A Tribute To The Wii

Started by Spark Of Spirit, January 24, 2012, 06:05:55 PM

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Spark Of Spirit

Let's get the fanboy calls out of the way. You know you wanna say it. But the truth of the matter, I really appreciate the changes the system brought.

The Wii was the system that brought me back into gaming. Scoff you might, but by the end of the previous gen I was really just tired of it. Third person action games and wannabe Max Paynes, JRPGs with cliched stories and stale gameplay, and first person shooters that started relying more on stories than gameplay seemed to be overcrowding the shelves. Gaming seemed like it was moving away from what I wanted. (Short of the GBA.... But the PSP put a stop to that making the DS get rushed out to compete and killing off the best portable ever.... but I digress!)

So things haven't changed much, I guess.

Still, when Nintendo showed off the Wii for the first time (the Revolution it was called), I was excited. A new controller and way to play games, a more compact price for getting in, and third parties seemed excited (You can thank them for all the shovelware), making this my most anticipated console since the SNES as a kid. It seemed that Nintendo was not content with just adding more buttons and shinier graphics but I actually wanted to tweak with what mattered- gameplay, and it was something they hadn't really done since the N64 only this direction interested me more. I thought- this could get more people into gaming! This could bring people back into gaming! This could really do a lot of good to the hobby, instead of narrowing audiences every generation (which is exactly what was happening, let's face it) and getting less and less people excited for games, this would bring gaming back to its roots by making everything simpler to understand for outsiders, but still offering the great core experience for those used to it.

Basically, the Wii was going to be the best of both worlds in my head.

It obviously didn't turn out that way thanks to close-minded gamers who thought gaming started on the PS2, and third party publishers that would rather go bankrupt (and did!) than develop for a system that by far had the best sales of the generation, and Nintendo itself purposely not releasing games for no reason. If it wasn't for this trifecta of stupidity, the Wii could have been even better than it was maybe even finally reaching the levels of variety of the 16 bit days. But the gen is almost over, so no point dwelling on that.

So what did the Wii do? Well, it brought gaming back to the people and not just the basement-dwellers. It gave us games that anyone could play, but everyone could enjoy. For those of us with friends and family- you know what I'm talking about, and for gamers that wanted more of a traditional experience, you had that as well. Not to mention for the first time, Nintendo finally offered a selection of their classic games for download giving us a giant library of classic games to enjoy in between new experiences. The Wii was the first time, in my opinion, that Nintendo managed to nail what they set out to do since the SNES or arguably the NES on that side.

Here's a list of what I think the Wii offers to anyone who cares to look, and why it's my favorite console since the Sega Dreamcast. I'll be including up-ported games as well, because the Wii version tends to have the best controls regardless of graphic output.

GoldenEye 007

Yes, I'm starting with an FPS game, sue me. The difference is what this particular FPS game does. Levels aren't fully scripted hallways with only one way through them, difficulties change more than just how fast enemies (and you) die, and the multiplayer brings back the simplicity of older FPS games while keeping the precious leveling that the newer ones have. Basically, it's what more FPS games should strive for, and I'm certain it cost a fraction of that game to make. It's also on the HD systems, but I put it here because the controls (being fully customizable) are apparently better here.

Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom

My favorite fighter this gen. This game manages to keep what was fun about the Vs game (great roster, manic gameplay, and variety), along with a surprising amount of balance (compared to every other Vs game especially), and simplistic controls make this so that anyone can hop in and button mash or learn their way up the ranks. Don't pass this one by.

Deadly Creatures

I don't even know how to talk about this one. It's a 3D adventure game where you play as a spider and a scorpion and you survive. It's unique, it's fun, and it's pretty cool. The game isn't perfect, but it's a solid game well worth anyone's time, especially those who want to play something different but familiar at the same time. THQ threw this one out into the wilds without any promotion because they thought no one would like it, so prove them wrong by giving this a shot.

Disney Epic Mickey

The game is very controversial for so many different reasons, but let me tell you why it's good. A 3D collectathon platformer that seems ripped right off the N64 only with a bigger scope, graphics, and a unique gimmick to set it apart. It's not really the ebst game this gen, but again- it's well worth your time.

Wario Land: Shake It!

Have you ever played a Wario Land game? Well, imagine everything you know about Mario games, but warped. You defeat enemies by dashing into them, you explore for treasure instead of simply walking from point A to B, and you basically get as much money as you can along the way for goodies. This is a great Wario game, and probably the hardest if you go for 100%, full of creative ideas and levels and some funky music, not to mention the gorgeous hand-drawn graphics and cinemas that seemed ripped out of a cartoon. If you enjoy 2D platformers at all- you're missing out.

