Amazing/Epic Gameplay Videos 2.0

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, February 25, 2014, 08:57:52 PM

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Dr. Ensatsu-ken

The greatest Ninja Gaiden player that I never knew about until now for some reason. This guy plays insanely awesome if you understand the slightest bit about just what it is he's doing in these videos and how much goddamn skill it takes to play that way. The link is to one video but it's really his whole channel that any NG fan needs to check out.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

So, TS17 has started a walkthrough of The Wonderful 101 on 101% Hard mode. For those unfamiliar with his output, he does a lot of game walkthroughs on their hardest difficulties, and as a massive fan of Platinum Games, he does many of their titles as well. He also has some interesting commentary on the games, though he does have a tendency to go off on unrelated tangents in longer videos. What's especially interesting is that with the other 2 PG games that he did, he did 2 guides for each, with one being a regular hardest difficulty run, and the other being a rank run (Pure Platinum for Bayonetta and S-Rank for MGRR). Judging by how much he enjoys this game, he'll probably go for the same, so it's worth watching for anyone interested. As for me, I haven't played the game yet since I don't on a Wii-U, but I enjoy watching his videos, so I'll likely stick with this guide, as it helps me stay interested in this game so that I remember to pick it up whenever I finally do get around to owning a Wii-U.

Spark Of Spirit

Just be warned that a lot of W101's fun comes from the crazy levels that arise out of the game's whacked out story. It gets more and more over the top as it goes.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Sounds like every Platinum game ever made, then. :joy:

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

TS17 finally got back to his TW101 guide:

It baffled me when he said that everything in that entire video had absolutely no checkpoint, which I think seems kind or ridiculous given how challenging he made it sound. I like challenge, but I've never been a fan of making things tough via a lack of checkpointing. It seems like when I finally do play that game, that may be one of my main gripes about it, but to be fair it didn't look like anything about the fight was overtly cheap, which TS17's commentary seems to support other than that one section where he admitted that the hit detection was fairly off.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

....the most ludicrous achievement in gaming history:

To be clear, as an actual fan of this game, it's still flawed, and unlike DMC or Bayonetta or NGB,  it us NOT designed tobe a game where you can avoid every attack. So, quite frankly, even I thought that this feat was impossible. I can't wait to see how mental people are being on the NG boards right now. This is literally the most interesting thing to happen in the NG fandom since NG2 actually came out (which is very telling).


I just hope that this isn't fake. Some skeptics have suggested that, but I haven't seen enough to be sure whether it's legit or not, yet.


That sounds insane, holy wow. Will watch later.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Having beaten Master Ninja mode myself, and having seen an hour of gameplay footage, it looks pretty legit to me. But you just have to love the trolls who claim it's not that impressive because it's not a single run and instead edited together between sections. No shit! It would literally be impossible to no damage thus game in a single run. It's twice as long as most other hack n' slash games and you'd get unlucky sooner or later. Others complain that he plays it too safe and doesn't take any risks. That's what you're fucking SUPPOSED to do when you don't want to take damage. Have these ass-holes actually even played the game before. This is amazingly impressive, especially considering that T he us literally the ONLY recorded player to have successfully completed this run in the 6 years since this game came out. Just for the sake of comparison, DMC4, Bayonetta, and MGRR each had multiple no damage runs uploaded on YouTube within a month of their respective release dates. That's how comparatively insane it is to no damage run a game like NG2 vanilla.


I know I'm a few days late on this, but Awesome Games Done Quick is going on right now. If you have any free time and love speedruns, then check it out.


I completely forgot about this thread. I would've posted some of Smug's Dudley. A lot of the USF4 footage for some unknown reason is lost now. I don't know if it's because the user got hit for copyright issues or just stopped altogether, but a lot of USF4 is gone. I can still find a few things here and there. But whatever, a lot of the videos I watch these days are of most fighting games or XLH Gladitor (or friends of his).

First video I'll bring is Dragon Ball Fighterz because I know everyone loves it. Jokes aside I've been inspired by this guy name Raptr. His Hit is crazy and you just don't see a lot of Hit players playing like this guy. He has his own channel and it's mostly comedy, but he's really good. If you seen in my signature I'm flopping names around because of this guy and one other (Vegito player). Anyway, I'm rambling, here's a compilation of Raptr's Hit team (A.Gohan, Hit, SSJ Goku)

I'm hesitant on Goku because I don't like him at all. If I don't like a character, I'm not choosing them, which is why you see Goku Black in most cases for me.
Tekken 8 - Steve
Street Fighter 6 - Terry