Kill la Kill

Started by Foggle, October 03, 2013, 03:07:11 PM

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Excellent episode indeed. And excellent article as well, Foggle. :thumbup:

The development that Ira and Sanageyama have gotten is great, and I can't wait to see the development/backstories for Nonon and Inumuta. There's been a fair amount of speculation that because of how honourable they've been portrayed, and how they were shot in the OP, that they may end up becoming good guys after the end of the first act.

Gotta love how badass Satsuki and Ryuko were even in their younger years, not surprised to learn that Ryuko had a delinquent past. And this episode had another nice moment between Mako and Ryuko, and that's always a plus in my book. Speaking of Ryuko, I agree with you said about her in regards to her likability, as someone who usually likes anti-heroes, most writers tend to make them unlikable/whiny assholes in an attempt to make them seem "cool and badass" while forget to add any likable or redeeming (or even genuinely cool) qualities to them. Fortunately, KLK's writers are actually competent when it comes to characterization, so Ryuko is a likable character despite revenge being her main motive.

Normally, I'd be dissapointed that we didn't get to see more of Ira's driving antics, but what we got instead was arguably much better. Should've seen his uniform theme being BDSM coming, since he's the head of the Disciplinary Committee, and uses whips as his main weapons. :sweat:

As for my episode rankings, I'd have to think them over. I don't think there's been a single dud yet.

Next week can't come soon enough. Really excited to see the Ryuko's boss rush.


It took me quite a while to come up with my rankings. I love every episode so far!


My rankings for the episodes so far would be: 7, 4, 5, 6, 3, 2, 1, 8. Like the rest of you guys, though, I've enjoyed all the episodes and there isn't a single one I dislike or think is of much weaker strength than the rest.

Another great article as always, Foggle. While this week's episode is my "least" favorite so far, it was still a heck-ton of fun, and I also love Gamagoori's goku uniform powers as well. I'm excited to see the battle between Ryuko and Gamagoori next week, since from the preview it looks like it'll be an interesting bout.

I'll say that the Elite Four in general are my kind of villains. Not obnoxious, obviously evil obstacles, but genuine characters with their own personalities and motivations, and super likable. I can't say that they are the most likable antagonists I've EVER seen in an anime, because there are quite a few antagonists I've found as likable/interesting as them in other series (as far as other villain groups go, the Phantom Troupe and the core members of the Band of 7 and the Ten Swords come to mind), but they still are fun characters and I'm curious to see Inumuta and Jakuzure's backstories and fights with Ryuko, since they haven't gotten as much screen time/development as Sanageyama and Gamagoori have yet.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Honestly, this was my favorite episode so far. My least favorite was still the 5th episode.

It looks like we may get this series to put its spin on the standard shounen tournament arc, which is great material for a parody, but I couldn't imagine it lasting for more than an episode or two in this show (which is obviously for the better).


The preview seemed to indicate next episode will be entirely devoted to Ryuko v. Gamagoori, so if that's the case they might devote an episode to each individual fight with the E4 members. Knowing this show I could very well see that not happening, but considering the pacing would work out to leave a Ryuko v. Satsuki rematch for episode 13, the series' half-way point, I don't think it's too improbable a supposition.


I'm awful at weekly episode blogging and I don't enjoy it at all, so I've given up. Please enjoy Micki!'s excellent fanart in lieu of me discussing this week's installment.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Well, I was enjoying reading your articles each week, and it always felt like you had something new to say each time, but I understand if you want to give up on it in order to use your time for other projects and such.


You did a good job. :)

This week's episode was fucking amazing omg


I really want it to be next week now.


Yeah, it's going to be a big one. These past few episodes have just kept getting better and better, so next week's should be incredible. I'm excited just thinking about it!  ;D

Dr. Insomniac


Good work! This is the kind of stuff I wish I could have written.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Great write-up as usual, Insommy. :thumbup:

I always love episodes like these where the writers set things up in a certain way only to completely defy your expectations.


Great article, Insommy.

This show has been very good with messing with viewers expectations and generally being unpredictable since the beginning. If it weren't for the previews (which are themselves occasionally misleading) this episode would've taken me completely by surprise.

In other news: we're getting a new OP. Not quite the band I was hoping for, but hopefully it'll sound more fitting than Sirius.