Game Of The Year

Started by Spark Of Spirit, January 03, 2011, 12:28:53 AM

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Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Maybe I'm just sore because 2012 is the year that the Ninja Gaiden series died (in my heart, at lest), but to be honest there weren't a lot of games this year that seemed like titles I'd be all that interested in. I mean, Max Payne 3 looks like it has the kind of story that I just don't care about, and gameplay that I'll probably like but to a much lesser extent than the first 2 games. As for the RPGs of this year, I'm sure that they are great, but as you all know I'm just not an RPG player anymore.

Maybe there are a lot of good games this year, but I guess my interest in just drifting away from the mainstream output in a way that I can't help. My preferences seem to lie more with older games, not necessarily because they are older, but more-so because they feel more like the types of games that cater more to my personal interests. In other words I'm just too damn picky of a gamer. :P


I do think you should at least pick up Anarchy Reigns, Shank 2, and Dishonored sometime. They're pretty old-school, but with modern twists as well, and don't require a whole lot of playing per session. And definitely get Borderlands 2 if time ever allows for it. :thumbup:

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I'll try the demo for Shank 2 as soon as I can get online with my XBOX360 again, which probably won't be for at least another few days. XBLA games lend themselves the best to my play-style since they are cheap and short, 2 things which are essential for me to continue gaming these days. ;)

Spark Of Spirit

I agree with Rynnec that Nintendoland is probably the best casual game ever. Probably because all the games are addictive classic arcade style games that require some skill to beat but are simple to play. Honestly, I would rank that as a GOTY contender.

I also really dug NSMBU (excellent platformer) and Sonic Racing (one of the best kart racers), but there are quite a few games I didn't get around to this year. Like, for instance, Halo 4 (which I'm not all too eager for) and a few other sequels for series I'm not very interested in.

Quote from: Avaitor on December 18, 2012, 11:46:53 PM
I REALLY enjoyed what I played of Kid Icarus: Uprising, but I thought that was a 2011 game?

I guess not.
I thought it came out back in March? Because that is probably the 3DS GOTY, though Paper Mario is up there for me. (Though I know I'm in the minority on that one)

I didn't find myself turning on the PS3 or 360 very much this year, I think the gen is really hitting the end point.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Of course, we all know that this is the real GOTY...


Quote from: Foggle on December 19, 2012, 02:46:32 AM
Of course, we all know that this is the real GOTY...

I have no idea what this is, but whatever it is, it's awesome.


Quote from: Rynnec on December 19, 2012, 03:03:42 AM
I have no idea what this is, but whatever it is, it's awesome.
The greatest tribute to the NES ever. Seriously, everyone needs to play this thing pronto.


I hear Dishonored punishes you for killing a certain amount of people in the game, which made me possibly lower it on my list of games that I want this year that I made in the "What Are You Playing?" thread.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Quote from: gunswordfist on December 19, 2012, 06:08:44 PM
I hear Dishonored punishes you for killing a certain amount of people in the game, which made me possibly lower it on my list of games that I want this year that I made in the "What Are You Playing?" thread.
The only thing killing lots of people does is give you the Chaos ending as far as I can tell. I murdered nearly everyone in my path and didn't feel like the game was punishing me at all.


"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

So, over at IGN Journey won GOTY. That's right, another "artistic" adventure game. Surprise, fucking surprise....

Well, I'm curious. Has anyone here played it? And if so, how long is it and how much replay value does it actually have? Is it actually a good adventure game, or is it just as much fuel for me to say that IGN once again has no idea what they're talking about like how they gave Braid, Limbo, and Fez high marks as well?

Oh, and just out of curiosity, going by GOTY categories, what was everyone's most disappointing GOTY?

For me, it should be obvious that its Ninja Gaiden 3, but that right there is saying a lot considering that I was already geared for the initial disappointment and had my expectations set as low as a generic, mediocre hack n' slash game. What Ninja Gaiden fans got was actually a downright bad action game by ANY standards. Disgustingly bad, too, with all of the things wrong with this generation of gaming taken to an exaggerated extreme that you'd actually have to experience in person to truly understand. It proves that Team Ninja not only didn't listen to fan feedback from any previous game, but aren't even competent enough to learn what makes a successful game. This was not only the biggest disappointment of the year for me, but also my biggest disappointment of this generation in gaming. This game still hurts me on the inside, and I rarely ever say that of a game, but Ninja Gaiden was one of the few video game series that I truly loved to death, and to see it butchered like this after waiting such a long time for a great NG sequel truly saddens me. :cry:


Haven't actually played it, but everything I've seen and heard about Journey makes it sound like it at least deserves some high marks, especially considering that almost everything else released this year has been a massive disappointment. Though, I still have yet to touch some of the games I've bought this year. *shrugs*

Spark Of Spirit

I believe Foggle played it... and I don't think he had a very high opinion of it, either.

IMO, GOTY is Sonic Racing Transformed.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I didn't really hate it, but I can't say I enjoyed it much. Though I would consider it more of an interactive movie than a game. It's pretty cool at points, and I can see the appeal, but it definitely wasn't for me. I know Jay likes it a lot.

Borderlands 2 or Dishonored is GOTY for me, no contest. As I said before, Anarchy Reigns can wait for next year. ;)

Rosalinas Spare Wand

Hotline Miami is seriously the only game that kept me interested for longer than 10 minutes.