
Started by Lord Dalek, July 22, 2012, 09:39:10 PM

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Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 17, 2012, 02:01:06 AM
The Turbografx/PC-Engine version is the one you want.
I know that and I've had it for about a year.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


So lately I've been playing Castlevania again, and have been working at the game I still haven't beaten in the original trilogy, which is Castlevania 3. And I seriously love this game, but I just can't beat Dracula.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Speaking of Castlevania, I've been thinking of finally getting around to SOTN via XBLA. Its only 800 MS points which seems like a pretty good deal.

Lord Dalek

Quote from: talonmalon333 on October 14, 2012, 07:35:55 PM
So lately I've been playing Castlevania again, and have been working at the game I still haven't beaten in the original trilogy, which is Castlevania 3. And I seriously love this game, but I just can't beat Dracula.
Yet another reason why Akumajou Densetsu is the the superior version... you can continue at the second to last screen.


Quote from: Lord Dalek on October 14, 2012, 08:03:05 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on October 14, 2012, 07:35:55 PM
So lately I've been playing Castlevania again, and have been working at the game I still haven't beaten in the original trilogy, which is Castlevania 3. And I seriously love this game, but I just can't beat Dracula.
Yet another reason why Akumajou Densetsu is the the superior version... you can continue at the second to last screen.

I still love it though. It's just brutally hard. I can usually get to the final part of the fight, before quickly dying. My overall favorites at the moment are...

1. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
2. Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
3. Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
4. Super Castlevania IV
5. Castlevania


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on October 14, 2012, 07:57:31 PM
Speaking of Castlevania, I've been thinking of finally getting around to SOTN via XBLA. Its only 800 MS points which seems like a pretty good deal.
My very first XBLA game. My brother gave it to me for one of my birthdays because I played the hell out of the 15 minute demo and couldn't shut up about it. It's the 2nd greatest Metroidvania of all time and has tons of secret locations, items, weapons and even a few secret bosses. Go ahead and get it.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Quote from: gunswordfist on October 15, 2012, 06:51:56 AMIt's the 2nd greatest Metroidvania of all time and has tons of secret locations, items, weapons and even a few secret bosses. Go ahead and get it.

What's the 1st? I struggle to imagine them ever reaching the level of SotN again. :P

And yeah, EK, definitely get it. One of the best PS1 games.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Alright, so I succumbed to peer pressure (listening to you guys), and got Castlevania: SOTN via XBLA. Of course, much like RE4 I'll probably be playing through this game in really disjointed intervals due to my busy and hectic schedule.

I played a bit of the game so far and just beat the first boss encounter (well, its more like 2 mini-bosses, really). The game is fun so far, and I plan to come back to it a little later on tonight, but I do have 1 minor gripe, which is that I wish there was some sort of map to use in this game (though maybe I get a map later on). Its kind of hard to keep track of where I am in the castle without one. Also, the game doesn't give you any clear destination to go for. So far I feel like I have just been wandering around listlessly just going from room to room. I've still been having a fun time fighting enemies and platforming, but I would like it if there would be a clear goal for me to be pursuing at any given moment other than just going to the next room that I can find an opening to.


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on October 15, 2012, 07:12:52 PM
Alright, so I succumbed to peer pressure (listening to you guys), and got Castlevania: SOTN via XBLA. Of course, much like RE4 I'll probably be playing through this game in really disjointed intervals due to my busy and hectic schedule.

I played a bit of the game so far and just beat the first boss encounter (well, its more like 2 mini-bosses, really). The game is fun so far, and I plan to come back to it a little later on tonight, but I do have 1 minor gripe, which is that I wish there was some sort of map to use in this game (though maybe I get a map later on). Its kind of hard to keep track of where I am in the castle without one. Also, the game doesn't give you any clear destination to go for. So far I feel like I have just been wandering around listlessly just going from room to room. I've still been having a fun time fighting enemies and platforming, but I would like it if there would be a clear goal for me to be pursuing at any given moment other than just going to the next room that I can find an opening to.

Hope you enjoyed the cheesy voice acting in the beginning. In fact, I think one of the characters has the same voice actor as Chris Redfield from RE1. :P

As for a map, I believe you do start with one. In the PS1 version, I think you press "Select" to access it. So I'd recommend experimenting with different buttons to find it.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: talonmalon333 on October 15, 2012, 07:23:50 PM
Hope you enjoyed the cheesy voice acting in the beginning. In fact, I think one of the characters has the same voice actor as Chris Redfield from RE1. :P

The way I see it, that's part of the games charm. :D

QuoteAs for a map, I believe you do start with one. In the PS1 version, I think you press "Select" to access it. So I'd recommend experimenting with different buttons to find it.

Well, in the XBLA version when I press the "back" button (the equivalent of "select" on the XBOX360 controller), it brings me to the main screen where you can equip items and view stats. I don't believe I saw an option to bring up a map but perhaps I missed it and I can check for it again. Whenever I press the "start" button, it just brings me to a generic XBLA menu screen asking me if I want to return to exit the game and return library as well as giving a few other options. But if you say its there, then I probably just missed it.


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on October 15, 2012, 07:12:52 PM
Alright, so I succumbed to peer pressure (listening to you guys), and got Castlevania: SOTN via XBLA. Of course, much like RE4 I'll probably be playing through this game in really disjointed intervals due to my busy and hectic schedule.

I played a bit of the game so far and just beat the first boss encounter (well, its more like 2 mini-bosses, really). The game is fun so far, and I plan to come back to it a little later on tonight, but I do have 1 minor gripe, which is that I wish there was some sort of map to use in this game (though maybe I get a map later on). Its kind of hard to keep track of where I am in the castle without one. Also, the game doesn't give you any clear destination to go for. So far I feel like I have just been wandering around listlessly just going from room to room. I've still been having a fun time fighting enemies and platforming, but I would like it if there would be a clear goal for me to be pursuing at any given moment other than just going to the next room that I can find an opening to.
I'm pretty sure you have to press LT or LB (likely LT) to have the map be shown onscreen. Either that or in classic Castlevania pointlessness 101, you have to find the map. I'm pretty sure you start with it though. The map is extremely useful and it encourages exploration. Y'all be trying to fill up each "room" AKA blue square on the map in the first time.

Funny enough, the first castle boss is my favorite in the game. I'm a sucker for enemy teamwork and there's something cool about blocking fireballs with that cheap ass shield. Of course the boss is really easy but still.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Yeah, I actually just figured out that LT brings up the map the second time I started up the game. :sweat:

I made a little bit more progress but then died at the second boss (the Alucard clone). I figured that he'd be easier to fight if I got the throwing daggers to spam on him, so I ended up backtracking quite a bit to find that item again and when I finally did I just decided to to save my progress and retry that fight at a later time since I'm getting kind of tired now and I have to get up early for class tomorrow.

Overall, though, the game is certainly growing on me. I still have no idea where I'm really supposed to be going, though, but the game seems to be mostly linear in where it allows you to go at any given time, so its not a big issue. Its good in that it allows you to go off on branching paths and explore, but at the same time you won't ever get lost since you won't be able to pass points that you aren't meant to pass if you don't have what you need to get through them, which will be enough to redirect you back to the right path.

Lord Dalek

SOTN isn't quite as linear as some of the later Castleroids. In fact its pretty easy to sequence break accidentally, making the game way too hard or ruining your chance at getting the best ending.


That reminds me, I forgot how to get past a part shortly after where you are at and now I'm stuck. :sweat: I think I just remembered how to though. :D
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


I'm thinking of giving CV3 a break. I've improved at the final battle, but lately I've started to get progressively worse at it. I think I'm just burning out. And there are other games I've wanted to play before October ends, so... I'll come back to this one.

Quote from: gunswordfist on October 16, 2012, 08:05:15 AM
That reminds me, I forgot how to get past a part shortly after where you are at and now I'm stuck. :sweat: I think I just remembered how to though. :D

So basically, your entire post was pointless.