Favorite Video Game Genres

Started by gunswordfist, June 18, 2012, 11:01:52 AM

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I'll have this in two categories:
-Favorites genres in and of itself (basically rank them on how much you like what the genre can
and could do.)
My list:
1. Hack n slash/3D Action Platformer
2. Beat Em up/shoot em up
3. Platformer/Metroidvania
4. Shooter
5. RPG/Action
-Normal list based off of how good you think the games are in your favorite genres are
My list:
1. Platformer
2. Beat em up/shoot em up
3. Shooter
4. RPG
5. Hack n slash
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


I started to make a new topic, but saw that this had no replies.

01.) Fighters - No surprise here. Back in my SNES days all I really played was Super Street Fighter 2, and on the PS and Saturn I played a variety of fighters ranging from Street Fighter 2 Alpha all the way to Fighting Vipers. Even with the Dreamcast I was playing Soul Calibur and Dead or Alive 2. I'd say my love for fighting games really started diminishing when the PS2 came around because Tekken Tag Tournament was the last great fighter that I found to be worth my time. By the time I got my hands on a PS2 games like Marvel vs Capcom 2 and Capcom vs SNK2 cost too much money, especially when I had no money or a job to get those games, and Tekken 4/5 were boring to me. Anyway, long story short, my brother-in-law was the one who got me back into the genre, and in full force too since I put a lot of games on hold or have yet to start a lot of what I have. I may start up a game that's not a fighter today (Batman: AC) if I don't feel like hitting the training mode. But I think everyone knows that my favorite fighter is Super Street Fighter 4/Arcade Edition/2012/vortex fighter (whatever you want to call it). I love how technical this game is. It's not nearly as technical as the Guilty Gear franchise or the SNK games, but it's certainly up there. A simple concept such FADC makes the game fairly deep (but then again this was introduced in Guilty Gear 1st, or rather the principle I think). Anyway, I'm rambling.

02.) Hack n Slash/Beat em Up - Truth be told I only play the DMC games and NG1&2, but I'd probably be willing to try almost any of the games if they catch my attention. Unlike the fighting games I get the satisfaction of just feeling dominant when playing these games, especially after a long stressful day at work. Fighters don't give me that satisfaction (If you're angry I'd say fighting games are the last games you should be playing). I could play these type of games for that challenge, but I don't care about how challenging a game feel these days. Besides, I've had just about all the challenge I could stand come from NG2 on mentor alone. Never again. That's rage inducing levels for me.

For the most part that's it. I will dive into RPGs, FPS, and whatever you'd classify Metal Gear Solid as from time to time, but other than MGS3 and the Mass Effect series I don't really have much of an interest.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Mentor difficulty is actually my favorite difficulty in NG2, as its possible to get good at it while still getting more of a sense of challenge rather than frustration (of course at first, its just flat-out frustrating until you learn the game mechanics better). Master Ninja mode in NG2 is just flat-out not fun, though. Its broken in terms of difficulty and really forces you to have to resort to tedious tactics to beat it. On that end, its not actually as hard as you would expect (its still hard, but not nearly impossible), but it pretty much makes it nearly impossible to actually have any fun with combos and the like on that difficulty. Its really just about chaining constant UTs together, which can get really boring really fast.

As far as my favorite genres go, I can't really rank them, but I'm in agreement with GSF that hack n' slash is my favorite genre in terms of the best games that it can offer, but is also one of the weakest genre in terms of the amount of actual quality games that it currently has to offer, even if you include stuff that I'm not a fan of but can still acknowledge, like the God of War games.

As for other genres, I'm pretty open so I pretty much like almost any other genre of gaming. I'm just not really much of a fan of sports, stealth, RPG, and RTS games, though with RTS games its only because I haven't played any so I just flat-out don't have an opinion on the genre yet. Also, with sports games, there are a few exceptions when it comes to the more arcade-like sports titles. Other than that, I love pretty much every other genre of gaming, though of course that only applies to the actual games worth playing in those genres. But, yeah, I'm down with the action/adventure, puzzle, FPS, TPS, and fighting game genres.


