
Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, January 30, 2011, 01:04:14 PM

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Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Alright, let me just say that I've never played this game or its sequel before nor have I ever played a single RTS before in my life, but I was looking to start trying to get into RTS games starting with the most popular RTS series in existence. But, I wanted to get the opinion of someone who is experienced with the series as to where I should start. Now, my friend who has both Starcraft games also has the same exact laptop as I do, so the fact that both games can run just fine on his laptop means that they should be able to run on mine, as well (though with Starcraft II he has to keep it at its lowest settings or else it will lag). Now, according to him, the problem with the first Starcraft is that most people who still play the game are experienced and very skilled at it, so playing online would mean that I would never have a chance in hell of surviving more than 5 minutes (if I could even last that long). As for Starcraft II, it apparently has a system that pits you against people of a similar skill level, such as putting beginners against other beginners. And even if I don't play online, its campaign mode is apparently supposed to be really damn good, or something like that....

So, uh, yeah, does anyone have any idea as to which game I should start with, and what I should do in either game to learn the basics and stuff like that?


The first game can be a hassle to get running on Windows Vista or 7, but I can help you out if you decide to get that one.

I love both games, but I am also horrifyingly bad at them. Playing online, except with my friends, isn't even in the cards for me, so I can't tell you much about the multiplayer experience (I'd play either of them online with you, if you ended up getting the game, though :) ). I'd say you'd probably be better off getting the second one, as it has a larger selection of maps and a much better single-player campaign. However, the first one is a LOT cheaper, and if you could get it along with Brood War, it's also a good choice. Either game is a great introduction into the RTS genre, and if you sink some time into it, you'll definitely become better eventually (I'm just really inept, ya' see).

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Oh, funny thing that you mentioned Brood War. My friend was mentioning the other day that he could give me the disc to install Brood War if I wanted, and said that he had a spare account on it which he doesn't use anymore which he told me I could use if I wanted to try that. I may just take him up on that offer if you're willing to play me online in that after I get some practice in and learn the basics of it (and how to play an RTS game in general). :)


Okay, but just know, you'll probably win. :lol:

You need regular ol' Starcraft to play Brood War, by the way, since it's an expansion. If you just borrowed his disc and installed that one, though, you'd be good to go (since you can play the game with the Brood War disc).


Ah, I played Starcraft last Saturday; first time in many years. It was fun. I'm still bleh at it, but oh well.

Playing the single player campaigns starting from Basic is a good way to start and get a grasp of how things work. Some of the scenarios can be challenging. Same with Brood War.

Unless you want to get whacked by the pros, I'd select Multiplayer with your friend, select a pile of computer players as opponents, but pick Free for All, and then Ally with your buddy in-game. The computer players will basically whack each other unless you're in the way. Then you can kick some ass and rack up easy wins although doesn't do much for laddering. Don't do Team Melee or every computer enemy will team up against you. There are plenty of maps that you can download that give a ton of starting resources (esp. Big Game Hunters maps) if you don't want to migrate bases too soon.

Also with Protoss with Brood War, you get to use Dark Archon and can convert enemy builder units to your side, allowing you to build a whole new set of armies and buildings for that race.
"You don't have to eat the entire turd to know that it's not a crab cake." - Bean, Shadow of the Hegemon


Unfortunately with the RTS games, unless you're playing a short campaign or timed scenario, they will suck hours and hours of your life away.
"You don't have to eat the entire turd to know that it's not a crab cake." - Bean, Shadow of the Hegemon

Dr. Insomniac

Used to play the games until I realized that I sucked at RTS. Nowadays, I just watch Husky's videos of it.