Kill la Kill

Started by Foggle, October 03, 2013, 03:07:11 PM

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We've come that far already eh?

Dreadfully behind, as usual.


Kill la Kill keeps getting better with every passing episode. It's cracked my top 10, and is well on its way to hitting the top 5 at this point.


I feel the same. This series is one hell of a ride, and continues to exceed my expectations and thrills. And from the looks of it, it'll just keep getting better right up to the end.


God, the scene with Satsuki and her mom was uncomfortable. I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be from the way it was directed, though. Then again, nearly everyone on the internet is masturbating to it, so maybe I'm just a prude.


Quote from: Foggle on February 01, 2014, 12:25:55 AM
God, the scene with Satsuki and her mom was uncomfortable. I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be from the way it was directed, though. Then again, nearly everyone on the internet is masturbating to it, so maybe I'm just a prude.

Remember that this is the internet you're talking about...


Quote from: Rynnec on February 01, 2014, 12:37:11 AM
Remember that this is the internet you're talking about...
Right, right. :lol: I thought the scene was pretty obviously intended to be creepy rather than titillating, and meant to establish Ragyo as an even worse person than previously alluded to. Plus, parental incest molestation is disturbing to me in concept alone.


Okay, I was indifferent about this show for the first half and only kept watching it because I liked Ryuko's personality, but episodes 13-16 completely changed my opinion of it. I'm kind of starting to love it, and I can't believe everything suddenly makes sense (even "nudist beach") after the revelations of episode 16.

The Shadow Gentleman


Ha! I figured that was Satsuki's aim. I doubt Ragyo's going to be offed so soon, but with this show, who knows? It'll be interesting to see how Satsuki and Ryuko's rivalry goes from here, and what else is left in store. Man, Kill la Kill just keeps me more and more excited for the next episode with each passing week.  ;D

The Shadow Gentleman


Spoiler are Ryuko and Satsuki dead?


Is this a serious question? I can't tell.   :sweat:

They aren't. The preview for the next episode claims that Ryuko will be unconscious and Satsuki will have gone missing, so they're still gonna be alive. Wonder how they'll recover from this battle, though.