Kill la Kill

Started by Foggle, October 03, 2013, 03:07:11 PM

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Dr. Ensatsu-ken

This week's episode was my favorite one so far, personally (before this it was the 8th episode).


Yeah, I loved this episode. It might be one of my favorite episodes of any anime, in fact.


I have to third that this episode was bloody awesome, in more ways than one.  :D Though, my favorite episode is still #7 myself.


Fourthing this notion.

Dr. Insomniac



This show just get more and more entertaining.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

QuoteSawano does maybe one or two good tracks per series. The rest of his work is just bland background noise. That's part of the reason this episode was so boring, the music constantly droned. I don't know why audio directors keep hiring this guy (or using his tracks in such a heavy-handed manner) other than perhaps him being cheap.

Jacob T. Paschal at his finest, people.

No, it doesn't matter what the actual content of the episode had. Both this and Hunter X Hunter are really well-written series that also have a decent amount of subtext to them and are overall very smartly written. But all he can notice is how the most minor details aren't to his liking (yet can never actually properly critique the story or characters). Meanwhile he thinks Naruto and Bleach are brilliant no matter what shit Kishimoto or Kubo pull out of their asses.

I cannot find an appropriate enough face-palm image for this guy's extraordinary level of BS. :srs:

Dr. Insomniac

Kill la Kill has an awesome soundtrack. What's he on about?

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

This is the same guy who said that seeing an ash-tray full of cigarettes in an episode of HXH was more interesting than any of the political commentary going on in that very same episode. It's best to just realize that this guy's opinions make no sense and thus don't matter.


Guys. We all know that Naruto and Bleach have way better fights and OST's than Kill La Kill. Who needs fast-paced fight scenes and a unique soundtrack that pulls from all genres when you can have fights that last for over a dozen episodes and generic "epic" orchestra with a half-assed choir for your music? :>

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Kind of saw the twist at the end coming, but it was still a great episode. These are becoming much less episodic and far more plot-oriented as we go along, and I'm personally fine with that. And as with the nature of this series, this episode payed homage to yet another staple of classic fighting anime, in having the hero become utterly defeated during the most vulnerable phase of their character-arc, in a downright humiliating manner. The whole idea of this kind of story-telling is to give the hero a low point to work their way back up from, which makes their comeback victory all the more rewarding when they do. However, only the very best series can pull this off and make it feel completely worth it. I have no doubt that KLK will be one of those series, when the time comes.

Dr. Insomniac


Wow, this week's episode may have been the best yet! Perfect blend of comedy and action.

Dr. Insomniac