Super Smash Bros.

Started by Spark Of Spirit, April 28, 2012, 09:19:58 PM

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60fps gameplay videos of the Wii U version.

One thing I found interesting is that they're playing Zelda music on what appears to be a Yoshi stage.

Spark Of Spirit

Awesome, the hard rock version of the SMB3 theme is on Yoshi Island Melee. This means the terrible Peach's Castle from Melee won't be in this game because that is its main track.

I don't see the stage you're talking about, though. The one playing the OoT music is a custom stage.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


D'oh! Should've figured, almost got my hopes up for nothing.

But wow, custom stages look really good this time around.

Spark Of Spirit

Smash Tour is looking like a fun new mode. Sort of like Mario Party meets Special Smash.

It's probably not a mode I'll play much on my own, but I'm sure I'll enjoy it more than Subspace Emissary.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I would rather have Subspace Emissary, tbh. Smash Tour just doesn't interest me at all, maybe if it was used as the story mode instead of another generic party mode I'd feel differently.

Spark Of Spirit

The problem I had with SSE is that I literally played it once, beat it, then never touched it again. And that was the mode that sopped up most of the development time on Brawl.

But, hey, I'm weird. I also didn't like Melee's Adventure mode and found it dull.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I like the idea of a board game mode in Smash Bros., but I was personally hoping it'd be more like Mario Party except instead of mini-games you had Smash fights.


I still find Subspace to be one of the most brutal slogs ever; it's a nice enough concept for sure, but the whole thing is just too long and boring. And yeah, absolutely no replay value either; I get pretty burned out on it within 5-10 minutes if I ever try and pick it up again.


wait, the game has magicant? sweet.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Oh my god, the final battle theme from Bowser's Inside Story is in the game. That's my favorite final boss theme of all time. Joygasm. JOOOOOOOY!


Looks like I've got another month. Ugh the wait is killiiiiing meeeee.

Like I mean, yeah I could easily afford to buy a Wii U and everything right now (I have so much money saved up at this point), but I pretty much know I'm already getting one for Christmas, so what'd even be the point? Looks like I'll just have to endure the torture of everybody's else fun for a bit longer.

.....anyway, has anyone gotten Mewtwo yet?


We don't get Mewtwo until Spring.


"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Rosalinas Spare Wand

Some of the WiiU stages are way too huge. It's got that same problem that recent Mario Karts have, that the stages are made with more players in mind and if you choose the traditional amount of people the game becomes a slog to play. Like goddamn, Cave Offensive and Palutena's Temple do not need to be that huge.

Spark Of Spirit

I haven't had the time to dive in like I would have liked to, but here are my impressions:

Best Smash game!

The feel of the game is the best Smash has ever been, the roster is the best there has ever been, and this is the best new line up of stages a new Smash game has ever had. That is, as long as you remember to play the three big stages in 8 player Smash only. I honestly think the new stages are the best designed they've ever been. Mushroom Kingdom U, Mario Circuit (New), Mario Galaxy, Skyloft, Jungle Hijinks (Finally, an awesome DK stage!), Woolly World, Orbital Gate Assault, Kalos League, Coliseum, Gamer, Town & City, Garden of Hope (Yay, a good Pikmin stage!) Duck Hunt, Wrecking Crew, Windy Hill, Pilotwings, and Wuhu Island are the best stages ever in the Smash series. Add in returning greats like Delfino Plaza, Luigi's Mansion, Kongo Jungle 64 (this is the first Smash game with DK levels I can stand), Yoshi's Island, Lylat Cruise, Pokemon Stadium 2, Onett, Castle Siege, and the usual suspects of Battlefield and Final Destination, and you've got everything you need for a great stage line up. Gaur Plains is also much better than in the 3DS version, and Flatzone X is a clever idea.

Master Orders and Crazy Orders are awesome ideas, adding enough variety to vanilla Smash to add tons of replay value. My only complaint with this mode is choosing a stage in either mode with explosive stage hazards is almost inevitable and they really should be turned off or turned down when in them. The modes are a great place to unlock new trophies, items, and CDs, that I can't imagine a Smash Bros. game without them.

Classic Mode is something that is receiving strange criticism for essentially being the same as it has always been. Seven stages and a battle with Master/Crazy Hand, same as always. You get tons of rewards for choosing smart battles, PLUS you can do it co-op and get two trophies at once. This is the first time I've looked forward to playing the mode since the original game. The 3DS version was tedious, but this one has far more options that make it different every time you play.

Complaints? Smash Tour is fun, but it's not something you're going to do a whole lot, and there are not as many new stages as there were in Brawl. Also, they probably could have brought over more 3DS stages to balance the stage count. Magicant, Mute City, and Prism Tower would have looked great in HD and would have balanced the franchises' reps more.

My biggest issues boil down to returning stages.

Nobody wanted Mario Circuit from Brawl back. It's not a good level. Bridge of Eldin and Temple return, but no Pirate Ship? So why did they bring swimming back if it's only in two levels? The cars still hit WAY too hard in Port Town Aero Dive, which makes picking it in a Master Order of Crazy Order suicidal. Halberd is fine, but there's no standard green Kirby level which is odd-- why not Dreamland 64? Which brings me to my next point. Why is there only ONE Smash 64 stage in the game? Kirby really could have used a normal green stage like Dreamland, and Peach's Castle would have been a better stage to bring back instead of Mario Circuit (Brawl), but overall, the lack of Smash 64 stages is a missed opportunity.

Also, why is Smashville back? Town & City makes it completely redundant. They should have at least put that in the 3DS version and brought Tortimer Island on the Wii U.

The soundtrack is something I both really like and find disappointing. I'll start with the downs. Why are they remixing the same songs over and over? I don't need another remix of SMB1's ground theme when it has been done so many times, how about SMB2/USA getting an overworld remix? The main Zelda theme has been remixed in like every game by now, thankfully we got Lorule Castle's Dark World remix and a cool Great Sea remix to balance it out, but I can do without another main theme remix. Kirby's Brawl Butter Building and Dedede remixes are great, so why did they get ANOTHER remix? Not to mention Green Greens getting another non-fast remix. The Great Cave Offensive remix is cool, but there's still nothing from Return to Dreamland, Epic Yarn, or Float Island (which I've been waiting for a remix for forever) from the original game. There is only one track from Wario Land Shake It in the game and Wario no longer has the Wario Land shoulder charge. Wario Land is really underepped in Smash Bros.

Not to mention they didn't bring back Humoresque of a Little Dog's remix for Onett. It's the Earthbound shop theme. You fight in front of the shop in the stage. Why is it not there? And Fourside is still missing. How has that track never returned? Also most of the new Zelda remixes are Skyward Sword, and I just really didn't care for that game's soundtrack. Also, there are no Super Punch Out remixes. Why? Then there's Sonic. No new remixes and they even cut Emerald Hill Zone. What in the world.

But the most disappointing aspect of the music is that the only really new Donkey Kong music are 7 remixes of DK Island Swing. No Hot Head Bop, Fear Factory, Mining Melancholy, Rattle Battle, Busted Bayou, or anything from DKC3 (either soundtrack). I ended up making a stage for the Stickerbrush Symphony track, put Gangplank Galleon on Kongo Jungle 64, and turned off most of the Kongo Jungle remixes. DK didn't get a new rep, items, or assist trophies this game, but at least he has good stages.

However, there's a lot of really good music. All the great Brawl and Melee remixes are back (including a new remix of Yoshi's Island which remix doesn't return from Brawl) and there are some really good new remixes and good game rip tracks. I really like the new MK7 Mario Circuit remix (about the only song from 7 I dig) and the Cloudtop Cruise remix from 8, The Great Sea/Menu remix, the new Dark World/Dark World Dungeon remix, Yoshi Woolly World theme remix, and the Super Mario World medley which is incredible. Then there's the new Onett/Winters theme which should have been the alternate track on the stage back in Melee (Pollyanna is a REALLY boring song to fight to), Fire Emblem's Meeting Theme medley, and the new Animal Crossing tracks. The second half of the Duck Hunt remix (used in the trailer) is incredible as is the Wrecking Crew Medley. The themes returning from the 3DS version are still great, too.

But then there's Mega Man. Oh my. Cut Man remix, Quick Man remix, Air Man remix, Spark Man remix, and Shadow Man remix. Like butter. They also have great retro medleys of each of the first three games. Sure every other game in the series misses out (Really, couldn't even give me a game rip of Slash Man or Hornet Man?) and even in the medleys some songs are cut (Bubble Man and Magnet Man are egregious examples) but Mega Man really got the royal treatment music-wise.

All in all, excellent game. Probably GOTY if I didn't already play Tropical Freeze earlier in the year. But it's definitely one of the best.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton