What are you currently playing? 4.0

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, December 27, 2010, 05:53:19 PM

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Why the fuck is Yoshi's Island not on the Virtual Console? :wth:

Spark Of Spirit


Why are Super C and Contra III on there but not Contra?  :??:
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Damn, Devil May Cry 3 is a much better experience with turbo mode turned on... and it was already my third favorite hack 'n slash of all time. The speed boost really improves gameplay (it's like jumping from 30 FPS to 60 FPS even though DMC 3 already runs at 60) by making it even more insane and chaotic. The faster bosses are tearing me to pieces, though... but it's okay. I get bored when games are too easy.

Rosalinas Spare Wand

I signed up for a GameFly trial and chose to order Valkyria Chronicles II and Smash Bros Brawl. I figure since the 3rd game isn't coming, there's no point in holding off finishing the sequel. As for Brawl, its just fun to unlock everything again, and I took an interest in Project M after watching some videos, so I'm gonna try it out after I unlock everyone again.

Fuck you Marth, if I had my trusty Gamecube controller you wouldn't have survived the Falcon rape.


Slowly making my way through DMC 3. This really is one of the greatest games ever made. The combat is tight, the boss fights are brilliant, the difficulty level is perfect (in Special Edition, anyway), the cutscenes are hilarious... friggin' masterpiece.


If the enemies were better and there was little to no backtracking, it would be the greatest game ever.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


I like the enemies it has, but yeah, it could definitely use more variety. The backtracking doesn't really bother me, though... not even in DMC 4. The awesomeness of Dante made up for the lazy level design IMO.

Here are my top 5 hack 'n slash games of all time:
1. Bayonetta
2. Ninja Gaiden
3. Devil May Cry 3
4. Devil May Cry
5. Ninja Gaiden 2

The genre really doesn't have enough entries... but what it does have is amazing.


Devil May Cry 3 is one of my favorite games of all time, so I'm glad you're enjoying it Foggle.

Finished DMC1 a few days ago. Good game, and I could only imagine how revolutionary it was to the genre when it first came out. The camera is pretty terrible, and there are a few irratating bosses, but I love the games setting, it makes the game feel like the love-child of Resident Evil (not too suprising since this game started out as RE4) and Castlevania.

I also tried playing a level of DMC2. It was...pretty embarrasing, to say the least. Still, it did introduce a few concepts that would make it into 3, so I guess it's not totally bad.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I know that I can't really say much about it since I've never owned either game and thus have never had enough time to even complete either of them a single time through, but from what I have played of them, I think that Devil May Cry 3 is a superior game to the first one. I think that if the first game didn't have Hideki Kamiya's name attached to it, more people would tend to agree with this. And don't get me wrong, Kamiya is a great game designer and you can't fault DMC for the stuff about it that hasn't aged so gracefully since it pretty much started the modern hack n' slash action game genre as we know it. That said, I like these games primarily for their combat above everything else, and to me DMC3 just downright nails the combat in a way that completely trumps the first game. It may not have Kamiya behind it, but honestly I found it to be a more fun and more re-playable game based on what I've played of it.

Also, I know that Kamiya proved that he has the talent to make a modern hack n' slash game with an in-depth combat system like how he did with Bayonetta, but to be honest, while I haven't had the chance to play all of that game either, I honestly enjoy what I've played of DMC3 more than that game as well. There's just something about DMC3 that makes it work really well in a way that no other game made in the same vein as a DMC game can even come close to.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Foggle on April 26, 2012, 06:55:00 PM
I like the enemies it has, but yeah, it could definitely use more variety. The backtracking doesn't really bother me, though... not even in DMC 4. The awesomeness of Dante made up for the lazy level design IMO.

Here are my top 5 hack 'n slash games of all time:
1. Bayonetta
2. Ninja Gaiden
3. Devil May Cry 3
4. Devil May Cry
5. Ninja Gaiden 2

The genre really doesn't have enough entries... but what it does have is amazing.

If you posted this list up on any other board than this one, I guarantee that you'd have at least a dozen different users crying fowl at the lack of God of War on this list. ;)

Spark Of Spirit

I still say Kamiya's best game was Viewtiful Joe.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Foggle on April 26, 2012, 06:55:00 PM
I like the enemies it has, but yeah, it could definitely use more variety. The backtracking doesn't really bother me, though... not even in DMC 4. The awesomeness of Dante made up for the lazy level design IMO.

Here are my top 5 hack 'n slash games of all time:
1. Bayonetta
2. Ninja Gaiden
3. Devil May Cry 3
4. Devil May Cry
5. Ninja Gaiden 2

The genre really doesn't have enough entries... but what it does have is amazing.
I can go on forever about hack n slashes. It makes no sense why there are so few. My favorites:

1. Devil May Cry
2. Devil May Cry 4
3. Devil May Cry 3
4. Ninja Gaiden (former 2nd favorite game of all time)
5. And either Bayonetta or Ninja Gaiden 2.
Quote from: Rynnec on April 26, 2012, 07:09:49 PM
Devil May Cry 3 is one of my favorite games of all time, so I'm glad you're enjoying it Foggle.

Finished DMC1 a few days ago. Good game, and I could only imagine how revolutionary it was to the genre when it first came out. The camera is pretty terrible, and there are a few irratating bosses, but I love the games setting, it makes the game feel like the love-child of Resident Evil (not too suprising since this game started out as RE4) and Castlevania.

