with them, and even if I go out of my way to get all of the collectibles, they still aren't tremendously long games, so IMO they are perfect rentals, but I don't think that they are among the best action games out there like most people seem to think.

I'll try adding in some popular fighters:

Mortal Kombat- I know that this series is still one of the most popular fighting games in America despite its weaker 3D entries over the last 2 generations, and it still does sell millions of copies with each release if I'm not mistaken, so it is pretty popular. That said, while I have a lot of respect for the series, I must admit that I could never for the life of me get into its combat system, and that even includes MK9. I love its sense of humor and just about everything else that the games do, but unfortunately the gameplay just never stuck a chord with me like some other fighting games have. I just don't get that fluid and satisfying feeling that I get from other games in the genre, but to be fair I still acknowledge these as well-made games, but they just aren't my cup of tea, personally.

Tekken- This is pretty much the same deal as Mortal Kombat. I respect the series a lot, and to be honest I used to be a fan of it during the PS1 days when I played the first 3 games, but after that it got really stale for me, and I could never get back into the series, even though I tried too. Still, its probably one of the better 3D fighting games out of the market, so I can't fault it for too much.


Mortal Kombat & Tekken - I hate fighting games. I do enjoy the occasional Tekken match, but I will freely admit that the entire reasoning behind this is nostalgia goggles. I'm fucking terrible at the game and have no desire to ever improve.


Quote from: Foggle on January 15, 2012, 05:31:28 PM
God of War: Boring
God of War 2 & PSP games: Excellent
God of War 3: All flash, no substance

The Batman games are great, but like Sparky said, they're only good for one playthrough every three years.
:D How's that a bad thing?
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Mortal Kombat- From what I played of MK2's demo last year, the game is not as good as I remember. The 1st one was ok but always felt like it was missing something. MK9 is the top fighter I want. Fuck you Marvel Vs Capcom 3. Your cast sucks.

Tekken- Barely played this game so I don't have much to say.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Pokemon- I love the Pokemon games, except for the Hoenn region games, but I haven't played on in a while.  My copy of Black still sits unfinished.

Gears of War- Never played.

Resident Evil- Don't have much experience with it. I played the one on the GCN for a bit, and I have a copy of 5 for 360 that I bought off a buddy for like ten bucks, but I haven't played it yet.

God of War- Played one of the PSP titles last year when we were deployed.  It was alright, probably not something I'd play again.

Batman Arkham Asylum/City- Still trying to finish Asylum, holding off on buying City until I do.

Mortal Kombat- This one pretty much died with the 16 Bit era for me, I haven't touched one since then.

Tekken-  I remember playing this during the PSX days, but my best memory comes from playing a Tekken 3 machine drunk as shit in a bowling alley outside of Chicago sometime about a year or so ago. We had just jumped of the DDR machine too, so we were pretty wired.
It doesn't matter what you say, soon you'll be dead anyway.


Quote from: gunswordfist on January 15, 2012, 06:34:50 PM
Quote from: Foggle on January 15, 2012, 05:31:28 PM
God of War: Boring
God of War 2 & PSP games: Excellent
God of War 3: All flash, no substance

The Batman games are great, but like Sparky said, they're only good for one playthrough every three years.
:D How's that a bad thing?
It's really not. At least it's better than the first one.



Mario Bros- I haven't played a game I didn't like. I still enjoy Super Mario 64 and Sunshine is growing on me.

Legend of Zelda- Not the biggest Legend of Zelda fan, really only enjoyed Wind Waker and Link to the Past.

Pokémon- My all time favorite. I think the games get better with every generation with improvements in all the different monsters and what they do with the battle system.

Call of Duty- Modern Warfare 1 was great and deserved most of it's praises. I think this game is responsible for all the shooters out there. Treyarch games are also decent, but I always look forward to the zombie mode.

Elder Scrolls- I'm not a big junkie of the games yet. Skyrim is basically Babby's first ES game and I am lost as all hell in what to do in this game.

