Ace Attorney

Started by talonmalon333, June 30, 2015, 07:31:52 PM

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Do you have any favorite cases? I made a list a few weeks or a month ago, but I figure I'd update it now.

1. Bridge to the Turnabout (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations)

2. Rise from the Ashes (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney)

3. Turnabout Goodbyes (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney)

4. Farewell, My Turnabout (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice for All)

5. Turnabout for Tomorrow (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies)

6. Turnabout Beginnings (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations)

7. Turnabout Succession (Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney)

8. The Cosmic Turnabout (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies)

9. Turnabout Memories (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations)

10. Reunion, and Turnabout (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice for All)

Spark Of Spirit

You pretty much hit all my favorites. Though the only one I'd switch would be the final case in AJ with the first one. For a first case, it sure was deceptively complex.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I considered swapping out Reunion, and Turnabout (Justice for All) for Turnabout Reminiscence (Miles Edgeworth). Unfortunately, I think that game's letdown final case might have slightly soiled my opinion on its penultimate case, but it really was great when forgetting that fact and set up what could have been an excellent ending for the game.


I have a question about the second Miles Edgeworth game.

First of all, I know that at least some of the Ace Attorney games, in their original Japanese versions, contain both Japanese and English text options. Does the second Miles Edgeworth game have that choice? I ask this knowing that Nintendo DS games aren't region locked.

Spark Of Spirit

I'm pretty sure it doesn't.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Remember the first case in Apollo Justice, when the backstory is that Wright played a game of poker with Shadi Smith. Smith's goal was to plant a card into Wright's pocket to "expose" him as a cheater and a fraud. When Wright caught onto this and Smith failed, Smith lashed out and attacked the waitress, causing Wright to run into another room and call the police on Smith. Makes perfect sense. Smith was some thug who wanted to look good by making Wright look bad.

... But then, in the game's final case, Smith is revealed as Zack Grammarye, a great magician from a magician clan, and we realize that this is the same guy who Wright defended seven years ago in the case that caused him to lose his badge. The same Zack Grammarye who is the real father of Trucy. Zack admits to being ashamed of himself for abandoning Trucy and expresses an eternal thanks to Wright for taking care of her. We see there is a deep bond of trust between these two guys, and we see that before their card game, Zack gave Wright something to help him in his investigation...

So, am I the only one who finds it mind boggling that this is the same guy who, minutes later, would suddenly act like a punk and try to make everyone think Wright is a cheater? It just seems like some massive inconsistency in characterization.


Quote from: talonmalon333 on August 09, 2015, 01:58:37 PM
Remember the first case in Apollo Justice, when the backstory is that Wright played a game of poker with Shadi Smith. Smith's goal was to plant a card into Wright's pocket to "expose" him as a cheater and a fraud. When Wright caught onto this and Smith failed, Smith lashed out and attacked the waitress, causing Wright to run into another room and call the police on Smith. Makes perfect sense. Smith was some thug who wanted to look good by making Wright look bad.

... But then, in the game's final case, Smith is revealed as Zack Grammarye, a great magician from a magician clan, and we realize that this is the same guy who Wright defended seven years ago in the case that caused him to lose his badge. The same Zack Grammarye who is the real father of Trucy. Zack admits to being ashamed of himself for abandoning Trucy and expresses an eternal thanks to Wright for taking care of her. We see there is a deep bond of trust between these two guys, and we see that before their card game, Zack gave Wright something to help him in his investigation...

So, am I the only one who finds it mind boggling that this is the same guy who, minutes later, would suddenly act like a punk and try to make everyone think Wright is a cheater? It just seems like some massive inconsistency in characterization.

I can defend Wright's characterization in that game, as I thought it made sense. Zak Gramarye on the other hand, no. There's no getting around the fact that not only was he a bad father, he's also a terrible human being for what you stated and one of the worst characters in the entire series. The writing as far his character goes sucked and it sucked hard.


I also have no idea how the Mason System (or whatever it's called) works. It's supposed to show how Wright did all his investigating since losing his badge. So how is he able to get evidence in present day and then show it to people many years in the past? Is that what Wright actually did? Time travel?


Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on July 30, 2015, 01:55:52 PM
I think they would need Shu Takumi writing to do that. He still hasn't expressed interest in writing another AA game since T&T came out.

It looks like he came back to make the period piece game, which could turn out to be promising.


Ace Attorney 6, which is not a prequel, was not only announced but also confirmed for release in the USA!!  :shakeshakeshake:  :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake:

And if that weren't enough, the plotline explained for the game sounds an awful lot like a certain spirit medium might be making a return.  ;D  :worship: :worship: :worship:


I'm actually surprised because I thought they were going to focus on that prequel trilogy that they are making.

But if they bring back Maya, that alone will be the greatest thing ever.


So......Phoenix Wright is going to get an anime series.  :wth:

:shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake:

:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:


Best anime of all time is confirmed to finally be getting brought into existence? Finally.

All they really need to do is retell the stories of the games. They are strong enough as it is.

Spark Of Spirit

Took long enough, honestly. This was such an obvious idea from the beginning. Hopefully Capcom doesn't mess this one up.

EDIT: Found out some info.

- announced during Capcom's stage presentation dedicated to Ace Attorney 6
- airs in Japan starting April 2016
- will cover the first three games
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 17, 2015, 07:54:47 AM
- will cover the first three games

Nice. Those three games are so tightly knitted, they make perfect sense.