Channel Larry (EDIT: Channel Awesome renamed to just Nostalgia Critic)

Started by Commode, December 30, 2010, 12:22:27 AM

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If I could request for Doug to do 3 more movies, I'd probably go with Pollyanna, That Darn Cat!, and Something Wicked This Way Comes.
Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!


RIP Jew Wario. Suicide is never the answer.


That's awful. My heart goes out to his family and friends. 


I read about this earlier, and jeez is it rough. I sincerely hope his wife and family are taking it as well as they can.
Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!


I feel sorry for his wife, considering she was near him when he died. I mean, being on the other side of the bathroom door..... I can't even begin to imagine what was going on during that time.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I never watched that many of his videos, but good god is that tragic. Especially since I have a family member that I'm close to who's going through depression, I can say that it must have been hell on his family, especially his wife. I hope that his family and close friends manage to hold up after this awful occurrence. And, it's always devastating to see great talent pass away, especially when it's at their own hands.

RIP, Jew Wario.


Finally watched NC's Wicker Man review. The ending (short of the cameos, which were excellent) ruined it but - before that - this was the best new Critic episode I've seen in awhile. I would never have had the fortitude to sit through that movie on my own. Knowing the new ending for the remake now... I think that is actually more sexist than the punching scenes. We all know this remake had no real point or artistic merit to speak of but now they might as well be pissing on anyone who might have defended them. I hope Burstyn was paid well for humiliating herself. (And if she didn't point out the Braveheart similarity herself to the filmmakers, I will never forgive her.)

Kind of shocking about JewWario. Because he had a real family and all. Although, honestly...: I'd always noticed there was something a little strange about him. At least, I call it strange- everyone calls what they see something different. I have to deal with suicidal thoughts every day (I have them every single day) and not having ANY money for medication or just to get myself checked out. I think that's what made me notice he might have had a problem or just been off somehow. I actually watched a few of his videos a few months ago, incredibly randomly (or maybe not randomly: Diamanda or Omega mentioned in their cooking videos that he had a new series and that we should check that out), and...just kind of spent the whole time thinking: there's something strange about him.

So, to me this isn't as shocking as I think it is to everyone else. I never suspected he would be "the one" to kill himself but it was inevitable considering how much pressure there is in the community and just how many people are extremely emotionally open about their lives that someone would kill themselves under fairly public circumstances. Not 2 weeks ago, I was watching a Pushing Up Roses Q&A where she talked about how many people say they need the uplifting that TGWTG's comedy brings them. And not in a general sense either. Like, it was just another bad day and I've been having a lot of them lately. Like: this is what makes me smile when I'm feeling really alone or hopeless about the world or that nothing ever changes.

But of course it's definitely sad. And should serve as a reminder to the rest of us who aren't suicidal that: there is really nothing you can do. Even on medication or with treatment, you will have this problem for the rest of your life. You were born with your body organized to run this way. Just like with alcoholism. It will never go away. It might as well be a disease (medical professionals claim it is not an actual disease). And suicide sure shouldn't be the answer but it's still a reality. There, in fact, is no "answer" (don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise: you can beat the feeling of wanting to kill yourself but not what got you there in the first place, nor is there any proof that you can't revert back to suicidal feelings many times while on medication). People just cope as long as they can.

I've been hearing "suicide is never the answer" since Freshman year in high school (and that was over 15 years ago) yet, surprisingly enough, that never does anyone affected by this horrible thing any good whatsoever. By the way. I would love to see people for once become a little more understanding on just how impossible it is to live someone else's life. Yet everybody chooses to express themselves on this issue very much this way: we all go through bad things, you think life's easy for the rest of us? Yes, that is indeed what you sound like to me. Which I sincerely doubt was the intended sentiment. There is a very good reason it's considered rude to tell other people how they feel or what they should or shouldn't do as though they owe it to anyone else. They owe it to themselves.
Well, I got so burned out on the road
Too many fags, too much blow
And then Mick and I split up and I said,
"Kid, it's time to take a little bit of a hiatus."
So I got myself a gig at the coffee shop
and I love it.
Why don't you take that corner booth,
I'll take your order in a minute...


I'd never even heard of JewWario until today, but my heart goes out to his family, his friends, and his memory. I can only hope his soul is at peace now.


