Super Smash Bros.

Started by Spark Of Spirit, April 28, 2012, 09:19:58 PM

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Rosalinas Spare Wand

Sakurai on clones

He already said this stuff back when Lucina was announced but it's interesting to hear him speak about how they're not really taking up slots, or how he views the people who complain about them.

Spark Of Spirit

Lucina is merely Roy again, so it's hard being upset at that, and Dr. Mario has the old moveset which I vastly prefer, but Dark Pit as a slot still seems rather unnecessary to me and might as well have been a alternate costume like Alph or the Koopalings. Lucas probably would have been a better pick there seeing as how he's the only other Mother rep in Smash.

I don't really have a problem with the roster as it is now since they're all so good.

But the roster screen itself looks awful compared to every other Smash game.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


As much as I dislike Pacman and his game(does he really mean that much to Nintendo to include him in Smash?) and intially took much joy in bitchslapping his ass offscreen, he's actually a pretty good fighter.  Won't use him as a main, but he's still pretty decent.  Also the Melee fan in me is loving the return of Dr. Mario.

Quote from: Kiddington on October 08, 2014, 06:59:57 AM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on October 08, 2014, 12:13:33 AM
For some reason the AI gets incredibly aggressive and nasty when you're trying to unlock characters. I think they're harder to beat than level 9s. No idea why Sakurai did that. It's just mean.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that. This is seriously pissing me off, and probably the one major drawback I can find thus far. I about broke my 3DS in half trying to unlock Lucina earlier. Like, why? A lot of us (including myself, full disclosure), aren't fucking pros at these games, you shouldn't have to be sparring with a near-max difficulty opponent just to unlock new characters. Ugh, anyway.

..........hmmm yeah, so that is kiiiiind of a lot of complaining on my part. Don't get me wrong guys, I still like it! It's cool to finally have a handheld smash, and some of the new additions like the Koopalings are pretty sweet. Now I just need to unlock Duck Hunt Dog and see if the hype is truly real.  :happytime:
I don't know, I didn't have much difficulty unlocking characters, I had the game less than 24 hours before I unlocked them all(just got the game on Friday).  Really the only characters that gave me trouble were the last few, Bowser Jr. kind of fucked me up mainly because of the stage, and Duck Hunt Dog and Jigglypuff were just so damn fast.

My biggest complaint with the game is that it suffers from exactly what you'd expect a Smash game on a DS to suffer from, namely the screen size and the controls.  Characters can be hard to see at certain times, especially when it zooms out, and the circle pad just doesn't cut it in some situations(I'm used to playing Smash with a GameCube controller after all).  Also the whole thing kinda feels like a novelty of just having it on a portable.  It's not a bad game by any means, it's still fun, but it's probably something I'll rarely if ever touch once I get the Wii U version, and in that regard it seems pointless that the game came out.
It doesn't matter what you say, soon you'll be dead anyway.

Spark Of Spirit

You know, technical aspects aside, I'm really liking the feel of this game. It's not as fast as Melee (and half the cast isn't useless as a result) and not as slow as Brawl (and half the cast isn't useless as a result) but in between where no matter your weight class or speed you can still dish out the damage and do really well.

Plus, unlike those games, this will get patched, so any tricks like goofy infinities or the old chaingrabs (which are gone now) will be promptly removed.

Since the Wii U version will clearly play better due to the bigger screen and control options, I'm definitely more excited for it than I was before.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


My main's thus far:

Bowser Jr./Koopalings (Larry and Ludwig are my favs)
Dr. Mario
Duck Hunt Dog
Little Mac

I absolutely adore Duck Hunt Dog and Sonic; those are probably my main two, with everybody else working in whenever. Little Mac is cheap and hits hard so I use him for tougher battles, I like Bowser and Ganondorf's power even if they're slow as hell, and then of course you've got old favs like Ness and Jigglypuff.

So far I'm finding that I don't like the sword characters; probably the only one I ever really use is Toon Link. Thankfully unlike Brawl and Melee, pretty much every character here has at least some merit in terms of fighting ability, and there isn't a huge skewing of power between the good and bad. The only ones I truly dislike are Dark Pit and Wii Fit Trainer, and that mostly comes down to my own personal preferences over outright strength (basically, the fact that they dropped the Ice Climbers for a fucking straight-up clone, and a fighter from a "series" that has no absolutely no business being represented here). But other than that, a very solid roster.

Spark Of Spirit

Quote from: Kiddington on October 13, 2014, 07:45:08 PM
My main's thus far:

Bowser Jr./Koopalings (Larry and Ludwig are my favs)
Dr. Mario
Duck Hunt Dog
Little Mac

The sword characters have been made slightly less effective this go around (except Toon Link who always has his speed to make up for it) and that's okay with me. A Smash game without sword-users or space animals at the top would be nice.

My mains so far:

Kirby - Never mess with Kirby. Since you can move and charge the hammer, it's actually useful now. Everything else is like Brawl but better.
Ness - PK Thunder is next to impossible to gimp now and everything else is buffed. My only disappointment is how hard it is to spike with his down air now. I wish Sakurai would make that the way it was in Smash 64 again.
Toon Link - The new Link to the Past alt costume (#8) is king. He's harder to KO with now, but he's still fast and hard to hit so it evens out.
Luigi - Luigi gets better with every game. His cyclone can KO and has crazy range, the green missile is even better and his jump is even higher. Only disappointment is that his smash attacks take so long to KO with.
Mega Man - Projectiles everywhere! People are currently looking down on him, but he can surprise you. Slash Claw is killer.
Dr. Mario - The tornado is so good, his down air is great, and he just hits so hard. Mario might be faster, but I like Doc's tools much better.
Duck Hunt - That can! Very strange character, but so fun to use.
Ludwig - This was such a pleasant surprise of a character. Even better that I can play as the best koopaling.
Little Mac - Stick and move like Punch-Out! and Mac is nearly unstoppable. I just wish Doc Louis would talk more when taunting.
Captain Falcon - He's finally good again. Nobody has more fun brawling than the captain does.
Sonic - Like Brawl Sonic but better and easier to control at higher speeds! I'm glad Super Sonic was nerfed, but he still hits really hard.
Mii Brawler - My John Reese Mii is crazy strong. Hank Hill less so, but still really good. They're my favorite Miis to use.

That's right, I'm still deciding between twelve characters. And I don't mind using any other characters for challenges, either. It's just so hard to decide what to do next in this game. There's so much to do.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I've settled with Lucina as my main with Meta Knight as my secondary, but Yoshi and Lucario are also really fun to use. I've yet to really experiment with the other characters since I've mostly been playing For Glory, but everyone else seems really fun to use from what little I've played as them.

Rosalinas Spare Wand

Rynnec's Lucina gives me nightmares.

I'm pretty much sticking to Rosalina as my main. She's got some ridiculously good tricks for dealing with cheesers and campers.

Spark Of Spirit

Sorry about that match with items. It was my first time playing online and I forgot to turn them off.

You guys are really good. That was fun.  :)
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Thanks, your not too bad yourself. ;)

Spark Of Spirit

The Wii U version has had a few leaks

Improved stage creator hopefully means more background and tile customizations.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Spark Of Spirit

"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Il Juude

Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on October 09, 2014, 10:55:41 PM
But the roster screen itself looks awful compared to every other Smash game.
It looks like something you'd see in a Mugen game.

Dr. Insomniac

Even robots can feel love.

Spark Of Spirit

New video out this Thursday/Friday!

Also, a bunch of new screenshots came out and we apparently know some new stages for the Wii U version.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton