Unpopular Opinions You Hold About Anime

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, September 06, 2012, 11:35:33 PM

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Dr. Insomniac

You know, Rintaro Okabe wasn't that cool of a main character. He was hammy and eccentric, yes, but most of his personality was tied down to his relationships with the female characters instead of his own introspection. But then, I guess that's natural when you're a VN protagonist.

Dr. Insomniac

As much as I don't like the guy, Jerid Messa is the Gundam character I sympathize the most with. He's a hardass, but it's only due to the environment he's in. The few times he's allowed to show kindness to another person gets horribly dashed, while any efforts to become a better person come at a horrible price. He acts as if murder is natural in war, yet gets pissed as all hell when one of his own friends loses their life. Just one moment of being a douche was what led him into a crazed bloodshed, something that the UC era does not treat kindly.


Dr. Insomniac

I don't even like Yuasa's work. Tatami Galaxy was a pretentious bore with any clever points stretched into monotony.


I like the licensed soundtracks of DBZ's movie dubs. Sure they reduce the movies to little more than really long AMV's, but let's be honest, are any movies based on SJ properties worth anything other than cheap entertainment and AMV's?

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Yeah, fair enough point.

Although, while not technically movies, I loved the Bardock and History of Trunks specials, and I was ticked off with the licensed tracks in those features since both of them were actually serious stories and were quite good on top of that. I felt that those deserved a lot more respect than what they initially got from FUNimation, but then again the FUNimation dubs of those features were how I initially viewed and got into them, anyways, so I still enjoyed them at their core either way.

As for the plethora of mediocre to shit DBZ movies, though, I suppose the crappy use of the licensed tracks were fair game, since those movies weren't really all that entertaining to begin with, anyways (though I do have a lot of nostalgic love for Tree of Might and Revenge of Cooler).


Well, the use of the licensed tracks was actually pretty decent at times (mainly the intro, and the piece used for when Trunks first go's Super Saiyan after finding Gohan's body), but yeah, those two specials actually had merit to them unlike the movies.

Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 21, 2012, 09:46:55 PM
As for the plethora of mediocre to shit DBZ movies, though, I suppose the crappy use of the licensed tracks were fair game, since those movies weren't really all that entertaining to begin with, anyways (though I do have a lot of nostalgic love for Tree of Might and Revenge of Cooler).

It helps that most of said movies consist of nothing but fighting poorly-characterized (yet still cool-looking) villains and their even more underdeveloped minions.

Spark Of Spirit

Whose minions were still more powerful than all of Goku's friends.  :sweat:
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I was thinking about how they need a movie where the other characters actually triumph against henchmen. I'm sick of Piccolo getting blown away. Hell, I was sick of at during freaking Tree Of Might.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


At least Piccolo got taken down by the main villain in Tree of Might, the rest of the Z-Fighter weren't so lucky.

Hopefully the upcoming movie will make the Z-Fighters awesome again.


Had I seen this topic in the early part of last year or 2011 I could've went ham on it since around that time anime fans in general pissed me off, but nowadays I don't think about stuff like this as much. I do appreciate the topic, though since not everything is all goody goody. I can still go in a little bit. We'll see once I start typing :).

-Anime Fans
I should probably address what type of anime fan, but I don't know the lingo for that stuff, so I'll leave it as a general thing for now. Anyway, I grow so tired of talking about anime with other folks on forums these days because of their sensitivity level. It's like if you bring up 1 problem with a series that's highly regarded as one of the best people are ready to bite your head off. The holy trinity comes to mind for this. I can bring of both good and bad qualities of Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece, but folks ignore everything you say that's good about the trio and bite your head off for what you don't like about it.

DBZ is another one. Oh, how I used to love to call people out (but I won't), but not until I joined Toonzone, I never found myself growing to hate DBZ the way I do now. It's strange, because the forums I come from, folks never cared for DBZ. They found it as mindless screaming and fighting (at that time I didn't care, as long as there were great fights), but at the same time I understood where they were coming from. Now we get to Toonzone, it's the reverse. I always had a knack for going back to DBZ back in the day since it's what I grew up on. Back when I was 24 that started to change, especially when you're introduced to newer series with qualities you prefer. There were somethings in DBZ that I've grown to hate, and the reliance of Goku is one, and I brought that up and I got a mouthful (Are you serious? Trying to make DBZ seem as if it's a deep series, really?), which brings me to my next point. Fans think they need to defend any and everything that comes off as negative. I can understand if you want to have a conversation and whatnot, but there's also a point where folks just need to sit there and shut the hell up. It's DBZ for crying out loud. I understand everything about it. I don't need folk trying to explain to me why ______ relies on Goku.

Gotta go in on folks that love to recommend certain series just because it's the pinnacle of anime. You know who I'm talking about, Neon Genesis Evangelion lovers. I understand it's not all of you, because most folk understand it's either a love it or hate it series, and some also take into account of what others are looking for, but you have some that recommend it because it's "that" anime that needs to be seen just because...... I personally hate the show, and could've choked the person that recommended it to me. Had I known that the series was as psychological as it was/is and the characters would've bothered me to the point to where I could've chucked my remote through my tv, I would've told that person to piss off and have a coke and a smile. I'm an action person that likes fights first and foremost with loving anything samurai following next. Even if "plot" is not exactly high up on my list for why I watch anime does not mean I don't pay attention to it if I can follow it, so why in the hell are you recommending NGE to me?

Last but not least, sub vs dub stuff. Once again, Toonzone, I remember this topic coming up, and I respect opinions on both sides, but there was one person that said something along the lines of anime are "meant" to be watched in their original form (music and all). All I'll say is WHAT?

It's people with these kinds of mentalities that kills stuff for me. Probably not so much now since I just brush stuff off my shoulders and move on (I'm 28. I don't have time to be getting into arguments over childish things), but, you would think at that time, 4 years ago, you want to draw as many people into anime as you can, not kill the interest of other folks. I don't know if these things still goes on since I don't really participate in much about anime in general these days, but I can only imagine it still taking place here and there.

Anyway, got all that I needed to get off my chest.

Dr. Insomniac

Yeah, a lot of that shit's pretty familiar within fandoms.


People who only like Fate/Zero for Rider and Waver are dummies. >:(

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

-The first season of Full Metal Panic! from Gonzo is better than what most people give it credit for, with a few crappy episodes aside.

-Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid (and maybe Fumoffu to a much lesser extent) is the only series ever produced by Kyoto Animation that has appealed to me. That said, its one of my favorite anime ever, at that.

-The English dub for Full Metal Panic! is better (read: more entertaining for me to listen to; as far as OPINIONS go for those who don't get it) than the Japanese voice-acting. I say this as someone who watched the entire series in Japanese with English subtitles, first.

-The English dub for Black Lagoon is better than the Japanese voice-acting. Same as above.

-Samurai Champloo is a pretty hit or miss show. Some episodes are good, but quite a few are downright boring.

-Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood (and the manga, at that) has a really weak and underwhelming ending.

-Hunter X Hunter (1999) is the best version of the series by far (better than the manga as well, for the parts that it actually covers). The 2011 version is still a good watch, though.

-To be honest, I only really care for the Red Jacket series of Lupin the 3rd (as well as the short Lupin series that came out just last year). I honestly couldn't really get into either the Green Jacket (unless you count The Castle of Cagliostro) or Pink Jacket series.

-Digimon Adventure 02 is still a fun series if you can look past all of its faults, which it does admittedly have a lot of. The ending to it is garbage, though. I'll agree on that for sure.

-The Sonic the Hedgehog OVA is currently the best cartoon animated version of Sonic that I have seen. It doesn't take itself that seriously and is short but entertaining to watch, terrible English dub aside.

Spark Of Spirit

Have you ever watched Frontier, Ensatsu-ken?

Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on January 24, 2013, 10:17:36 PM-Samurai Champloo is a pretty hit or miss show. Some episodes are good, but quite a few are downright boring.
I'm going to add my own opinion that Mugen is a terrible one note character with absolutely no depth.

It's like they wanted to out-cool Spike Spiegal but completely missed his endearing traits and added nothing to make up for it.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton