E3 2017

Started by Spark Of Spirit, June 08, 2017, 08:47:12 PM

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Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Foggle: For the record, I have never (nor have I ever claimed to be) remotely good at fighting games by any standards. Personally I just enjoy learning the mechanics of characters that I like and applying them in matches to put up a decent fight, even if I'm not winning.

I played a bunch of USFIV against my older brother and online, and lost 90% of the time, but I tell you every time I landed a successful FADC combo or countered them with a well-timed Ultra it made the whole experience worth it. The only time I flat out wasn't having fun was when I went up against a Guile player. Fuck those guys.

However I think videos like the ones that Core-A-Gaming makes explain the appeal of fighting games even if they are pretty hard. Especially these three:




And then there's EVO, the hypest thing in competitive gaming; and I've watched other E-Sports like Starcraft tournaments as well as Counterstrike and other FPS games, so when I say hype, I'm specifically referring to how much fun it is just to understand enough about any given fighting game to appreciate how insanely well top level players go at each other. I mean, stuff like this just makes me glad to have even witnessed it: https://youtu.be/ZRY0aMbSZEM

Of course, as someone who can never do any of those things, it is still really fun to actually play the games. I just like a system that is technical enough to the point where there is enough difficulty to more advanced tactics that makes it feel extremely rewarding to successfully pull them off. It'd be nice to have a DBZ game with some solid mechanics behind it, and this is looking like the way to go.


Let's see:
2. Anthem
3. Metroid 2
4. Wolfenstein II
....that's all I can remember/got.
Quote from: Foggle on June 15, 2017, 10:05:42 PM
I thought the previous two E3s were pretty good, especially 2015's. This one was awful, though. I guess my top 5 reveals were:

1. Wolfenstein
2. Evil Within
3. Metroid
4. Yoshi
5. Metro

It's too bad I simply can't enjoy/become good at fighting games or I'm sure I'd be pumped for DBFZ.
I...completely forgot what happened last year. 2015 is my favorite E3 of all time though. It was like Sony and Square accidentally got their shit together.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


I definitely understand the core appeal! It's similar to what makes character action games so awesome and satisfying. I've had a lot of fun with several Tekken games and simpler fighters like Smash Bros. or genre-hybrids like Anarchy Reigns and Power Stone but I have issues with hand-eye coordination/muscle memory to the point where I can't successfully pull off things like quarter-circle turns or remember complex combo strings to save my life. DBFZ looks really cool though, so if I was into Dragon Ball, I'm sure I'd buy it anyway and have a great time being bad at it. :D I've gotten a lot of mileage out of Rival Schools and especially Project Justice because I love the music, character designs, and animations (I secretly want this to be Itsuno's new project even though I'd probably prefer DMC or DD) but I'll be damned if I can ever manage to beat the story mode in either game. :il_hahaha:

Quote from: gunswordfist on June 15, 2017, 11:30:00 PM
I...completely forgot what happened last year. 2015 is my favorite E3 of all time though. It was like Sony and Square accidentally got their shit together.
RE7 actually being a horror game and not a co-op action blockbuster for one! It wasn't super impressive but there was a fair amount of good-looking footage at every conference, certainly more than this year. 2015 was just awesome, though. I will never forget that Nier Automata announcement... :cry:


It was so fun reading your 2015 E3 tweets  ;D :D
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody



1. Dragon Ball FighterZ
2. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
3. Anthem
4. Spider-Man

Yeah, thought I could squeeze out 5, but couldn't do so. DBFz, while the hype is still there for me, there are some minor concerns, but for the most part I won't bother talking about it since I'll be repeating myself.

As for Uncharted, I love the series (top 5 easily). When it came time for Persona 5 I made the time to play it because I was that pumped for it. I say that because most of these games that're coming out that exceed the 40 hour mark gotta really grasp my interest and hold my attention for me to really care about them. Uncharted (and Metal Gear Solid) series are long enough for me and I can easily replay them since I have no problem with summer blockbusters. Outside of fighting games that thrill of a challenge is gone, so when it comes to the DMC's and NG's I'm tapped out. Uncharted pleases me in a way where I can just come in from work, sit down and just shoot ish up. Alright, I'm rambling now. Chloe is the character I enjoyed the most and to see that she is tagging along with Nadine, can't get any better.

Anthem. I don't know what to expect here. I'm hoping this is nothing like Destiny where there are raids and whatnot. I'm just hoping at this point Bioware can bounce back with this.

Spider-Man. Again, not sure what to expect. I need to see more of it though.
Tekken 8 - Steve
Street Fighter 6 - Terry


No hype for Wolfenstein? It looks like the coolest shooter since last year's Doom and the previous installment was real good!

Spark Of Spirit

Don't think he's much of an FPS fan.

I actually am excited for Wolfenstein due to id's pedigree. Rage aside, they haven't screwed up yet.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I haven't been into FPS's since Halo Reach.
Tekken 8 - Steve
Street Fighter 6 - Terry


Interesting! I actually know a lot of people who are into TPS but not FPS, never really understood why myself but it's cool.

Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on June 21, 2017, 11:21:52 PM
I actually am excited for Wolfenstein due to id's pedigree. Rage aside, they haven't screwed up yet.
Not to be pedantic, but Wolfenstein 2 is developed by Machine Games (as are New Order and Old Blood). ;) Id hasn't actually made a Wolfenstein game since Spear of Destiny! Return was by Gray Matter and the 2009 one was by Raven.

But yeah, Id's only real miss was Rage. Doom 3: BFG Edition was also pretty bad IMO but I can understand why they made it and it apparently pleased a lot of people.

Spark Of Spirit

Wow, I could have sworn it was them. Either way, the game looks great.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton