I regret nothing!

Started by TheEclecticDude, May 20, 2013, 10:21:08 PM

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Ok, so I went to Amazon.com this evening and saw that Amazing Nurse Nanako was there (the complete collection) for 50 cents, 3.99 shipping. Against my better judgement, I decided to get it
This was a blind buy, as I have not seen any of it. All I knows it involves a nurse with real huge boobs, so I am going into it with no real expectations.

Do any of you have done something where after doing it, u say/have said "I regret nothing" ?

Lord Dalek

The Shadow Gentleman

He is My Master.

You most first know crap before you can understand crap.

Dr. Insomniac


Lord Dalek


90% of the shit I watch with Marquis/Dalek/Micki.


And the award for most specific answer ever is.... heh xD