Dragon Quest- Pretty straight forward RPG series. Sometimes the simple things in life is all you need. That and I love the art style. Thanks Akira Toriyama.

Mother/Earthbound- Same as Dragon Quest, pretty simple RPG system with a ton of characters and charm put into them. Itoi is a genius.

Sonic- 2D games are classics, 3D games vary. Probably need to replay Adventures 1 & 2 again to rejudge them. Ever since Unleashed they've been improving. Unleashed has some problems, but they were able to hammer them out in Generations.

Smash Bros.- Fun little fighting game that shouldn't be taken so seriously. I still play Brawl from time to time and I still love it more than Melee. Screw your glitchy filled game.


Super Mario Bros.: Love these games. That's all I have to say about them really.

Sonic the Hedgehog:Love S3&K, the Adventure games, the Rushes, and Colours/Generations. Unleashed and Black Knight were OK. Heroes and Shadow were "meh". And we all know 06's reputation. Overall, I love the franchise.

Legend of Zelda: I love these games to death. I just wish I had the energy to properly finish them.

Halo: Only played the second one, but would like to play the others. Unfortunately, I don't have a 360, so I'm outta luck on playing this series. I love the music though.

Pokemon: Love the games. I just wish I had the drive to give them my full attention and not take a year to complete them.

God of War: Played a trial of the first one, thought it was bland. Recently played the demo of III and thought it was much more enjoyable than the first one. While it has nice production values, and I think that some of the fatalities you can do are pretty cool, the combat is rather slow and shallow, and I hate how it's being treated as the golden standard of action games. I'll stick to games like Devil May Cry and No More Heroes if I want my action fix.

Final Fantasy: I have IV and VI advanced, but haven't played through much of them. While I'd like to get into this series more, I just don't think I have as much patience to sit through an RPG as I'd like to.

Dragon Quest: Same deal as FF.

Elder Scrolls: Haven't played them. I may get Skyrim when most of the bugs are ironed out though.

Tekken: I haven't played one since 4, and that was long ago. I may rent 6 and give it a shot sometime down the road.

Metal Gear Solid: I suck at stealth, so I haven't played them.

Super Smash Bros.: My favorite franchise. Period. Fun party fighter, decent technical competitive fighter, and it all depends on how you want to play it. Eagerly anticipating the 3DS and Wii U titles.


Of the last batches, the only franchises I'm familiar with are Mortal Kombat and Smash. I like both, but I get tired of these franchises fast. When it comes to fighters, I'm more into Capcom's stuff and Soul Calibur.
Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!


I uh... kinda refuse to play Smash Bros. anymore.  It's not that they are bad games, because they aren't, but my best friend is one of those that likes Melee and detests Brawl and gets so serious about it, and he's always bugging me to play him and I've been pushing him off for what seems like forever, to the point where I don't play any version anymore.  I know it sounds stupid, but that's what it is.
It doesn't matter what you say, soon you'll be dead anyway.


Mario - Other than Sunshine, I have never played a Mario game I didn't like. 'Nuff said.

Sonic the Hedgehog - Loved the Genesis titles, but pretty much everything afterward has been incredibly hit or miss (mostly miss). I really wasn't all that crazy about the Dreamcast titles as most people were; they were OK I guess, but hardly as fun as what the Genesis offered. And then the series took a MAJOR nosedive after that; Heroes sucked, '06 REALLY sucked, Shadow really really REALLY sucked, and Unleashed was a tremendous disappointment (fucking Warehog). And the less said about those goddamn "Storybook" titles (Secret Rings and Black Knight), the better.

Thankfully, the series does finally appear to be heading in the right direction; so far, I like what I see out of Colors, and even though I haven't really played Generations yet (outside of a Best Buy demo, which I enjoyed), I have high hopes for it, judging by what people have said.