Platformers, run and guns, beat em ups, puzzle games, driving games(the GTA or Need For Speed style of driving, not the Gran Turismo style), and action-adventure.
It doesn't matter what you say, soon you'll be dead anyway.


1. Platformer
2. Beat em up/shoot em up
3. Shooter
4. Stealth
5. Hack n slash
6. RPG
7. Fighting

This is my list now. Fighting could go up, it's just that I bately play the genre.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


1. Stealth
2. Beat 'em up/hack 'n slash (the DMC kind, not the Diablo kind)
3. Horror
5. Platformer

That's my top 5. I like pretty much any genre, but these are the kind of games I normally prefer to play.


1. Action/Hack'n Slash
2. Fighting (Preferably 2D)
3. Platformers
4. Shoot'em up/Beat'em up
5. RPG's

RPG's are great, but I can hardly put aside time to play them. FPS' I have a love/hate relationship with. I love FPS' like Metroid Prime, Borderlands, Perfect Dark/Goldeneye, and the occasional Halo, and DOOM and Deus Ex are catching my interest. On the flipside, I have no interest in CoD at all (ditto for all its clones), and Resistance 2 just bored me instantly. I've hardly played any TPS', so I don't really have a solid opinion on them.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

For TPS games, I'd recommend the first 2 Max Payne games (I still haven't played the 3rd one yet, so I have no opinion on it ATM), Alan Wake (preferably the PC version if you have one that can run it), Resident Evil 4, and Vanquish.


I've had my eye on those for some time. I've played the demo of Vanquish and enjoyed it, and Max Payne looks great from the videos I've seen. I watched my cousin play RE4 way back when I was graduating high school, and while it certainly looked good, I'm not sure I'll be too good at the survival aspect. Not familiar with Alan Wake, so I gotta check that out sometime.

Unfortunately, it'll probably be a while before I get any of these. :sweat:


RE4's survival aspect basically just boils down to "break open barrels" and "buy the right upgrades for your guns". It's not especially complicated. ;)

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Honestly, RE4 is a really easy game, at least on Normal mode. Initially you might find some challenge in managing your items and inventory, and ammo may seem a bit scarce early on, but by the 2nd chapter of the game you'll find money, herbs, and ammo for good guns in plenty of abundance.


Personally, I thought it was kind of tough on my first playthrough, but yeah, RE4 isn't that hard. Professional mode is a bitch though.


1- Platformers
2- Action/Hack n Slash
3- Shoot 'em Up/Beat 'em Up
4- Fighting

I do like a good RPG and strategy game, but not as much as these other genres.
Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Foggle on June 02, 2013, 03:02:08 AM
Personally, I thought it was kind of tough on my first playthrough, but yeah, RE4 isn't that hard. Professional mode is a bitch though.

I really only found the beginning segments to be tough, and that's really only because I had to take some time to get used to RE4's aiming style, though the more limited amount of ammo and items in the beginning also forced me to be more cautious. But I felt that aside from a few tough fights here and there, the game's enemies and bosses were really easy to take down, mostly because there was one key strategy that always worked in that game. You know the one: running into a corner which forced enemies to come at you from only a single direction, and then shoot the crap out of them until they start getting too close to you; Then you just run around them, and into another corner to rinse and repeat the process. About 95% of the time that strategy never failed, mostly because the vast majority of enemies in this game are too slow and stupid to really do anything to counter that strategy. Its kind of funny, actually. :D

The game is still fun, though. Its just that I never found it to be that challenging, and I hardly died. That said, I still need to get around to professional mode one of these days.


I remember struggling a bit at first against the little guy who is the final boss of the castle. That one attack that kills you in one shot got me quite a few times. Scared me a few times, too.