What Are You Currently Playing? 5.05: You Are (Not) A Gamer

Started by Avaitor, August 30, 2012, 09:19:39 PM

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Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 28, 2013, 11:53:49 PM
Quote from: Kiddington on March 28, 2013, 11:20:44 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 27, 2013, 05:15:38 PM
From what I've played:

Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon > Luigi's Mansion

Nintendo should really buy Next Level Games.

From what everyone is saying, I totally need to get this.

Too bad I can't bring myself to finish like any of my 3DS games though (aside from 3D Land, I'm stuck halfway through on everything else). And I'm cheap.
If you enjoyed Luigi's Mansion, I would wager you'd like this one better. My issue with the original was it was too short and there was not enough to do... neither of which are close to issues in this one.

I always found the original to be a tad underrated, personally. Liked it wayyyyy better than Sunshine.

Okay, it's settled, I'm buying it. I could use a break on Sticker Star anyway (I like it, but can't seem to bring myself to finish it).


Quote from: Kiddington on March 29, 2013, 01:10:03 AM
I always found the original to be a tad underrated, personally. Liked it wayyyyy better than Sunshine.
Agreed. I loved the original (and still do).


I don't think I ever finished the original, but I definitely was fond of it. If I had a 3DS, I'd more than likely get the new one.
Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!


I'm in the camp that wasn't a fan of Luigi's Mansion. I liked Mario Sunshine better... and that's saying something.

Spark Of Spirit

Well, IMO, the new one is better than both. ;)

The dark light effect is pretty neat, too.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I got the Streets of Rage Sega Vintage Collection today. I haven't played these games in ages, but I played some of SOR1 today. The game isn't nearly as good as its refined sequel from what I remember of it, but what I played of it still holds up decently enough. I think my main problem with it is that the enemies feel somewhat shallow in design, including the bosses, so challenge comes mainly from them throwing more enemies at you and having them crowd around you in the later stages, which isn't necessarily the most balanced from of challenge. Still, I did manage to make it to the boss fight of stage 5 on a single continue, so I don't think I did too bad for my first attempt at playing this game in a long time. I do, however, remember liking SOR2 the most, and to be honest I never played much of 3 in my youth, so I don't remember as much about that game.

Spark Of Spirit

SoR3 adds a lot of new techniques to the gameplay. Unfortunately, I think the combat is the only real improvement over SoR2. The music, level, and art design feel like a step back. But it's still an excellent game and well worth playing for genre fans.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

To be fair, though, I've always been a sucker for improved combat over even level design in action games of any sort, so I have a feeling that I'd still like SOR3 quite a bit.


Quote from: talonmalon333 on March 29, 2013, 11:59:05 AM
I'm in the camp that wasn't a fan of Luigi's Mansion. I liked Mario Sunshine better... and that's saying something.



Luigi's Mansion is the best Ghostbusters game ever.

Unless the new one is better, that is.
Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

So, I deleted and re-installed Ninja Gaiden Black on my XBOX360 yet again. This time I was able to get past the 2nd boss fight and the proceeding cutscenes without any interruptions, but then had the game stop on me and give me an error message yet again within a few minutes of playing the 3rd level in the game. At this point, I have given up on trying to get the downloadable version of NGB to work. My XBOX360 clearly just doesn't want to run it. Instead I'll delete and and re-install Resident Evil 4 in its place. As for NGB, I'm just going to have to try finding an hard copy of the game on disc form. In fact, I'd actually probably be better off just getting an original XBOX for cheap along with it, since that's the optimal way to play the game, anyways. I suppose these little technical difficulties in playing the game on an XBOX360 version wouldn't bother most people, but being that this is my favorite game of all time and I played hundreds of hours of the original version of the game on the exact console that it was intended for, these technical issues really do stand out to me and kind of hamper the fun I can have with the game whenever I notice them. Well, at any rate, I'll at least try the physical version of the game on my XBOX360 before I decide whether I really need to hunt down an original XBOX again or not (the one I have has long since been busted up beyond repair thanks to being severely mishandled by my older brother over the years).

In the meanwhile, I finally went back to playing DMC3 on Very Hard mode. I expected to play really poorly since I figured that having been away from the game for just over a month would have cost me the skills in precision and timing that I had acquired up to that point. Thankfully, I was able to jump right back into things without much difficulty. I played through missios 5 and 6, and the only part I died at between those 2 levels was at the Agni & Rudra boss fight. Though, on that note, I died about 4 or 5 times in a row on them before I could defeat them. This fight became A LOT harder on this difficulty because of how much more punishing the bosses can be. My problem wasn't in discovering their attack pattern, because I had done that the first time that I defeated them. Its that old strategies weren't as useful on them anymore, and I had to come up with new ways to defeat them. I thought Royal Guard might be useful against them, but to my disappointment even when I timed my counters perfectly, it didn't knock the weapons from their hands, so it was pretty useless for that fight. I found that the best strategy was to use the forward attack of Cerberus on them to parry their strikes, and after 3 parries in a row they would lose their weapon temporarily and be defenseless (one at a time for the most part, of course). Its at this time where I have to admit that the camera really became a issue for me. On lower difficulties, I didn't mind as much because I rarely had any of my attacks interrupted by the other brother, but in this case it happened more frequently and more often than not occurred from off-screen. What made it worse was that each strike I took head on cost me a ton of life, so I couldn't take too much damage before going down. This basically made this the 2nd boss fight in which I had to rely on an item to complete it (in this case a gold orb), because I wasn't willing to put up with the frustration of being punished for attacks that I couldn't see coming. Having said that, once I decided to use the gold orb, I was able to complete the fight and then I went onto mission 6 which is basically a cake-walk on any difficulty (I even got the Essence of Fighting, which is the hardest item to attain on that level, and its optional at that). On the other hand, though, I idiotically failed the puzzle room twice. I'm talking about the stupid riddle that I easily got on my first time through the game and on my Hard mode play-through. For whatever reason, I just wasn't thinking straight, and I ended up walking into the wrong room twice in a row. :P


After months of hiatus, I finally got around to beating Ocarina Of Time 3D. Back to Hotel Dusk.


Quote from: Nel_Annette on March 28, 2013, 11:49:17 PM
Right now on XBLA the first episode of The Walking Dead video game is free, and the other four episodes are only 200 points each.

Guess what I just bought.  :joy:
Is it still free?
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Aw. After purchasing it, it doesn't say. Just says I bought it. I'd... assume it is? Not sure.