House Of The Dead: Overkill

A very meaty railgun shooter with tons of unlockables, a fun (and goofy) story, perfect levels and controls, and you have one of the best games this gen. You like shooters? Give it a go! You like Sega? Grab it! You miss the glory days of arcades? Then why aren't you playing this right now. Oh yeah, and special mention has to made of the absolutely bonkers soundtrack. I'm sure if you have Move that the PS3 version is worth it, but I doubt the controls are as tight, as Move controls frequently are not as good as Wii controls.

Donkey Kong Country Returns

And boy does it ever. My personal niggles aside (you all know what they are), this is one of the most fun and challenging gaming experiences you'll find this gen. What's more to say? It's Donkey Kong Country! And it's just as good as you remember it.

Kirby's Return To Dreamland / Kirby's Epic Yarn

You have one of the best traditional Kirby games there is, and one of the best non-traditional Kirby games there is. Whatever you prefer, you are guaranteed to have a good amount of fun, especially if you enjoy co-op. These games are surprisingly meaty and will offer you a lot of time hopping and bopping.

Red Steel 2

Part first person beat em up (with unlockable skills) and part first person shooter (with upgradable guns), there is no other game like Red Steel 2 (and certainly not its lousy prequel) and that's a real shame. The first Wiimotion plus game, you got a real feel for sword play and switching to your gun is fast and fluid leading to many cool combos that would simply not be possible on a traditional controller. The only fault would be the lack of multiplayer (co-op or not) and the fact that no one bought it. Seriously, it truly is as different a first person game as you can imagine.


I'm not explaining this one again. Just imagine a beat em up in 3D. That's all you need to know.

Disney Guilty Party

You know, for all the railing about how casual games sell too much and are ruining the industry, the ones that are really good don't seem to catch on. For every Carnival Games selling one million, you get something like Guilty Party that gets completely passed over for no real reason. What is Guilty Party, you ask? Imagine Clue meets Mario Party with a distinctly Disney sense of humor and execution and you have the best "casual game" that no one bought. What's more is the alternate difficulty levels and a "random" mode for when you beat the game giving the game unlimited replayability. If you want just one (or want to try one) truly great casual experience, then Guilty Party is the best one. I guarantee you and your family/friends will love it.

Muramasa: The Demon Blade

Another 2D game another beat em up (or hack n slash, I guess) that no one bought. Muramusa is exactly what it is. A hardcore 2D action game, and that's all it needs to be.

Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth

The first classic 2D Castlevania game since the SNES was finally released to WiiWare, and it was every bit as fun as you remember. The game might not quite touch such masterpieces as 4, but it gets close, and is the first one in years to truly feels like a sequel to that game.

Contra ReBirth

It's Contra.

Ghost Squad

Another rail shooter, only this one was ripped straight from the arcades. So what makes this worth your time? Well, this one has branching paths in levels, difficulty levels (which affect events), tons of unlockables, a party mode for 4 players, and that classic Sega sense of humor and bombast from the arcades. This is one of Sega's best arcade games, and this perfect port is as great as it gets.

Punch Out!

Again I'm at a loss as to what to say. It's freaking Punch Out! You aren't going to find much else like it.


Another game you've heard me prattle on about. It's an excellent platformer and one of the best, and this is the best version of it. That's all I can say.

Super Mario Galaxy / Super Mario Galaxy 2

... If you need me to explain why you need to play two of the ebst games ever made, then I don't know what to tell you.

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

Ease up, Foggle. Yes the combat is pretty bad and the game isn't very Silent Hill, but there is no game like Shattered Memories. Part adventure game and part survival horror with a surprisingly effective plot and replayability, it was a unique concept that unfortunately was only explored here in this one game.

Batman: The Brave & The Bold - The Video Game!

It's basically a SNES beat em up. There's pretty much no reason not to play this game unless you hate the show (in which case leave this site immediately) or this genre (leave my sight immediately!), which gives you little to no reason to avoid this little gem of a game.

Kororinpa: Marble Mania / Marble Saga: Kororinpa

Remember Marble Madness? Remember Monkey Ball when it was good? Then these games are right up your alley. Nobody, unfortunately, makes these games much anymore, but thankfully the Wii manages to have two of them. And they're great!

Lost In Shadow

A 2D platformer with puzzles, this is another unique game from the now-defunct Hudson (thanks again, Konami!) that you simply won't find anywhere else. You basically play as a shadow trying to make it back to your body without losing yourself along the way. It's simple, it's fun, and it's different. Much like the Wii itself.

Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword

... Moving on.

A Boy & His Blob

Another platformer with puzzle elements, WayForward stuffed this cute little game with devious platforming challenges, some cool unlocks, a gorgeous art style that seems ripped out of a Saturday Morning cartoon (with music to match), and manages to be rare in that it's a remake that totally blows away the original. Don't skip this!

