Game of Thrones

Started by Lord Dalek, April 07, 2012, 11:19:49 AM

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Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Dr. Insomniac on October 23, 2022, 09:53:43 PM
And speaking of Joffrey, a lot of HOTD's casual viewers looking for something to watch/re-watch while waiting for season 2 will surely be pissed.

Oddly fitting for Joffrey to spoil a major plot point for viewers and chuckle about it. At least it's not the ending of the story, just the war. I mean....

Aegon doesn't exactly outlive Rhaenyra by long, and he's in miserable pain until his last days, so it's kind of an everyone loses scenario. Also very fitting that Joffrey failed to acknowledge that part of the story.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Preston's full season review of HOTD:

A lot of people think that Preston is just a book purist who hates the show because he nitpicks a lot of details (mostly for humor in his weekly reviews), but I like how he points out that he's not a fan of Fire and Blood to begin with and actually gives the show props for doing it's own thing and making a mostly cohesive story out of it. And pointing out that he wouldn't criticize it so extensively if he didn't think it had any value also shows that he's not as harsh about it as his weekly reviews make him seem.

As for his criticisms, the only one I disagreed with is how Rhaenyra and Alicent didn't try to change the system that they were brought up in and instead ended up making the same mistakes as their parents. Not that he's wrong in making that observation, but that it's not a flaw at all, but one of the core points of the show's stance on how politics can change people into what they hate.

Every other criticism was on the money, though. Most notably how inconsistent the character arcs and their personal motivations and conflicts feel between time-jumps. A lot of these rivalries or mending of relationships feel so jarring most of the time because there is so much context missing. Like, one episode Viserys kicks Daemon out of King's Landing for flirting with Rhaenyra and then a few episodes later they're married under extremely controversial circumstances and he treats it like it's completely normal and they are all on good terms. How exactly did we get to that point?

Dr. Insomniac

Yeah, there was a Downton Abbey-ness to all the timeskips and character arcs. And even with DA, you can chalk that up to unexpected cast departures hampering the show's season plans.

Dr. Insomniac

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Yeah, that headline quote says it all. I always thought it was a stupid idea because what story could you possibly tell with Jon Snow and the Wildlings being completely detached from the rest of Westeros and also not having any threat of White Walkers to deal with anymore. I mean, at best you could maybe try and do a Vinland Saga style story of Jon Snow trying to manage and lead the group to try and settle down in a place where they could live out their days in peace, but that wouldn't really be the story that the Game of Thrones audience (specifically the TV-only fans) would probably care for. The whole concept screams of some top executives wanting more content with one of the main stars of the show without even the slightest thought of what kind of story could actually carry an entire series.

Dr. Insomniac

After all these years, it's time.

We're finally getting payoff for Carmine and Preston having Pokemon avatars.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Talking about the important shit here.

Dr. Insomniac

Not gonna lie, it is interesting watching these two, who normally talk about TV aimed at adults or at least general audiences, try to make sense of a show aimed at children. Especially Preston since he never grew up watching the anime and only really knows the games so he's asking questions like "Why is Brock always hitting on all the nurses but not Misty?" or "What was Mewtwo's problem? Why does he turn evil after only seconds of consciousness?"

Dr. Insomniac

Is it weird that I'm surprised the Blood and Cheese scene wasn't more graphic?