Zelda - Again; like Mario, I've pretty much never played a Zelda game I didn't like. Only exception to the rule are the two mediocre DS titles, but other than that, this is a near flawless series that just never gets old to me. I can't tell you how many times I've played through Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask, and yet I never get tired of them. These games are simply great.

Halo - Eh. Halo fanboys in middle/high school have forever turned me off in trying to enjoy this series, for starters. Even looking past that, though, I've played it enough with my friends over the years to get a feel for the multiplayer mode that everyone raves about, and it's just... not that great. Really, I'm not a big FPS fan as it is, so maybe my opinion is biased, but I just don't care for it and probably never will.

Pokemon - I REALLY need to get caught up on this. I love Pokemon; always have, always will, but I've kinda lost my way with the newer alliterations of the series. I still don't own a single DS Pokemon game; I've played Diamond, Pearl, and the G/S remakes sparingly through rental, but I've never felt inclined to buy any of them. I really do need to start collecting these newer titles; not sure why my interest hasn't been there yet, but someday I'll get into these more.

...as for the older titles, though (everything from Gens 1 and 2, and FR/LG for Gen 3), I still play those all the time. Love 'em all, except for maybe Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald. Emerald is a major improvement on the first two, but the Hoenn titles, as a whole, didn't really do it for me like the older ones did (and the subsequent Gen 1 remakes). They're OK games for the most part, but not the greatest; really, they're kinda short, and feel like a major step down from Gold/Silver/Crystal.

One last thing; I try to make a point of trying of playing through one Pokemon game at least once a year; right now, I'm on Fire Red, and once I get done with that I'll probably move back to Gold or Silver, since I haven't through those in quite a while. I swear, these older games never get old to me; there always seem to be Pokemon I've never used, or moves I've ever used, or whatever. It really is a great series - especially these older titles, even if they do feel a bit limited compared to the newer ones - and it holds tremendous replay value.

God of War - What little experience I have here, I didn't care for it. Feels like a lot of style, and not much substance.

I should probably give this series another shot someday, but I'm not much in the mood right now.

Final Fantasy - "The old titles are cool, and the new ones are a joke". How often have you already heard this from a thousand other people?

Pretty much all I can say, though. It is the truth.

Dragon Quest - Haven't played a Dragon Quest game in ages. Need to get on that.

Grand Theft Auto - Last one I really played through was Vice City, and that was eons ago.

People speak highly of San Andreas; I should give it a shot one of these days. Honestly, I'm not really interested in anything else this series has to offer beyond that, though.

Call of Duty - Pretty much everything I DON'T like about FPS's, bottled up neatly into one single game series.

Not my cup of tea. End of story.

Metal Gear - Pretty much echoing Desen/Spark's thoughts on this; loved the 2D games, and don't care for the 3D titles. Not much else to say here.

Resident Evil - Don't care for it. Haven't really played it all that much, mind you (obviously if you couldn't tell, I'm more of a platformer/adventure fan, with bits of RPG thrown in for good measure), but stuff like this just doesn't appeal to me, so I probably won't give it much of a chance at any point down the road.

Elder Scrolls - Confession time; haven't played any of these yet. One of these days I'll see what the fuss is all about, but not now.

Metroid - What can I say? It's Metroid. And how can you possibly NOT like Metroid?

Gears of War - Only played the first one, and didn't care for it. Again, FPS's and me are, for the most part, oil and water. It's just not a genre I really enjoy.

Mortal Kombat - BY FAR the longest drought on this list. I don't think I've played a Mortal Kombat game in over 10 years.

Its fall from relevancy wasn't quite as spectacular as something like Spyro or Crash (hey, nobody's mentioned these guys yet!), but I haven't even been remotely interested in playing MK in the longest time. I liked the old games, but it's just one of those things that didn't transition well into a new era of gaming.

Tekken - Same as MK, but not quite as long. Still, haven't played one of these in ages.