Quote from: Foggle on January 25, 2014, 10:24:00 PMI'd never even heard of JewWario until today
He was the guy who played Jarred(?) the Goblin King / David Bowie's role in Labyrinth in Suburban Knights and was the guy with the Yellow Hat steering the ship on the toy steering wheel in To Boldly Flee.

If you watched those TGwtG anniversary movie things.

He comes in at 2:24 -
Well, I got so burned out on the road
Too many fags, too much blow
And then Mick and I split up and I said,
"Kid, it's time to take a little bit of a hiatus."
So I got myself a gig at the coffee shop
and I love it.
Why don't you take that corner booth,
I'll take your order in a minute...


Our internet went down on Thursday afternoon and we couldn't get a technician to come over and restore it until this morning, so I only just heard about JewWario's passing. I've only seen a few of Justin's You Can Play This videos, but I saw all of his appearances in the Pokemon movie reviews with Suede and Linkara. I didn't know JewWario personally of course, but if he was truly battling any inner demons, he hid it well. He always seemed so together and in good spirits. I only ever got suicidal once, and thankfully I had people around me to support me and talk me out of it. I feel for his wife and family.

RIP, Justin Carmical.
Twinsanity - the Star Twins' blog. Cartoons. Pop Culture. Comedy. Opinions. Commentary. Analysis. Geekiness.


It might be time to move away from talking about Justin. At least because Todd's 10 best of 2013 are up.

Apparently he edited this while drunk, so let's see how that goes.

And hey, Kyle's reading The Disaster Artist!
Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!


I of course missed all of the songs that made his Top 10 and I highly suspect "Royals" would make mine if I cared enough to look up the Top 100 songs of 2013 and buckled down and listened to all of them.

Nice to see Todd's using bumper music again (though, somewhat briefly / briefer than he usually uses). And the daring of him to use Icona Pop (whose label probably wouldn't be happy about that, let's imagine that trying to keep the RC's happy was why Todd was commanded to re-edit his Worst of '13 video) for the final thank-you screen. Though "I Love It" was a 2012 single. IP, of course, are the group behind my favorite song of 2013: "My Party." Though, that's just when I heard it. It's possible that was released in 2012 as well- there are 2 versions of it, one more recent. (I know, shut up about that song will you- no one else cares. Last you'll hear about it unless you actually clicked my link last week and want to say for yourself that you liked it or didn't.)

Miley's "We Can't Stop" and "Adore You" > One Direction's "Best Song Ever"

EDIT: Forgot about the Lady Gaga slot. No, I caught that one. And except that I don't think the pretentiousness was the actual problem, I agree with him on ArtPop. Which I probably mentioned on Facebook. That record was a catastrophe. I still like "Venus," "ArtPop," and "Aura," but "Do What U Want" wouldn't make my Top 10.

I also forgot about Rihanna's "What Now" - another personal choice for best of the year (I don't think Rihanna will ever make a Todd best list but he's usually wrong about her anyway). I was starting to give up on that woman, then in like early November- she did it. Gave the best song on her (now Grammy award winning?) most recent album (good for her, I think Unapologetic is her best album after 2009's Rated R) a real release. Video and all. (Bad video and all.) This is like justice, after I shouted for months that Gwen was supposed to release "U Started It" as a single from The Sweet Escape (2006). But Gwen went with "4 in the Morning" instead. Stupid choice.
Well, I got so burned out on the road
Too many fags, too much blow
And then Mick and I split up and I said,
"Kid, it's time to take a little bit of a hiatus."
So I got myself a gig at the coffee shop
and I love it.
Why don't you take that corner booth,
I'll take your order in a minute...


"Treasure" would probably be my #2 as well, after "Heart Attack". Although "Locked Out of Heaven" would be #1 if it wasn't a 2012 leftover.

I can't really think beyond that. I agree with Todd that "Thrift Shop">"Royals", but I can honestly take or leave both. I was also way into "Suit and Tie" at first, but I got sick of it fairly fast.
Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!


Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!


I really liked this Brad Jones/Cinema Snob vlog with his mother and (ex? wife) Jillian on Fast Times at Ridgemont High:

in which they talk a lot about VHS, what movies were nostalgic to them, and other things that I found extremely entertaining. Much moreso than just any new movie they might have seen.
Well, I got so burned out on the road
Too many fags, too much blow
And then Mick and I split up and I said,
"Kid, it's time to take a little bit of a hiatus."
So I got myself a gig at the coffee shop
and I love it.
Why don't you take that corner booth,
I'll take your order in a minute...