The Greatest Anime Episode Ever Tournament

Started by LumRanmaYasha, July 10, 2016, 01:52:27 AM

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Spark Of Spirit

Wedding Bells for Kozue! Is Godai's Love Eternal?!
Peace Maker
Kurama's Anger, Gourmet's Guest
Let's Become Independent/This is Totoko
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Wedding Bells for Kozue! Is Godai's Love Eternal?!
Kurama's Anger, Gourmet's Guest
Let's Become Independent/This is Totoko
Peace Maker



Mr. Osomatsu #4: "Let's Become Independent"/"This Is Totoko" - 10
Maison Ikkoku #92: "Wedding Bells for Kozue! Is Godai's Love Eternal?!" - 18
Yu Yu Hakusho #84: "Kurama's Anger, Gourmet's Guest" - 14
Trigun # 3: "Peace Maker" - 8

"Wedding Bells for Kozue! Is Godai's Love Eternal?!" and "Kurama's Anger, Gourmet's Guest" move on to round 2! The next match will be up shortly.


I'm 5 eps away from the Zeta Gundam ep in this round, so I'll try to vote on Saturday.


I will vote this match! Hopefully later today.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


"JACKPOT! The Great Life or Death Gamble!" -
This episode has a special place in my heart both as an anime fan and as a Slayers fan because this is the first episode of the show I saw and one of the first things I saw on the FUNimation channel. I still vividly remember the first time I watched this episode and how it made me curious to check out the rest of the series. This is also just a really great conclusion to the Rezo arc. It's pretty amazing that the first arc villain in Slayers is perhaps it's strongest, but Shabragnido is a menacing as heck powerhouse of a villain and the stakes feel very real. There's great payoff to Rezo's character arc as he sacrifices his life to keep Shabragnido at bay and repent for his evil deeds, saving the world he's finally been able to see for the first time. Rezo is still one of my favorite anime villains. Of course, Lina using the Giga Slave for the first time is also a monumental and jaw-dropping moment, and still awesome to me after all these years. This episode was my first and remains my favorite moment in Slayers.

"Death of a Spirit Detective" -
A brilliantly-directed and emotionally hard-hitting episode, especially when it comes to Yusuke's death scene, the imagery used to convey the sadness and tragedy characters feel towards his passing, and Kuwabara's disbelief and attempt to deny the undeniable, slowly coming to the realization that Yusuke is, indeed, dead. Kuwabara's reaction to Yusuke's death is probably my favorite scene in the episode, possibly one of my favorite Kuwabara moments in the show. The episode ends on such a great note too, with Sensui just sitting feeling melancholy, the success of killing his Spirit Detective successor not giving him the satisfaction and catharsis he thought it would, but knowing it doesn't matter, since he knows he's going to be dying soon anyway, and has successfully enabled the destruction of the human race thanks to the portal he's made, with the ravenous demons behind it scratching and clawing to get out. It's such a dour, hopeless note to close the episode on, and it really strikes me whenever I watch it.

"Amuro Flies Again" -
It's pretty satisfying to see Amuro in action again and join the fight against the Titans. The lynchpin of the episode, though, is of course the reunion between Amuro and Char, the first time they've seen each other since their fateful battle at the end of MSG. It's a really great scene, two former enemies with deep grudges now encountering each other for the first time in years fighting for the same side and being at a loss for words at such an odd twist of fate. Solid episode, brilliant scene.

"Farewell, the Strongest Men: The Clash Between Light and Shadow" -
A tragic end to the Oniwabanshu and a good development episode for Aoshi's character. While the pacing and art feels off at points here (as it does in a lot of the early RK anime episodes), the Oniwabanshu sacrificing themselves to save Aoshi and give Kenshin a chance to defeat Kanryu is one of my favorite moments in the series.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken


Do you still plan to vote on this match, GSF and Vlord? How about you, Avaitor?


"Amuro Flies Again"
"Death of a Spirit Detective"
"Farewell, the Strongest Men: The Clash Between Light and Shadow"
"JACKPOT! The Great Life or Death Gamble!"
Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!


"Death of a Spirit Detective"
"JACKPOT! The Great Life or Death Gamble!"
"Amuro Flies Again"
"Farewell, the Strongest Men: The Clash Between Light and Shadow"


"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Very well then.


Yu Yu Hakusho #89: "Death of a Spirit Detective" - 13
Zeta Gundam #14: "Amuro Flies Again" - 10
The Slayers #10: "JACKPOT! The Great Life or Death Gamble!" - 12
Rurouni Kenshin #11: "Farewell, the Strongest Man: The Clash of Light and Shadow" - 5

"Death of a Spirit Detective" and "JACKPOT! The Great Life or Death Gamble!" move on to round 2! The next match will be up shortly.