Super Smash Bros. - Not really an overly huge fan of fan of fighters if you couldn't tell, but these will always be fun for me. Melee is definitely the best, IMO, but I don't know how anyone can really "hate" Brawl (other than for some superficial bullshit reason like it not including their favorite obscure character/music track).

...but yeah, these games are great.

Earthbound - FUCK YEAH EARTHBOUND. One of my absolute favorite RPG's of all time. I don't know WHY Nintendo is under this idiotic guise that America doesn't want new Earthbound, because I'd snatch up a new title on launch day. Love this game.

Batman Arkham Asylum/City - Confession time, part deux; have not played either one of these yet. Need to get on that.

Phew, that was a long post. Did I miss anything? Eh, I'll come back to it later.


Earthbound- Mother 1 is damn good. Unique RPG with surprisingly well aged graphics. I have yet to play the sequels even though I really want to and I have both on my laptop but I'm trying to be "systematic" about all these damn games I have on my computer.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Uncharted- Alright, let me just clarify that I don't really hate this series or even have anything against it. Its fine for what it is, and that's being a movie game. Some people would argue that its part platformer, but my problem is that the platforming from what I have played of it is really bare-bones, in that its not really you getting full control as a player, but instead going down a completely pre-determined path and in many cases there is only one way to jump and the game only allows you to make the correct jump. So in that regard, you can't really explore around or do the things that you would normally associate with a good platformer, so IMO the game is not a platformer, but merely has very scripted imitations of platforming. Once again, I don't hate the game, but to me its more of an interactive video game movie than it is anything else. Well, OK, to be fair the TPS and occasional stealth segments give you some more freedom, but to be honest the stealth feels gimmicky and unnecessary in this game, and the actual shooting just feeling like every other Gears of War clone out there, IMO, so the game really only specializes in its highly cinematic presentation and graphics. I don't want to rag on the game, but really I can't help but stress that this really embodies a lot of what turns me away from modern action games. If I were to say one thing positive about the game, though, I do like and respect its heavy influence taken from Indiana Jones movies and other classic adventure flicks that I have enjoyed. I do admittedly like stuff like that. But really that's about the only thing these games do that really appeal to me, personally.

Rosalinas Spare Wand

Ahh, so time for round 2 eh? Okay.

Pokemon - Been a fan since day 1, and while the games aren't a day 1 priority purchase from me, I always get them and I always invest a lot of time into them. I recently picked up Black again to finish it off, and had a few battles with my completely improvised team. Thankfully held my own since I usually get creamed by the competition

Resident Evil - Got most of the games, but my brother's the one that's really into it. I should pick it up again soon, since I'm pretty sure I'd have a better handle on them now.

Gears of War - The other GoW series. Never played it, so no real opinion.

God of War - I have all 3 main games, and I haven't touched them since I got them with the exception of 1. I'll take Foggle's word for it and try the sequels to see if they offer more than the first one did.

Mortal Kombat - I loved the early 90s entries, then kinda lost interest in it until the DC crossover. I did play the reboot last year and totally enjoyed it more than Marvel vs Capcom 3. I'm glad I waited since the Komplete version comes out next month and I'd love to add it to my collection.

Tekken - Pretty much the same as MK, although I've never really found a main from this series. I've been wanting to make Lili my main since I love ojou-sama's, but she's got such an awkward style. Looking forward to the Street Fighter crossovers though.

Super Smash Bros - Love this series as well. Each game offers a very unique experience and lots of playability, although I hate how far Sakurai went to deliberately hinder the meta game Brawl could've had. Nonetheless, looking forward to Smash 4 and the return of the Dojo hype train again.

Eidos' Batman games - Never had much time with them, but I don't see how either qualify as GotY material.

Uncharted - I had the first 2 games, and have barely touched them since starting the files. They're pretty much a modern day FMV game, so I'll leave it at that.

Earthbound - I've seen people play Earthbound and I have an unfinished file on Mother 3. They got their charm, but the series isn't really for me. I will say Mother 3 pulled me in more than Earthbound did.