Trauma Team

The best Trauma game by leagues, Atlus went all out with this one. Multiplayer, stylish presentation, even tighter (and less harsh) controls, and tons of variety lead this to be a unique little game. Want to be a doctor that saves people from certain death but don't want to go to that pesky school? This is for you.

Sin & Punishment 2

A Treasure game with the budget of a Nintendo game. You fly around and shoot everything as it tries to kill you, trying to get as high a score as possible. If you're unfamiliar with Sin & Punishment, think Star Fox only with a nonsensical story and insane levels. I'm still surprised Nintendo green lit this one.

No More Heroes / No More Heroes 2

I basically think of these games as lost Dreamcast projects. The weirdness of an old Sega game, the gameplay of an old Capcom game, and the presentation of a Suda game lead this to be totally unique action experiences. Oh, and I don't care what anyone says, the sequel is the better game.

Zack & Wiki: Quest For Barbaros Treasure

A minor, unpolished gem. Zack & Wiki needed a bit more time to cook, but the game is still worth the try. Basically think an old school point and click adventure game with Wii pointer control minigames and an unforgiving difficulty and you've got this game. It's really a shame Capcom didn't put enough muscle behind this as it had the potential to really be something great and be a really unique series.

Sonic Colors

I'll be brief. Do you want to play a good 3D Sonic game? Or just a great game? Well don't pass this by. You won't regret it.

New Super Mario Bros. Wii

So you like Mario games, right? You like 2D platformers, right? Then why aren't you playing this?


Data East Arcade Classics (tons of cool games previously unavailable)
SNK Arcade Classics Vol. 1 (same as above)
Hundreds of Virtual Console games that you don't own

I haven't enjoyed so many different style of games on one system in a long time. One important thing to note is that if the Wii did not exist, none of these games would either. That is what makes the Wii a great system, in my opinion.

What games do you love from this system?
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Spark Of Spirit

AH! I forgot Excitebots!

One of the most unique racing games in years!
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I.......didn't know GameCube didn't have downloadable games. Anyway, add Contra ReBirth to the list of Wii games I want.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Fatal Frame 4

An amazing entry in what is perhaps the most terrifying horror game series of all time.

Spark Of Spirit

Nice choice, Foggle. I still need to get around to getting those non-NA Wii games someday.

Quote from: gunswordfist on January 24, 2012, 06:59:32 PM
I.......didn't know GameCube didn't have downloadable games.
Nope, that started this gen.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Rosalinas Spare Wand

You know, every time somebody asked me to convince them not to sell their Wii/buy it for more than one game, I would mention just about every single game Desensitized posted up there. Each time I was shrugged off because these games were not the Hollywood-tier games that litter the PS3 and 360, or because they thought that kind of game design was too dated and not worth paying for.

I absolutely agree with you Desen. The Wii has been my favorite console this gen and I wouldn't trade any of its titles for an enhanced interior. Budget titles they may be, but at least these games have a real spark of creativity and love into them.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Yeah, while the Wii had what I considered to be a weak line-up at first, it didn't take long for it to accumulate a ton of great games, more of which interest me than on the HD consoles. To be honest I was sort of in the same state as Desensitized in which I was losing interest in gaming since last gen. I only ended up getting an XBOX360 because I came upon an opportunity in which I could get it for free (and this was before the launch of the Wii or PS3, and neither of those were available, but for the record I still would have picked the 360 over the PS3 even if that were available at the time). While its certainly a good console in its own right, nothing that I have played on the console has really been exceptionally good. My personal favorite game is obviously Ninja Gaiden II, but even that games is miles behind its predecessor Ninja Gaiden Black on the XBOX, and while I liked it I also found it to be a disappointment overall in comparison.

Other than that I've played a ton of very good games but really nothing that I would call entirely great.

The Wii on the other hand has a plethora of games that just really grab my interest, and honestly I'd rather by a Wii before even considering ever getting any upcoming next-gen consoles (which won't be out for a while and which I wouldn't even be able to afford at full retail price, anyways). Its very telling that even though I don't own the Wii I can tell it has by far the best selection of single-player games available on any console from this generation (and IMO its better than the PS2 as well, for anyone comparing it to last gen consoles), so its definitely earned the right to be called the best console of the generation. Screw the Hollywood budget movie games for the XBOX360 and PS3, those are good games for what they are but none of them have any lasting appeal or real creativity. They just have a lot of budget to make very derivative gameplay seem better than it really is. The Wii actually has real games that do unique things and stand out, and on top of that most of them actually have replay value and player-choice. Overall its just the only current-gen console that really interests me, anymore. That doesn't mean that I don't play my X360 anymore (on the contrary I still get some good play-time out of it), but it just doesn't occupy me as much as the Wii would if I had one.

