What Are You Currently Playing? 5.05: You Are (Not) A Gamer

Started by Avaitor, August 30, 2012, 09:19:39 PM

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Spark Of Spirit

Oh I guess I should also mention that Jak & Daxter still holds up remarkable well.

It's the type of game I'd like to see ensatsu-ken's comments on, but since he doesn't have a PS2 or 3 that probably won't be any time soon. Still, I think he'd enjoy it.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 09, 2012, 08:57:31 PM
I'm really split on this game. When it's good, it's on par with the best from J&D, but when it's bad... it's terrible. This is a hard game to properly nail down, but I will finish it and I am enjoying myself... but man, those over-world missions... if it wasn't for those this game would be up there for me.
I'm not sure I would go so far as to call any parts of the game "terrible" (it's boring and frustrating at worst IMO), but this is pretty much exactly how I feel. I can't really decide which of the first two Jak games I like more. The original is a lot more consistent and rarely ever falters, but the second one's good levels are even better than its best (IMO) and the humor is much funnier. Yet Jak 2 is so inconsistent that it remains a toss up. I guess if you count the ability to use the level select function, I'd probably give the edge to the sequel. If not, then I'd give it to J&D. Either way, I love both games.

And yeah, the jet board is awesome. I love the surfing stages, especially the ones that combine it with high speed platforming. Really fun.

Oh yeah, if you haven't done the "get seal piece at slums" mission yet, here's a tip: don't use your guns or try to outrun the enemies. Punch your way through. Never stop punching. If you constantly punch, the ship guns won't be able to lock onto you, and you'll hit the soldiers more often than not, so they won't be able to shoot you either. This strategy turns one of the most frustrating missions in gaming into something a lot more manageable.

Spark Of Spirit

Quote from: Foggle on September 10, 2012, 01:40:25 AM
Oh yeah, if you haven't done the "get seal piece at slums" mission yet, here's a tip: don't use your guns or try to outrun the enemies. Punch your way through. Never stop punching. If you constantly punch, the ship guns won't be able to lock onto you, and you'll hit the soldiers more often than not, so they won't be able to shoot you either. This strategy turns one of the most frustrating missions in gaming into something a lot more manageable.
Is this that one on the docks or a different one? Because that mission was infuriating until I just grabbed my jetboard and raced through without taking a hit (because falling in the water cheaply kills you I raced along the docks and jumped over everything) and was quite annoyed that it was so simple.

I should clarify when I say 'terrible'... the over-world is infuriating. The cars handle terribly (tap a wall and you spin 180 degrees... or blow up) cars are constantly in your way, and if you go to the ground you might hit a cop and then... well, then you might as well kill yourself. It's awful because it's so terrible to deal with and it is by far and without question the worst part of anything in the game. It really is terrible, IMO.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Yeah, it's the one on the docks. I was never able to successfully use the jet board like you did... though you can cheese that mission by using the Dark Jak divebomb on the water, which destroys the floating mines, and then ride the waves to victory. :lol:

I don't really have a problem with the overworld itself outside of it being excruciatingly boring to travel across. Just get one of the bigger cars, go to ground level, and never stop moving toward your destination. Even if you hit a cop, you should be fine.

Spark Of Spirit

Quote from: Foggle on September 10, 2012, 01:52:10 AM
Yeah, it's the one on the docks. I was never able to successfully use the jet board like you did... though you can cheese that mission by using the Dark Jak divebomb on the water, which destroys the floating mines, and then ride the waves to victory. :lol:
I have to give them credit by giving you so many ways to play through it, though. Every time I saw a laser on me I immediately jumped and they never hit me. Since I played it like twenty times I already had the path memorized, and it was surprisingly quick. But interesting to know that I could have cheesed it back!  ;D

QuoteI don't really have a problem with the overworld itself outside of it being excruciatingly boring to travel across. Just get one of the bigger cars, go to ground level, and never stop moving toward your destination. Even if you hit a cop, you should be fine.
You're probably right, but it takes so long to get from one place to another and it's NEVER fun unlike in the original. If only I could unlock the level select I'd be loving it! But still, I'd rather just play through the whole thing anyway just to say I did it... but I really wish they didn't make bikes blow up in races at the very least.  >:(

All in all I'm glad I gave it a second chance (I think I gave up on the very first bike mission in the over-world because that one was pretty annoying), because the game is really good despite the over-world and the niggling issues. Either way, I like it way more than what I've played of the Uncharted games.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Well, you have to beat the levels before you can select them anyway. ;)

And yeah, not so big on Uncharted. Haven't played the sequels though. I need to give that series another chance someday since it's so beloved.