I also tried playing a level of DMC2. It was...pretty embarrasing, to say the least. Still, it did introduce a few concepts that would make it into 3, so I guess it's not totally bad.
Sucks that it was the last revolutionary game in the genre, only because no one tried to learn anything from Ninja Gaiden and again, the genre has so few games.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on April 26, 2012, 07:19:30 PM
I know that I can't really say much about it since I've never owned either game and thus have never had enough time to even complete either of them a single time through, but from what I have played of them, I think that Devil May Cry 3 is a superior game to the first one. I think that if the first game didn't have Hideki Kamiya's name attached to it, more people would tend to agree with this. And don't get me wrong, Kamiya is a great game designer and you can't fault DMC for the stuff about it that hasn't aged so gracefully since it pretty much started the modern hack n' slash action game genre as we know it. That said, I like these games primarily for their combat above everything else, and to me DMC3 just downright nails the combat in a way that completely trumps the first game. It may not have Kamiya behind it, but honestly I found it to be a more fun and more re-playable game based on what I've played of it.

Also, I know that Kamiya proved that he has the talent to make a modern hack n' slash game with an in-depth combat system like how he did with Bayonetta, but to be honest, while I haven't had the chance to play all of that game either, I honestly enjoy what I've played of DMC3 more than that game as well. There's just something about DMC3 that makes it work really well in a way that no other game made in the same vein as a DMC game can even come close to.
I didn't know who Hideki was until like 10 years later. I say Devil May Cry 1 is the best hack n slash because it has the best enemies (most fun to fight). DMC3, not so much.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Actually, there are a lot more games in the hack n' slash genre than just Bayonetta, DMC, NG, and GoW. The reason you guys don't know about them is because most of them were shallow pieces of junk that quickly got forgotten over time. That said, there were some mediocre to decent hack n' slash games that, while not great or even really all that good, were stuff that I at least enjoyed playing, myself. Some of these games include:

Otogi 1 and 2

Genji- its bland and generic and I shouldn't really like it, but I have to admit that there was something about this game that I found mildly entertaining enough to keep playing it all of the way through)

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (hey, say what you want, but at least it was better than the actual movie, IMO, and it was fun enough for me to play through it once, even though I'll never actually go back to it again)

And then there are some games which I would consider to technically be hack n' slash games, even if they aren't pure hack n' slash games with the primary focus on combat like Ninja Gaiden and Devil May Cry, but which still have enough hack n' slash elements for me to count them and which I personally liked quite a lot despite them not being too popular with other people. Games like this include:

Shinobi (PS2)- I learned to stop caring about people hating on this game because its not classic Shinobi. I can understand if people don't like its bland looking level design or its difficulty in the later stages, but personally I love this game, and its not just nostalgia. It has a certain rush that I get when playing the harder stages that no current-gen game has ever been able to give me. Its one of the few games that actually does feel like an old-school game in 3D (rather than a modern reinterpretation of an old-school game), and while it may not be worthy of the title Shinobi, its still a good game for those who like a really well-made challenge.

Onimusha 2- I remember liking this one a lot when I was a kid, but I'm not sure if its aged all that well. I'll certainly have to check it out again one of these days.


Quote from: gunswordfistSucks that it was the last revolutionary game in the genre, only because no one tried to learn anything from Ninja Gaiden and again, the genre has so few games.

Instead, people decided to copy God of War and its shallow combat system just because its popular instead of building upon what DMC and Ninja Gaiden started. Such a shame too, I'd really love to see more DMC/NG-inspired hack'n slashes.

Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on April 26, 2012, 07:37:27 PM
Actually, there are a lot more games in the hack n' slash genre than just Bayonetta, DMC, NG, and GoW. The reason you guys don't know about them is because most of them were shallow pieces of junk that quickly got forgotten over time. That said, there were some mediocre to decent hack n' slash games that, while not great or even really all that good, were stuff that I at least enjoyed playing, myself. Some of these games include:

Otogi 1 and 2

Genji- its bland and generic and I shouldn't really like it, but I have to admit that there was something about this game that I found mildly entertaining enough to keep playing it all of the way through)

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (hey, say what you want, but at least it was better than the actual movie, IMO, and it was fun enough for me to play through it once, even though I'll never actually go back to it again)

And then there are some games which I would consider to technically be hack n' slash games, even if they aren't pure hack n' slash games with the primary focus on combat like Ninja Gaiden and Devil May Cry, but which still have enough hack n' slash elements for me to count them and which I personally liked quite a lot despite them not being too popular with other people. Games like this include:

Shinobi (PS2)- I learned to stop caring about people hating on this game because its not classic Shinobi. I can understand if people don't like its bland looking level design or its difficulty in the later stages, but personally I love this game, and its not just nostalgia. It has a certain rush that I get when playing the harder stages that no current-gen game has ever been able to give me. Its one of the few games that actually does feel like an old-school game in 3D (rather than a modern reinterpretation of an old-school game), and while it may not be worthy of the title Shinobi, its still a good game for those who like a really well-made challenge.

Onimusha 2- I remember liking this one a lot when I was a kid, but I'm not sure if its aged all that well. I'll certainly have to check it out again one of these days.

Don't forget about Darksiders. I think Chaos Legion counts too, but I haven't looked at enough gameplay footage to make sure. There's also a few Action-RPG's with Hack'n Slash-style elements like Kingdom Hearts II and the upcoming Final Fantasy Versus XIII (or whatever the hell it's called).