
Hey folks, Foggle here! I’ve got some personal messages to deliver to all (two of) our loyal readers and anyone else stopping by for a quick read. First of all, I’m really sorry about the lack of activity on our blog during these past two months. We’ve got some good stuff coming down the pipe, but it’s slow-going since we’ve been pretty busy lately. Please bear with us!

Secondly, I’m sure some of you are wondering why I haven’t been approving your comments lately. Negligence is the answer, and I currently have 2,743 of the little buggers to root through, with roughly 95% of them no doubt being spam bots. We haven’t been censoring you or anything! You’ll get to see all your beautiful words on our posts soon enough.

It has also been brought to my attention that some of yous guys were offended by the blog’s previous slogan. That was just a friendly jab at our good buddies at toonzone, nothing more. None of us are banned from TZ or angry at them, it was merely a small personal joke. Maybe I should have included an emoticon or something to make it more obvious.

Also, just to clear a few things up, I don’t actually have anything against Ryukishi07, Type-Moon, My Little Pony, bronies, or fanfiction writers. I do hate shitty anime adaptations of visual novels, the Fate route, and pony-related pornography, but that’s it. The rest is just me being an asshole for comedy effect.

But never fear Revelation fans (and haters)… no matter who you are, I love you. <3 Please hang in there and get hyped for ZOMG NEW UPDATES coming soon! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to click “spam” buttons until I develop carpal tunnel syndrome.

The pain begins.

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