
Started by Daikun, December 10, 2013, 04:42:06 PM

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Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Here's the thing, while I still kind of liked the film, I do agree with GregX that the 1954 film did an infinitely better job of balancing character drama with on-screen destruction than this film did. I get what director Gareth Edwards was going for by restraining us from seeing Godzilla for most of the film, which is also what the original film did. The difference is that in that film, you always felt Godzilla's presence as every conflict that the characters dealt with related to him, whether he was on-screen or not. This movie felt like it was more about the MUTOs than Godzilla, which is disappointingly misleading. Also, while I don't mind having more human drama than monster action, these characters didn't have quite enough substance to hold my attention for 2 hours. Bryan Cranston is terrific....but not in the movie for nearly as much as advertisements lead you to believe. Ken Watanabe is also an amazing actor....but the script didn't give his character any justice, as hard as he was clearly trying to make it click. Daisuke Serizawa was a very interesting and sympathetic character in the original film. In this one he's just there to pay homage to the original film and nothing else (you could argue that the film wouldn't lose much if anything with the absence of his character).

Even with all of these problems....I still did find things that I enjoyed about the film, so I didn't really hate it like some people might, and perhaps I'll go into what I liked about it at a later time. But I will say that for how excited I was for this movie going into it, I did ultimately come out disappointed that the end result wasn't all that I had hoped for.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken


If we're really getting a sequel, they may want to find some new people to write the script. I'd be OK with Edwards returning to direct, honestly, so long as he learned his lesson about when it's appropriate to tease and when we've had enough build-up. I still think that Monsters is an underrated film, and one thing that worked in its favor is that the script wasn't so corn-ball and cliche. I don't need to see a Pacific Rim clone. I'm fine if there's not that much action (otherwise the original 1954 classic wouldn't be my favorite Godzilla movie by far), but I do need to feel like Godzilla is a big component of his own film, and I also need to give a shit about at least one or two characters in the film (like how I sympathized with Daisuke Serizawa in the original). If they can make these changes, I'd be willing to see a sequel. If they haven't learned their lesson, though, than this will be a Netflix (or HBO GO?) watch for me at best.


Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Well, a Godzilla vs. King Kong movie was announced months ago, I believe. They still haven't finalalized a release date, yet, though the article seems to indicate that the movie will drop in 2020, but not the exact month and day.

At any rate, I'm guessing that they will be sizing up King Kong several times over for this next film, because there's no way that the regular sized Kong would ever even come close to Godzilla's massive frame.