Fighting Games

Started by Rosalinas Spare Wand, July 06, 2011, 11:54:38 PM

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I don't think you have anything to worry about with Strive. As long as Daisuke's around I think we'll always have Guilty Gear. The player base is too strong. If anything I'm more worried about BlazBlue though since Daisuke's not involved with that game, and I think that particular team is involved with everything else not GG.
3S - Ken, Yang, Makoto
USF4 - Yun, Ibuki, Decapre, Poison
SF5CE - Ken, Karin, Chun Li, Laura, Poison
SF6 - Ken, Juri, Jamie, Chun Li


A little bit of hope for Street Fighter x Tekken afterall. It was removed from Steam some time last year because of a glitch I believe, but Capcom's going to bring it back and "update" the netcode which is kind of ironic because SFxT already had rollback netcode. The only complaints about online back then was that there was no / delayed sound effects. Gives me more reason to believe that the community is full of shit. All this time complaining about SF5 when they could've easily went back to USF4 (they did it with SFxT), but nooooo, we go where the money is at. Like I said, all this talk about "grassroots" and other bullshit, get the.. you know, I'm going to leave it alone before it sets me off.

Unfortunately I don't have my PS3 anymore so I don't have access to the game but I am having a renewed interest. Last time the characters I was using were Jin, Dudley, Cody and Hwoarang (sprinkle in a bit of Kazuya), but now I'm thinking the main team will be Hwoarang and Ibuki. There's some thoughts going on in my head with what they could/should be able to do together. I haven't really given much thought to who to team up with Jin, but I'm thinking of Jin/Kazuya and Asuka. I don't have much faith in the shoto's this time around. Dudley and Cody from what I can remember are a lot more boring this time around. No FADC's kinda screws with them (probably not so much with Cody), but whatever on that. I'm looking forward to playing this game again. I still believe people aren't playing this game correctly. I still believe this game haven't been fully explored/exploited yet as well.

Edit 1:

The FGC's really off their rocker right now. I understand "we" as a "consumer" and all that jazz, but if I'm a Developer I would start checking some of these self-entitled people thinking that they need to know everything just because of a so-called schedule that was followed once before. Seriously, I'm seeing the NRS side of the FGC demanding to know what and where are the announcements. I'm like "Yooooo" if you don't take stankin ass on somewhere.. See my hoodness is getting the better of me just typing this out. But you see what I'm saying though. If the FGC end up imploding within it's well off and there would be no remorse from me. I'll be alright playing with the fam and close friends.
3S - Ken, Yang, Makoto
USF4 - Yun, Ibuki, Decapre, Poison
SF5CE - Ken, Karin, Chun Li, Laura, Poison
SF6 - Ken, Juri, Jamie, Chun Li



Here's Testament. I will admit that the redesign threw me off for a bit. Left me wondering WHY? I'm human, can't help it. But my 3rd time watching it and it's worn off. So he became They now and at this point it's whatever. The way they play looks interesting. I need to see more.

Edit 1:

I'll admit that Testament reveal almost made me quit the game. Character design all the way down to game play. That reveal was underwhelming. I got over the design fairly quick though. I think ASW knew that the reveal trailer was going to throw some people off so they came with the character starter guide a week earlier than usual.

Having her character breakdown explained to me (I was watching this with Romolla, former GGXrdRev2 Evo champ) sold me on many levels. Truth be told I'm still in dire need of that character (Johnny) because I don't know if Testament is gonna win me over in the long run. The longer I go without my character the more bored I become of the game itself despite how fun the game is. I find Happy Chaos to be boring to play but trying to figure out how to beat Happy Chaos is what makes that fun and challenging. Testament might body him or go toe-to-toe. Baiken, I just have no interest at all. Playing and watching, she bores me in this game. Jack-o is the only interesting character but don't fit my style at all. She's too quirky for me, but I love watch a good Jack-o. I'm not speaking on the Goldlewis. Testament being a mid-range fighter with a splash of Venom is what's winning me over which is why I'm willing to give her a chance. I don't know if she'll be strong out the gate but I'm hoping she's fun. That's all I can hope for. Romolla says there's a good chance Testament might be on the strong side out the gate. We'll see. I think Testament and season 2 starts/comes out the end of this week or next week. This will be the 2nd DLC character that I'm going to purchase.
3S - Ken, Yang, Makoto
USF4 - Yun, Ibuki, Decapre, Poison
SF5CE - Ken, Karin, Chun Li, Laura, Poison
SF6 - Ken, Juri, Jamie, Chun Li


So there's been a lot of random bullshit going on probably for the last couple weeks but yesterday and day before really set me off.

