Game of the Year 2023

Started by Mustang, December 30, 2023, 10:28:07 PM

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Pulled Max's. If you watched Geoff Keighley's GotY (or trailers r us) you'll know that Balder's Gate took that home. If you go to the IGN's, Gamespot's, etc. I think you'll get mostly the same or Zelda.

Personally, I don't have a say in the matter. I the only games I've played from this year are Spider-Man 2, Final Fantasy 16 and Street Fighter 6. I did say that neither Spider-man or Final Fantasy belongs in the conversation compared to the other hitters. That being said, the game I want to kind of focus on is Armored Core 6. It might be one I have to actually try out.

The only experience I've had with Armored Core was back on some demo disc I had for the PS1. Way too complicated for me at the time. Hell, it's probably still too complicated for me now. But Max did say some keywords that got my ears perked. Customization. I'm real big on customizing, and considering that you can spend hours just customizing your mech has me interested. "Have fun/playground" These are Metal Gear Solid 5 vibes that I'm getting and every time I see a video about AC6 I get that MGS5 vibe from it. All game play and not so great story (those that don't like MGS5 but love this, you're weird to me). I've said it with Breath of the Wild and I've said it with MGS5, anytime you're given free reign to just have fun on the playground I'm sold. That being said, this is FromSoft we're talking about here. Call me a hater, but their games aren't for me at all which is why I'm iffy on picking it up, but I'm leaning towards getting it because that movement, and other trigger perking words.

And then there's Lethal Company. Fuck everyone and their mother that plays this game.  :sly:  Joking aside, I try to watch this from a distance cause the FPV really takes a toll, giving me vertigo. It's sucks cause if there's one survival horror game I'd play with a crowd of people, this would be it because of the silliness and fun that can be had. I try to watch ChilledChaos and his group of friends play (max amount of mins I can give before the vertigo kicks in is 10 mins)

Anyway, if you have a GotY, what is it? Or if there's a few games that you haven't gotten around to that's been mentioned as a contender that you want to speak on feel free.

I'm also waiting on MinnMax and Kinda Funny Games to do there GotY's as well. I love to hear the discussions from them. No one gets too riled up, but some of them can be pretty funny.
3S - Ken, Ryu, Dudley Makoto
GGS - Sol Badguy, Slayer, Johnny
GBFVR - Beatrix, Siegfried