Spark Of Spirit

Jak II is done. I did not enjoy the lack of checkpoints, but overall I'd say it was a good game hat could've been great.

Looks like next will be Jak 3 to finish the trilogy off.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


OK, I just got the games my brother sent me:
Splinter Cell Conviction

Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Special Edition (AKA Not Ultimate)

Soul Calibur IV

Halo Reach Limited Edition (Haven't played this series since 2)

Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (Still have the copy my friend has let me hold for like a year now but it's my favorite military shooter so I can't complain about owning it.)

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 (My baby brother got this for my birthday years ago but this one has the actual cover and maybe a manual so hey, can't complain)

I'm on Splinter cell Conviction's menu now. I haven't played a SC game since Chaos Theory (which I got to get again)

Also, I was playing the Double Dragon Neon demo before this. Yeah, it being hyper ironic is kind of annoying (the beginning is funny though) and I don't care for the 3D models. I also hate how you are forced to dodge at times. Enemies will just ignore your attacks and hit you anyway at times. I also hate how God damn slow those enemies cartwheel (and the animation just makes it look clunky) and guy's saying "ONE, TWO" outloud so you get the point that you have to dodge their telegraphed punches is just stupid. And I hate the charge run. There's no reason to not just have it be double tap forward.

But anyway, I still had fun. I got past Abobo the one and only time I got to him and died on the conveyor belt part afterwards and gave up after I had to start already at the beginning (well the Splinter Cell game I put in loaded and take me away from the game but same thing)
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Black Mesa is amazing. The graphics are the best I've ever seen on Source (seriously, it looks even better than Valve's games) and the re-imagined level design is absolutely perfect. It seems like nearly every part that was frustrating or boring in the original game has either been removed or altered. Case in point, On A Rail is not much like its GoldSrc incarnation at all and might just be my favorite chapter now. (I haven't finished the game yet, though.) The nostalgia bomb that hit me during the prologue was MASSIVE; the environments are beautiful and detailed while the dialogue is hilarious and self-referential. The game as a whole also seems to be much harder than Half-Life (comparing Normal modes), which is generally a good thing as it never really becomes frustrating except at one or two points. My only complaints are that the basic jump is practically useless (you have to crouch-jump for fucking EVERYTHING) and the Vortigaunts shoot their lasers a bit too fast, making them fairly annoying at times. That said, Black Mesa is so close to perfection that I can never play the original Half-Life again, and I'd also say that it might be even better than Half-Life 2.

Spark Of Spirit

I started Jak 3.

Uh... So, how many racing missions will there be?

I was actually positively impressed with a lot of the improvements in the game from the last one including superior checkpoints, an open world that is actually pretty good (still doesn't beat the one from J&D, though), and the story's tone is a lot less in your face.

Still though, to have no platforming missions then get a FANTASTIC one through a cliff-side volcano with a pretty meaty chunk of fun was pretty lopsided. If they would have cut at least 2/3 of the racing I've done so far (that bird race was way too hard), and have the levels branch right from the town without needing the driving, this would have had the potential to be the best Jak game. I'm a quarter through the game already, too... that's a bit worrying.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


There's probably something like 10 platforming levels total. Almost all of them are as amazing as the volcano stage. It's really depressing that the whole game isn't like that, or at least half of it (as in Jak 2).

Jak 3 is basically a racing game where you run around jumping and shooting sometimes.

Spark Of Spirit

Awww, that's depressing to hear. I haven't liked the driving so far (cars are too slippery), but everything else had been pretty great and a step up from 2. But 2 had way more action platforming, so I can't quite say it's better yet.

So far I'm still leaning toward liking the original the best.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Jak & Daxter: Best consistency
Jak 2: Most variety
Jak 3: Highest quality

Spark Of Spirit

Quote from: Foggle on September 14, 2012, 09:58:16 PM
Jak & Daxter: Best consistency
Jak 2: Most variety
Jak 3: Highest quality
That's what I seem to be thinking so far.

Either way, I like this series more than Sly. It's WAY more consistent. Ratchet is the best of the three, however.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 14, 2012, 10:04:25 PM
Either way, I like this series more than Sly. It's WAY more consistent. Ratchet is the best of the three, however.
We seem to be on the same page now. ;)

Can't wait for Thieves In Time, though. Looks like it could easily be the best in the series!