
Art by Micki!

I’ve spent many hours this week trying to figure out what to write about episode 9, but all I can think to do is regurgitate the same heavy praise and mild criticism you’ve seen me spout before all over again. At this point, I’ve said my piece on Kill la Kill, and unless it turns into a completely different show at some point (entirely possible knowing Trigger), my blogs are only going to get even more redundant, mundane, and boring. I had some arguments and opinions I wanted to put out there in the beginning, but I’m left with nothing to say now. As many have pointed out, there is a fair deal of symbolism in KLK, but I’m terrible at critically analyzing that kind of thing. I can usually see the symbolism in fiction, and I can understand the points being made by said symbolism, but I can’t write much more about it than that, so I won’t even try. At this point, I’m doing little more than making the year’s most exciting anime come across as procedural and uninteresting. There are many other bloggers talking about this series each week, and they all do a better job than I do.

Honestly, I just don’t like weekly episode blogging very much. It’s been kind of fun at times, and I love Kill la Kill, but this type of thing simply isn’t my forte. Because I’m a perfectionist and usually overthink things, I rack my brain for far too long each week but rarely deliver anything substantial in spite of it. I don’t exactly have a huge amount of time to devote to the blog per week, so this forces me to put the stuff I’d much rather write on the back burner indefinitely because I’m often busy with other things. That’s why you haven’t seen anything else from me in a while, and why I’m giving up. This was a really difficult decision, and I hate giving up like this, but it’s for the best. I may return to writing about Kill la Kill when the series ends to deliver a full review/opinion piece, but weekly episode blogging is not for me. Please look forward to much better features/reviews from me in the near future.

Collaborative piece by Micki! and Quakis

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