Spark Of Spirit

Yeah, I guess it gets to me because I think I imagined gaming going in a pretty different direction than a lot of people did only I never really realized it. Back when I was playing Super Mario World stuff like Sonic CD seemed like the future. A next gen game that had 8 and 16 bit roots of classic gaming and expanded on everything while keeping what made it great.

Back in the old days most people expected the future to look like this:

While I was hoping for this:

So it's no wonder I felt so out of touch for so long.  :D

In fact the reason I initially looked into the PS1 over the N64 was because of Mega Man 8 and Street Fighter Alpha of all things. I guess it shows what I was looking for at the time.  :P
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Man, that OP is drool-worthy. So many good games wrapped up in there.
Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!


Threads like these make me want to know what exactly  "gamers"(and even legitimate ones who don't care much for the mainstream titles of today) are smoking whenever they say that the Wii doesn't have any games. Hell, I've even seen some of these people dismiss masterpieces like Galaxy 2 because "Nintendo isn't doing anything new and just milking their old franchises" or some BS like that.

I'm actually somewhat ashamed that I don't own some of these titles. I was looking forward to Red Steel 2 before it came out, but never got around to actually buying it (mainly because of money problems). I saw Wario Land Shake It! and Sin and Punishment 2 at my local K-Mart for less than $20 a few months back, now that I have more money, I'll try to go down there again and see if they still have them and buy at least one or the other once I'm finished with NMH (which I'm enjoying immensely). Still need to finish Muramasa too. Also thinking about getting Madworld.

How ironic that the system most decryed for "not being for gamers" actually has some of the best games that are basically a love-letter to gamers and video-games in general.


Excellent thread, Desen.

Glad to finally see someone giving credit where credit is due on a number of these titles that quote unquote "gamers" seem to hate so much; Epic Mickey, Brave & The Bold (do people just go into this with the idiotic assumption that it sucks simply because it's based off of a TV series?), Zack & Wiki (I often feel like I am the only person in the world that likes this game, and would gladly take another), etc. etc. The Wii just has so many great offerings all around, and unless your gaming palette is strictly limited to movie-style shooters, I really don't know how anyone can actually hate this system.

Admittedly, there are a lot of these that I still need to try. Kirby's Return to Dreamland looks like that classic return to Kirby I've been waiting years for (not to mention; user-controlled Meta Knight fighting Whispy Woods? OH HELL YES), and I've heard great things about Muramasa, among others. Some of these I'm not very familiar with at all (Lost In Shadow, and the two Marble games), but look like pretty cool games I need to try. Looks like I've still got a lot of catching up to do here.


Quote from: Rynnec on January 25, 2012, 04:16:48 AM
How ironic that the system most decryed for "not being for gamers" actually has some of the best games that are basically a love-letter to gamers and video-games in general.
Seriously. New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Skyward Sword are quite possibly the best in their respective franchises, which is no small feat. No More Heroes is basically nothing but fanservice for long-time gamers. MadWorld, Red Steel 2, and Fatal Frame 4 use the motion controls in the new and exciting ways that the console was designed for. Not to mention that every game on that list is amazingly high quality.

Spark Of Spirit

Man, I don't even have all the games on that list. Some I played via friends or rental, but they all impressed me in different ways. I still need to grab the first Kororinpa, Excitebots, Guilty Party, Trauma Team and a few others. If you add in Virtual Console games (such as VC exclusives of classics never released here like Super Fantasy Zone, Milon, and Sin & Punishment 1 for example) and the nice pocket of WiiWare games and you have quite a great library.

Unfortunately, I think after Xenoblade, Mario Party 9, and The Last Story release here that the Wii will be done, but those that scoff at its line up because it doesn't get tons of sub par shooters like the HD systems are missing out.

As I said, NONE of those games would even exist if the Wii didn't. I don't think I can say that about anything on the PS3 or 360 short of maybe DLC games.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Foggle on January 25, 2012, 11:23:40 AMNew Super Mario Bros. Wii and Skyward Sword are quite possibly the best in their respective franchises, which is no small feat. 

I can understand SS, but NSMBW? How come?


Quote from: talonmalon333 on January 25, 2012, 02:03:44 PM
Quote from: Foggle on January 25, 2012, 11:23:40 AMNew Super Mario Bros. Wii and Skyward Sword are quite possibly the best in their respective franchises, which is no small feat. 

I can understand SS, but NSMBW? How come?
Because it takes the original 2D Mario formula and nearly perfects it, with great level design and excellent difficulty. Plus it has 4 player co-op.