1st things 1st, before the bullshit that actually went down. Just some things I've been noticing. You know, putting me in one of those moods that just makes me a little grumpy. DNF Duel, I think it's going to be a good game. Seeing people express their feelings, yeah, I understand where they're coming from. But that got me thinking about some of these "newer" games that came out within the last 3 years. That's what, Guilty Gear, King of Fighters, Melty Blood? I think I'll go back a little further. Dating back to Street Fighter 5. Pretty much this whole thing is about SF5 and the FGC as community.

There's been a couple of videos talking about what fighting games need to do in order to grow. Daigo has an interesting video. Maximilian has one, and then a couple of others. My problem with this whole thing is ROLLBACK NETCODE. Like I said, those games that came out, probably some of the better netcode we've seen in a while but has some of the most shittiest content I've ever seen if we're trying to bring in new people. Yet we still have people preaching "No Rollback No Buy". We tore a hole in Capcom for Street Fighter 5's shitty release. There was nothing to do at launch. Survival, Training Mode, Online. Guilty Gear Strive's release is just as shitty but with Rollback. How are we not tearing a whole in that ass? You're literally watching story mode. Sure, you have a robust training mode. Some missions and an ok tutorial. THAT'S BULLSHIT. So, we as a community pick and choose to love everything that's NOT Capcom but praise others that do the same thing but have "great" netcode. Get that shit out of here.

IMO, people are thinking too narrow. This is 2022. This is new gen. Yeah, fighting games are expensive, but you still have to ask for it all. Rollback netcode is a no-brainer. We shouldn't have to keep on asking for that. New people don't give a shit about fighting online the moment they buy the game. Back when the games came out between 09-14, we were at a point where there were things we could do before jumping online. I'm not saying they were the greatest but it was something to hold people over for a little bit. Hell, NRS and Nintendo are the kings of having single-player content. Somehow we regressed back to the days of arcade (except with a training mode now). Get the game and its off to the races trying to learn the game by jumping right into the thick of things getting that ass bopped.

You know what? I'm not going to even bother with the bullshit from yesterday. I'm just going to say losing Team Spooky is going to hurt the scene big time. The bullshit from 2 days ago, people need to do better than that.
3S - Ken, Yang, Makoto
USF4 - Yun, Ibuki, Decapre, Poison
SF5CE - Ken, Karin, Chun Li, Laura, Poison
SF6 - Ken, Juri, Jamie, Chun Li


So I've been watching Maximilian Dood and Justin Wong going back to play some of the older retro fighting games. Max does it every now and then with series that are getting a release or something of that nature or reminding everyone what some of the older games were like. While Justin just goes back and plays whatever he feels like playing at that time. And when I say retro, I'm talking before the MvC2, CvS2. We're talking SFA's, TvC's, and VS's.

To be more precise the latest video I've seen from both had them playing different versions of Marvel vs Capcom 1. Justin playing the original one that we all grew up with (the arcade version) while Max was playing the PS1 port (no tagging). Man, let me tell you, both games look great for what they were. Like the arcade version, Justin was playing against a Spider-man/Strider team, and man you got to see some dirty mixups/crossups from Spider-man that's never been seen because we just didn't know about them. Hell, even played against a Morrigan/Ryu team that had swag combos and synergy for days. Max on the other hand was showcasing how the PS1 version was kind of what MvC2 would later turn out to be. Ryu looked like he could've been busted with some of the things he was able to do. Turning into Ken and Akuma to OTG and continue the combo is crazy. He showed off some Captain Commando combos (going from super to super). Very interesting stuff.

I bring all of this up because my nephew and I have been playing UMvC3 and MvCI. I'm considering getting a new laptop with a little bit more GB or something to get fightcade and just play a lot of those older games because I feel that a lot of those games were not explored like they should've / could've been. I brought up how I think people are playing Street Fighter x Tekken wrong a couple of times. Like all or most fighting games we instinctively go towards cheap ish when you have an entire kit to go through to see what you can come up with. I'm not going to question anyone that plays to win all the time. By all means boo-boo, do you. But when people start complaining about characters getting nerfed, people drop said character and move on to the next best character. We don't want to be bothered with going to the lab to figure out what else the character is capable of doing. UMvC3 alone, I had no idea that Nova and Vergil had setups for unblockables. It's these things I believe that's being left unexplored an all fighting games across the board.
3S - Ken, Yang, Makoto
USF4 - Yun, Ibuki, Decapre, Poison
SF5CE - Ken, Karin, Chun Li, Laura, Poison
SF6 - Ken, Juri, Jamie, Chun Li


I was watching DBFz (day 2 Combo Breaker) and just watching these pros play their characters really enlightened me a bit. I'm always talking about just play who you want to play. I was also reading some of the comments in chat and the comment section of Event Hubs (don't do this) and I still see people trying to be low tier heroes and that's cool. I just wish people that play those type of characters/teams come to terms on what they're getting themselves into when picking the low tiers. Nobody forced anybody to pick said characters. If all of your favorites just so happens to be mid to low tier you're just unlucky.

Like I said, I was enlightened watching DBFz because I got back into UMvC3 recently and I never wanted to put Doom and Vergil on the same team because, A) I suck with Doom, B) Doom is on everyones team. Watching this tournament pretty much sum everything up real quick. GET OVER IT, basically. Lot of SSB Gogeta, SSB Vegito, Labcoat 21 teams. Lots of Labcoat 21 on teams in general. I understand how people feel when seeing the same character over and over, you get bored, but as a player you choose what helps you win. If I'm a low tier hero, I'm going to pair my low tier character with the best character in the game. Simple as that. The synergy between Doom and Vergil is through the roof. There's perhaps even more synergy between those 2 moreso than Dante and Vergil. If I really wanted to I can probably even use Vergil, Doom, Strider (Yep, this is Clockwork's team) and have a scary mixup team altogether. I'm gonna toy around with this shell for a while.
3S - Ken, Yang, Makoto
USF4 - Yun, Ibuki, Decapre, Poison
SF5CE - Ken, Karin, Chun Li, Laura, Poison
SF6 - Ken, Juri, Jamie, Chun Li


I'm only going to give DNF Duel 3 days. There's another trend and it's from ASW that I don't like.

DNF Duel Day 1
Back in the 1st Beta I really enjoyed what I was playing because we had no access to training mode. Get access to training mode and it's the same as Beta. Everything is too easy. I get it, we trying to get new people in to hit some buttons and have fun in the process. But for those that want skill, this ain't it. I watched some other streams and yeah they like it, but for me, even watching them stream it, Day 1 combos look boring as hell. The thing GranBlue had going for it was its neutral game and because I'm terrible at neutral I was playing that game to get me ready for this game. This game is just going to be swinging wild from jump where neutral don't even exist because almost everyone has a full screen normal that ignores neutral completely. That should be right up my alley though, right? WRONG!! Dead wrong. My playstyle is defensive rushdown. Meaning I have to work to get in on my opponent (turtle against another rushdown player). If everyone has fullscreen normals your taking away the point of having different styles of play in a fighting game. It was said in DBFz that everyone played the same. It was said in Strive that everyone plays the same. And now here in DNF Duel everyone outside of 1 character (who can charge up a move to be fullscreen) everyone is played the same. ASW is getting a pass for its usage of rollback netcode and I don't like it. This excuse of trying to get newer players to dumb the game down is bullshit. I'm bashing the game and I don't want to. I really wanted this game to be the one for me. When you start taking away the fun of learning fighting games, I got a problem with that. This is still just day 1, but at the moment I'm very disappointed. Might not even make it to day 3 at this rate.
3S - Ken, Yang, Makoto
USF4 - Yun, Ibuki, Decapre, Poison
SF5CE - Ken, Karin, Chun Li, Laura, Poison
SF6 - Ken, Juri, Jamie, Chun Li


