E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) 2012

Started by Spark Of Spirit, May 04, 2012, 06:39:53 PM

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Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on June 05, 2012, 01:35:22 PM
Its hard for me to judge P-100 from just that trailer. It looks like one of those games that is lame to watch but could be surprisingly fun to play. I'm not sure yet.
Yeah, the more I think about it, the more I agree with you. MadWorld was actually pretty boring to watch, but insanely fun to play. This will surely be the same way.

Platinum has made four shooters, but that's only if you count the time they spent as Capcom Production Studio 4 before they became Clover. (The other three are Resident Evil 4, Killer7, and P.N.03 - all of which are amazing). If you only consider Clover and P*, they have made but a single shooter, and it's one of the best this generation.

Spark Of Spirit

I didn't say Third Person Shooters, I said Third Person Games. Also, I like Vanquish, but it didn't really stick with me, and it was only about 6 hours long.

This game reminds me of quirky top down games like Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Little King Story, or Pikmin meets the style of Viewtiful Joe (Which is Kamiya's best game, IMO) and is completely different than anything shown at E3 so far.

I'm glad to see some developers can do games other than cinematic third person action games (heavily scripted or not), since so far that's what 85% of this E3 has consisted of.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Third person games is a very vague description, though, since technically you could even call a top-down shooter a third person game since its still technically viewing character in third person, just not from a cinematic angle.

Anyways, I don't mind that there are a lot of third person action games. I mind that most of them are heavily scripted and have no creativity to them whatsoever. I do like the idea of other genres in the mix, though.

As for third person action games in general, though, I'd say you might as well just specify their being an over-abundance of third person shooters, since if you were to generalize it to action games that would imply that we are also getting a lot of hack n' slash, beat-em-up, and adventure games, which is far from the truth. We are getting some, but stuff like God of War and Assassin's Creed III don't interest me in the least, and the only one I can think of off hand that I am looking forward to is Metal Gear Rising.


There's going to be another segment of RE 6 gameplay later today. This one is from Leon's section in Tall Oaks. Pretty excited!

Spark Of Spirit

Pretty good post

The cheers during Last Of Us were quite disturbing.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I love Rock Paper Shotgun. Their posts can get a bit preachy at times, and I feel that this one did a bit with their whole "video games need to be something more than games!" comments, but their writers are easily the best in the "games journalism" "business." It's a shame they only cover PC gaming.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Sorry, but I find that poster to be heavily overreacting. I mean, how long has violence been in games? Its been around for a long time, and people have honestly had that kind of reaction to it since even the SNES and Genesis days with games like DOOM and Mortal Kombat, among plenty of other things. I myself am usually pretty indifferent to gore. If a game has it, that's fine, and if it doesn't have it, that's fine. I really don't care in most cases (the only reason I complained about it in NGS2 was because the replacement effect looked so cheaply done and downright didn't fit in with the game's look), but actually this post you linked to reminds me of a problem I've had with gamers in general for quite a long time. People like to make nothing seem like such a big issue. I'm sorry, but gore in video games and people's reactions to it is not a big issue. Its been around for a long time. And people cheering at that gore scene in The Last of Us isn't the first time that's ever happened. People have reacted positively to violence way before this generation even started.

Anyways, my issue is that people cheer to such games and are so enthusiastic about it despite them being clearly uninspired and really only being able to hold up through their graphics and presentation. A few years after its release the game will feel dated and boring. Meanwhile, games that actually put effort and creativity into their design and happen to be a lot cleaner looking to appeal to all ages are looked down on as "kiddy" and fall under the scope. That's my real problem with how modern gamers and journalists see everything. They give praise to so many games that don't deserve it and ignore the games that do.


The Last of Us' gore is supposed to be disturbing, though. There's a difference between cheering at that and cheering at one of the over the top boss finishers in MadWorld.

Spark Of Spirit

It's the obsession with Ninja Gaiden 3 level of gore and tasteless morality disguised as "cool". It's one thing to shoot at someone who is shooting at you, it's a whole other one to execute someone begging for their life. That some people can't tell the difference is worrying on some level.

We went from demons hunting a lone soldier clawing for his life to a nearly omnipotent player taking apart an elephant's head simply because he can, in the last twenty something years. There's a very big difference there.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

People have reacted to that way even to gore that's supposed to be "taken seriously," though. The primary reason is because, its still just gore and a lot of people have some immature inclination to react to it in that way. I know that Insomniac is trying to make the gore look "disturbing" in this game, but no matter how good their graphics engine is, it just looks like gore to me. If anything its less over the top and just feels more detailed but still looks like it came from a video game, so either way if they were trying to make people take it seriously like that, then they failed pretty miserably at it, since I'm still indifferent to it.


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on June 05, 2012, 02:13:52 PM
People have reacted to that way even to gore that's supposed to be "taken seriously," though. The primary reason is because, its still just gore and a lot of people have some immature inclination to react to it in that way. I know that Insomniac is trying to make the gore look "disturbing" in this game, but no matter how good their graphics engine is, it just looks like gore to me. If anything its less over the top and just feels more detailed but still looks like it came from a video game, so either way if they were trying to make people take it seriously like that, then they failed pretty miserably at it, since I'm still indifferent to it.
I agree with you entirely tbh, I just feel that the article brings up some interesting points.

That elephant scene in God of War, though... good lord.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on June 05, 2012, 02:11:41 PM
It's the obsession with Ninja Gaiden 3 level of gore and tasteless morality disguised as "cool". It's one thing to shoot at someone who is shooting at you, it's a whole other one to execute someone begging for their life. That some people can't tell the difference is worrying on some level.

We went from demons hunting a lone soldier clawing for his life to a nearly omnipotent player taking apart an elephant's head simply because he can, in the last twenty something years. There's a very big difference there.

Once again, being able to kill innocent bi-standards has been around for years, though. It was in GTA3 which was an open world game that came out over a decade ago, it was even in PS1 games for that matter. The thing is, I don't really agree with you that somehow people's attitudes to that stuff has really changed over time, or that game's in general now give precedence to that type of gameplay. To me, there are just a lot of stupid people out there who react that way to stuff like that. I'm willing to bet that if an equivalent of this game were shown at E3 10 years ago, you'd still see the same reaction. I'm not saying its right, but I am saying that its honestly something that's been true for so long that I just fail to see it as a big deal, anymore, especially since this whole "issue" is not even one of my main issues with gaming. My main issue with gaming is that not enough of it actually feels like "gaming" anymore. Why doesn't somebody make a post about that, instead?

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Foggle on June 05, 2012, 02:16:31 PM
I agree with you entirely tbh, I just feel that the article brings up some interesting points.

Fair enough. I'm not saying that the poster is wrong, either, I agree with his point. I just feel that he's being way too preachy here, as I don't consider this to be as big of an issue as he makes it out to be.

QuoteThat elephant scene in God of War, though... good lord.

To be fair (and I'm saying this as someone who doesn't like God of War), I don't see what was so wrong with that scene. The elephant was an enemy. Kratos gets it to a near death state and then finishes it off by ripping off its head. I'm no more a fan of it than you guys are, believe me, but I've grown used to this kind of stuff and just don't care about it anymore. Remember in God of War 3 how Kratos ripped the intestines out of some of his enemies? Compared to that, this shouldn't seem that shocking, really.

Spark Of Spirit

I dunno about Last Of Us as a whole, Uncharted 4 with a bigger inventory and more gore doesn't do anything for me, but the biggest cheers being for completely scripted sequences based on tasteless violence is pretty opposite to the reason I even started playing them.

Foggle mentioned Madworld, but the enemies there are trying to tear YOU apart as well. But on the other hand, what did that elephant do to Kratos?  :P (I'm being sort of facetious now)

ANYWAY, I know this is not something you guys want to get into so I'll drop it. I just want to see more games announced.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Going to be honest, I couldn't finish GOW 3 because some of the gory parts bothered me. The violence was just too cruel at times.