Max Payne

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, May 09, 2012, 11:38:54 PM

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"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Apparently beating the game on Old School difficulty unlocks a blocky, pixelated model of Max based on the GBA version for use in multiplayer and Arcade mode. I love it!

Spark Of Spirit

QuoteIt's ironic that Rockstar's artistic control over Max Payne 3 ends up contributing to the game's very best moments, yet also acts as the seed to its lowest frustrations. You may have noticed that I've spoken at lengths on how the game looks, sounds, and feels, yet I've mentioned nothing about how it plays. That's because, while certainly not bad by any means, the gunplay in MP3 feels like the only element in the game that has yet to evolve over the past decade. This becomes obvious when you begin anticipating the twists, turns, and drops on Rockstar's expressly designed roller coaster. A few of the more difficult segments of the game forced me to repeat the same sections over and over until I memorized the actions of every single enemy. By the 10th iteration of a specific firefight, it began to feel less like a video game and more like a frustrating round of Simon. The worst of these offenders occur in the latter half of the game, where enemies begin to flood Max's world decked out in body armor that covers them from head to toe. Even the exposed skin of these soldiers seem to be relatively impervious to your bullets. Watching an enemy shrug off a shot that clearly hit them in the neck is a pain that gamers shouldn't have to endure in 2012.
I think I get where he's coming from if the enemies are bullet-sponges or don't stun long enough after being shot, but if he's complaining about enemies being too smart then that's another thing entirely. Still, 1up did end up giving it an A-, at the very least.

However the irony of that last sentence is that the last 9 COD games still have that issue, yet for some reason no one ever brings that frustration up. Here come the 10/10s for BLOPS 2!
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Game is great! Really quite hard, though (just like the old ones!). Probably going to have to lower it to Normal difficulty for my first playthrough.

This won't mean anything to you guys, but the PC port (yes, Rockstar, this is a port) is shameful. It runs well, sure, but the aiming doesn't feel very smooth and all those awesome in-engine cutscenes from the console versions were simply recorded off of an Xbox and instead run pre-rendered here, thus making them look pretty bad compared to the actual graphics. Also, 16:10 resolution settings are screwed up, so I have to play the game in a window, which really kills the immersion and introduces extra game-breaking bugs. :-\


Just beat Chapter 4. It is amazing. I must say that MP 3 is worth playing for the New Jersey level alone. This truly is a Max Payne game.


Wow... fuck you, Rockstar. Just launched Max Payne 3 again only to discover that I have no save file. The same thing happened earlier today, though it wasn't a big deal then because I'd only beaten chapter 1.

This, along with the resolution stretching, is completely unacceptable from a finished product that took 5+ years to make.


I don't even know what to say other than that shit sucks. I've been hearing problems earlier from people on my twitter feed with how it wouldn't install properly.


Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!


Okay, I fixed the saving bug (for now, anyway). Hopefully I'll be able to catch up to where I was tomorrow.


Rockstar finally patched the resolution stretching! I can play the game properly now. :)