Do I have a lot to say. Probably won't be able to unpack it all in one swoop though. Anyway, Evo was this past weekend and boy, for a return in what, 2 or 3 years? And considering Sony owns Evo now, this was a success in my book. Yes, too many ad breaks for sure, but for a first attempt everything was great. I was not going to be able to watch everything so I tuned in through Maximilian Doods stream and bounced all over the place.

As far as reveals go, there wasn't too much revealed but there was a lot of satisfaction though. Juri and Kimberly got leaked a day early, but the trailer was a knockout. Garou 2 has been greenlit for production and Kim and Shingo is coming to KoF15. Something was teased for Tekken. People are speculating between a Tekken 1 remake, Tekken Tag Tournament 3, and Tekken 8. I think there was a character reveal for Skullgirls as well (I'm not into this but I won't deny its success). Bridgette was revealed for Guilty Gear Strive. As for everything else, it's mostly rollback or crossplay. Like I said, just satisfying people here and there.

Couple of games I want to speak on. First Street Fighter 5. Gawd-like top 8 (All top 8s were awesome, but there's been some drama going on leading up to evo). There was a discussion about a week or 2 ago about who is the best and what region is the best. These topics can be entertaining for the most part but I hate how we (as in America as a whole) get dominated and have 1 player to wreck everyone else and still claim that America is the best. The team exhibition said different. Even the top 8 told a different story. 2 players in America was in top 8 but the rest was Japan. Hell, even by Idom's standard (this guy... I can't if he's a troll or not), will tell you that America or NA is the worst region, but just because got 2nd place, "ohhhhh America's Great". No, Idom's great. America can hold dat.

Dragon Ball Fighterz top 8 was ridiculous. Honestly, despite my opinion on some of the players this game has produced this has been my favorite game to watch since the olden days of Street Fighter 4 and Marvel vs Capcom 3. Blazblue Central Fiction and Guilty Gear XXACR are great games to watch but neither generate the hype DBFz do and that's a fact. And then there's the friendly US vs EU rivalry as well. France really lit a spark in US asses leading up to this point since that 1st 10v10. This has been some of the best competition I've seen since Marvel vs Capcom 3. Yeah, people bitch about top tier but dammit, it was still great. Wawa vs Nitro Grand Finals went to 4:30 in the morning EST and had over 20,000 watching (again, Max). And because of rollback getting implemented, I'm jumping back into this.

Granted, I won't deny that the majority of everyone tuning in this year was basically watching for announcements and I can't blame them for that. Evo is our E3. But I would think that everyone that tuned in still enjoyed regardless. There were other conversations going on but I can't remember right now.
3S - Ken, Yang, Makoto
USF4 - Yun, Ibuki, Decapre, Poison
SF5CE - Ken, Karin, Chun Li, Laura, Poison
SF6 - Ken, Juri, Jamie, Chun Li


Ok, thoughts are going to be jumbled through this.

There's been small pieces of bullshit here and there throughout the community. The pettiest has been talking if Hitbox should be banned or not in tournaments. Whatever. Worst of it has been the GGXXAC+R though. I'm distancing myself from that game and that community until they get all that garbage sorted out.

Most of the noise has been completely drowned out because of the information overload of Street Fighter 6. The base roster has been announced (18 characters to start). Other stuff in the Street Fighter 6 thread.

This whole week at work I've been tuned into Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. Relearning and everything. Luckily, there are videos to the characters I'm using (and I know where to go if I want to read up on things). That can't be said for everyone which brings me to the thought of worrying about the smaller communities. That beast of a monster Street Fighter 6 is coming. Tekken 8 is coming. Project L is coming. And when they hit, some of these smaller communities just might end up being done for good. Sure you'll have Combo Breaker holding a tournament every year for said game, but you'd think some of these smaller communities would try to bring in new people, especially with the talk of Rollback Netcode being implemented in said games. The problem I'm seeing just from trying to learn Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite and Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid is that there's no content. You have videos teaching you the basic, but that's it. Outside of Dragon Ball Fighterz, anything that now has rollback netcode can be mentioned has no content for new people. I've only seen 1 person for MvCI try to put out videos for beginners. Poor guy, he's a Spider-Man lover too and has literally played the entire roster and he plays the other MvC games too.

Don't get me wrong I've always learned from watching match footage and implemented things I've picked up on into my gameplay since Super Street Fighter 4. That's just my mentality. That being said, we're in an era where people have to be spoon-fed everything and I mean literally e-ver-y-thing (which is ironic because they want to complain about strong characters but too lazy to lab against said character. The joy of learning fighting games is being stripped away because of these online fuc.... that's another rant for another day). I don't know if it's because people are now posting videos and tech on Twitter now, but when it comes to Youtube it's pretty hard to find beginner videos for some of these old games.

The outliers are Marvel vs Capcom 2, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 (Maybe 3rd Strike). Unless Project L can do something, I don't think any game will be able to pull the people that's still playing these games away from them. I'm 38 and an 09er, so USF4 is with me forever so just imagine someone whose my age and still playing MvC2. Hell, Chris G (UMvC3 vet, goat in some eyes) started playing UMvC3 again this year.

DNF Duel is an interesting spot. I can make some assumptions about what went wrong, but I don't know what can be done with this one. Granblue is dead (unfortunately, unless rollback is mentioned and even then, again, there's nothing out there for new people).

Anyway, just my random thoughts for fighting games. I don't have much of a rant for the FGC this time. Like I said, small petty bullshit but I'm keeping distance from it.
3S - Ken, Yang, Makoto
USF4 - Yun, Ibuki, Decapre, Poison
SF5CE - Ken, Karin, Chun Li, Laura, Poison
SF6 - Ken, Juri, Jamie, Chun Li


So I forgot CEOtaku was this past weekend. Apparently Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator and Revelator 2 will be getting rollback netcode updates sometime next month. I didn't think ASW was going to do it so soon, especially considering the discourse around Strive and DNF Duel. If I was a betting man I would've told you ASW would let 2 years go by for both newer games before getting to Xrd. You have people already talking that Strive is going to die because everyone will go back to playing Xrd. I have to wait and see on this one. Personally I Strive will be alright considering ASW is putting money into this game. Strive is E-sports. People follow the money and as long as ASW keeps on backing Strive, that game will be fine. Not to mention, Strive sold over $1 million while Xrd only sold roughly $100K. So all this Strive is dead talk, you can miss me with that. All these people claiming they were into Xrd are full of shit.

That being said, DNF Duel and GranBlue Fantasy Versus. Man, DNF is getting a "huge" update (basically buffs and nerfs). So there maybe a future for this game whereas GBFV gets another online tourney. Neither game's future looks bright, but DNF's looks brighter. There's been no mention of DLC for DNF at all and GranBlue has been left high and dry (and all the GB community wants is rollback at this point). Personally, I think ASW might need to just take a step back and relax a bit before making anything else. They have, what; Strive, DNF, GBFV and DBFz. I don't know how big or small ASW is but I would think they're spreading themselves a little too thin at this point. That's too many games for 1 company to be trying to support, especially from an E-sports level (granted, DBFz is getting money from Bandai, but still). Starting to hear murmurs of the art direction from ASW is getting stale and oversaturating (which is crazy talk imo, but I get it).
3S - Ken, Yang, Makoto
USF4 - Yun, Ibuki, Decapre, Poison
SF5CE - Ken, Karin, Chun Li, Laura, Poison
SF6 - Ken, Juri, Jamie, Chun Li


No drama this time. No issues. Just a thought that's been lingering in my mind since maybe last Thursday-Friday when it comes to tier lists. Specifically tier lists in some of the older games, because we know that in the modern games people are going to complain about top tiers no matter what.

Lets just get it out there, if you're playing fighting games through Fightcade then you'll know a lot of games are still striving, although, small, a lot of them still have about 50-100+ players (good number might be 60 though).

Anyway, back around 09-11 we definitely complained about top tiers (don't want to come off as bias). Need I mention Vergil? Personally I was more of a Doctor Doom hater though (now? ZERO all day). Now that a lot of those players have moved on (other games, or life in general) like I said, some of these games have gotten a resurgence. MvC2, CvSnk2, 3rd Strike, USF4, UMvC3, SxT, GGXXAC+R, BBCF, P4A, Alpha 2-3, Super Turbo all see play in some form of fashion through fightcade or steam.

I tune into some people streaming those games every now and then and the level of play, while they're good, I've noticed that a lot of the top tiers aren't being played (MvC2, UMvC3 and ST are the exceptions). USF4, we'll even go back to Arcade Edition. The Yun "army", and even thinking about it now, back then I never seen this so-called Yun Army. I saw maybe a handful but they were top level Japanese players. I have not been able to find a single modern day Yun playing this game (yet Yun is brain dead, remember?). Elena, so broken that people were projecting a top 8 full of Elena's had USF4 kept going (where she at?). Fei Long, oooooh my neutral (where yall at?). DJVest is the guy that streams USF4 a lot and the characters I see the most? Cody, Guy, Dudley, Hakan, Ryu, Ken, Oni, Ibuki, Abel. It's no wonder old heads like Justin Wong can come back and body you with a character like Rufus (Granted Justin is goated)

Moving on, 3rd Strike shall we. Everyone and there mother knows Chun Li and Yun are the best characters. Japan, I'm going to see everyone. Here in the U.S? Ken and Makoto. 1 Chun Li and guess whose playing her (Justin Wong). Like I said, we know how busted Yun is and yet no one touches him. I can't find a modern Yun to see if there's new tech or not (and that's mainly what I'm going on about. New tech. I'm not blasting anyone, just having a bit of fun in the process here). I can't even find a modern Yang and he's probably as simple as they come (I know the highest of the high, and I'm intentionally leaving them off because they're tournament players).

Next target, GGXXAC+R. This ones on the tricky side because I know a lot of old heads still playing this today but they're tournament players as well. However, even in these tournaments (again I can go to Japan and find all characters) where the hell is Testament and Zappa? Baiken is up there as well but I've seen more of her recently. I've seen just about everyone else (I don't think I've seen any Millia's or Johnny's). Spend all this time whining about how broken a character is to not have them being used at all in current tournaments. Granted, there's not a lot on the line so playing for pride means more in these older games than money. Like I said, no rant. Just my current thought process while looking for tech on some characters and having a bit of fun while getting it off my chest. Smug also sort of triggered this thought process as well.
3S - Ken, Yang, Makoto
USF4 - Yun, Ibuki, Decapre, Poison
SF5CE - Ken, Karin, Chun Li, Laura, Poison
SF6 - Ken, Juri, Jamie, Chun Li


I can't say there's been a lot of drama since the last post. I mean, something happened with Nintendo and Smash, but I ignored that for the most part. I think it had something to do with Team Panda or whatever.

DNF recently had a patch and got a new character on the way. I don't think there's been a resurgence, but I've seen more streams of the game popping up lately. I've thought about hopping back into it, but it's too bare. I think you got 2-3 stages and 2-3 tracks. Yeah, I no longer support this kinda thing. That being said, I think I heard something about the patch adding a little bit to movement. That alone would probably get me to try it, but from what I've seen of it in some tournaments I'm not so sure it's enough for me. Speed it up a little bit more. I understand you don't want the game to be like Blazblue and Guilty Gear, but adding an airdash would help a lot. We'll see, no guarantees on this one.

Street Fighter 6. As I've stated in another thread, I've been down on the Street Fighter scene as a whole right now. Online and Offline. Out of all the scenes in the FGC the Street Fighter scene has been irking me a lot, almost to the point where I'm like "fuck Street Fighter" and bail on SF6 and I feel like the closer we get to release the worst it's going to get. What's fucked up is that my brother, brother-in-law, and nephew are hyped up just as much as I once was and these fucking clowns are ruining it because everyone's opinion aren't the same as their own. SF6 has been nothing but straight positivity and assholes want to ruin that for whatever reason. Is there a perfect community in the FGC? Hell no, but if I had to label every scene, guilty gear = whiny, anime = geeks, tekken /mahvel/kof = thugs, smash/dbfz = weird, street fighter = fake. At least that's how it's been feeling lately.

In any case, hopefully next year I'll feel different. And to play devil's advocate for a brief moment, I've been in a shitty mood for the last 2 months so I've also been in a "fuck everything" kinda mindset (November and December of 2021, both pets died around Thanksgiving and Christmas so yeah) so it's not necessarily the scenes at fault. It's typical FGC bullshit, but right now my tolerance is very low (Goes double cause I was reminded of my pets because Max, Alanah and another YouTuber just recently went through the same situation and then FUCKING GOD OF WAR!)

Edit: Just when I thought the FGC couldn't get any worst. Arturo "FGC Furby" Sanchez is accused of stealing money from Matcherino. I don't know Arts situation but he did come out and clear things up, but FGC Twitter already wanna attack his character and cancel him. I'm not going into the details cause I don't like reading shit from Twitter, but like I said, online and offline, I've just about had it with this scene.

Edit2: So I owe the FGC an apology this one time. Turns out Art is guilty. But this is still a lose/lose situation. Another figurehead/pioneer of the FGC turns out to being scummy.

Edit3: This Art stuff goes deep. A lot of the old heads were taken aback (obviously, myself included) because this is Art. He was on the come up with Spooky and they were like brothers. Personally, I don't know Art. Never had any interaction with him but I've never heard anything bad about him. Other than facebook I've never been on the other social media stuff. So, word of mouth more or less. Not to mention he's been in the game for 20 years. 20 YEARS and it's been said that this has been going on for the past 5 years. So it's like double damn. Now where I tend to lose faith in the whole community is the dog-piling. Which is why I reacted the way I did. I cannot stand that shit. Dude did what he did. Alright, cool. Ban his ass indefinitely and move on. All this meme and speculating shit. Fuck outta here with that.
3S - Ken, Yang, Makoto
USF4 - Yun, Ibuki, Decapre, Poison
SF5CE - Ken, Karin, Chun Li, Laura, Poison
SF6 - Ken, Juri, Jamie, Chun Li


That Arturo and Matcherino gets even weirder, but I've been keeping away from it. All I'll say is this. If it turns out that Art is innocent, if I'm him, there will be hell to pay. I would have people put in jail because of defamation.


I definitely thought it was done because there was total silence coming from the devs. Now, I am the type that don't care about transparency, but looking at it the other way, I can see why being silent hurts. I don't think people even asked for anything new. They just wanted rollback. But they're giving us (I say us like I been their to support lol) Rollback plus Crossplay and new characters. Now of course this'll probably be done the old fashioned way like Xrd and Calamity Trigger was done. Instead of making it DLC it'll come out as a "new" game. I'm not complaining about it though. Just happy to get some updates. This is the game I'm using to develop and keep my fundamentals in check.
3S - Ken, Yang, Makoto
USF4 - Yun, Ibuki, Decapre, Poison
SF5CE - Ken, Karin, Chun Li, Laura, Poison
SF6 - Ken, Juri, Jamie, Chun Li


Evo 2023 Line up.

Street Fighter 6
Guilty Gear Strive
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Tekken 7
King of Fighters 15
Melty Blood Type Lumina
Mortal Kombat 11

Aug 4-6, 2023 at Mandalay Bay in Vegas

Top 6 instead of Top 8. There's a little bit of discourse on this one. I get it, it's been Top 8 forever, but I think going Top 6 is to cut back on time. Last year for DBFz, Grand Finals went till 4:30am (est) so I think they're trying to cut that out.

1st place for every game is GUARANTEED is $25,000.

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. DAMMIT SONY. I decided to call it quits on this game and you go and bring this game back. DON'T GIVE ME HOPE. I highly doubt I'm going to Evo this year but a lot of people will probably contact me for some sets for practice (SHIT, SONY). The community is still strong and a lot less petty than ever, but because of the mod edits I thought the community would shift to playing that edit. I have another solid year of Mahvel 3. DAMMIT SONY. THANK YOU SONY. ehem. Great news

Capcom Cup was this past weekend as well. The only thing worth noting is that Capcom Cup this year will be of course Street Fighter 6 and the winner of the whole thing will be $1,000,000  :huh: while the prize pool will be $2,000,000. Good God. This changes everything for Capcom at least. I think Bandai and Nether Realms can match but some of these other companies will probably be on notice. Probably not as much as I'm making it out to be, but if you're planning a yearly event, $50,000's not going to cut it. The FGC has been trying to get into E-sports for quite some time and Capcom being the 1st, good luck. Oh yeah, forgot about Riot and Project L. Yeah, they can match too. Personally, I don't play for money. The games I play will be the games I play. No guarantees that SF6 will be my main game. There may be a few tournaments I may try to attend, but my competitive days are long behind me.

This week has been great in terms of FGC related stuff.
3S - Ken, Yang, Makoto
USF4 - Yun, Ibuki, Decapre, Poison
SF5CE - Ken, Karin, Chun Li, Laura, Poison
SF6 - Ken, Juri, Jamie, Chun Li


Still going through my BlazBlue training and whatnot. Still stuck on Jin's hard combo #6. For the most part I got it. The thing that's killing me is the microdash. Once I got that the rest is easy.

But whatever on that. So DragonBall Fighterz. They looking to do another World Tour. I don't know if I'm looking forward to it though. I'm happy because this game is sick and deserves to be played. I'm frustrated because they need to move on. I don't want to continue hearing players bitching about how broken _____ is. That being said, a patch is on the way. Oh goodie. Just my luck. I can understand that SSB Vegito, SSB Gogeta, and Lab Coat is cancer. A change needs to happen (I do believe I said this in the other thread) and when it does it will be the LAST change. So whoever's on top, will be top. So say those 3 (4 if you want to throw SS4 Gogeta in there, although I think he's good as is) gets murked, the next characters in line is SSB Goku, Beerus, Janemba, 18, A.Gohan with the possibilty of characters like Hit, 17, Majin Buu, Baby Vegeta and Z Broly rounding out the top 10. And looking at just those characters (without buffs and the top 4 getting nerfed to the ground), SSB Goku and Beerus is TOXIC. Throw in 18 and everyone's going to start bitching again and you're stuck with it. So I say all that because I've been stream hopping just to catch the thoughts on where everyone is at on this, and low and behold, tournament players are the ones looking at the wider scope while chat is trying to bury everyone. Go figure.

MAHVELLLL!!!! They really tempting me with this. Yeah, Zero May Cry runs the world, but you can't be mad. IT'S MAHVEL!!! It's crack. Like I said, they keep tempting me taking little shots. It's in good fun, but they know how to push my buttons lol

I've cooled off on Street Fighter 6 big time. Don't get wrong. It's going to be bonkers. It's going to be that standard barrier for other fighting games (supposedly). Right now, like SF5, no character for, and personally I'd rather see what Project L's gonna bring.

And then there's Tekken 8. Jin is my guy, damn, Kazuya. If there's 1 character that is a must for me to try out and bring me into that game amped up, it's KA-FRICKIN-ZUYA. I've always thought the impact of blows in Tekken was sick (Paul scared the hell outta me back then), but the impact from Kazuya, man, that something else. I feel like I get my shit wrung when he strikes.
3S - Ken, Yang, Makoto
USF4 - Yun, Ibuki, Decapre, Poison
SF5CE - Ken, Karin, Chun Li, Laura, Poison
SF6 - Ken, Juri, Jamie, Chun Li