What are you currently playing? 4.0

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, December 27, 2010, 05:53:19 PM

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Speaking of Metal Slug, I've been thinking of getting the Anthology Collection. Any idea of which version of the anthology I should get?


PS2. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

PS2 - Arcade-perfect ports, best controller, minimal added load times
Wii - Waggle grenades (even worse than it sounds), no blood (iirc)
PSP - Horrific load times
PC - Everything about this version is horrible


Is the version on PSN the same one as the PS2 version?

EDIT: NEvermind, the PSN version is the one for the PSP.

Spark Of Spirit

I think 1 and X are on the VC, and 3 is coming sooner or later. The VC are arcade perfect ports, so that's probably the best place to get them.

Also, I disagree with Foggle. 3 is the best because every time I play I can go a completely different route, all of which are totally different and very creative. Basically I'd go:

3 > X > 1 >>> the rest (that I've played)
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Rynnec on May 11, 2012, 05:25:36 PM
Is the version on PSN the same one as the PS2 version?
No idea. Is it a PS2 Classic? If not, it's probably the PSP/Vita version.

Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 11, 2012, 05:26:52 PM
I think 1 and X are on the VC, and 3 is coming sooner or later. The VC are arcade perfect ports, so that's probably the best place to get them.
PS2 anthology isn't that expensive, though. And even if you play the Wii versions with a regular controller to avoid waggling, their joysticks aren't as good as the DualShock's. You need full 360 degree rotation for Metal Slug.

QuoteAlso, I disagree with Foggle. 3 is the best because every time I play I can go a completely different route, all of which are totally different and very creative.
Creative, yes. Expansive, yes. Fun, barely. (IMO)

Spark Of Spirit

Don't know about that, I've played MS3 a ton of times and never not had had fun.

As for the collection, well if you want all of them I guess it's the best option. But since I only really care for 1, X, and 3, it's the best option for me. I don't really have much of a desire to go through 4-6 again.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 11, 2012, 05:34:22 PM
Don't know about that, I've played MS3 a ton of times and never not had had fun.
No, see, I still have fun with the whole thing. I just think that the first four missions, regardless of branching paths, are about on par with 4 instead of X. But they're worth going through for the fifth mission, which is the pinnacle of Metal Slug game design. I always enjoy myself immensely with that one.

QuoteAs for the collection, well if you want all of them I guess it's the best option. But since I only really care for 1, X, and 3, it's the best option for me. I don't really have much of a desire to go through 4-6 again.
I still think 6 is a really good game. :(

As far as the different anthology versions go, I've 100%ed all three of the console iterations (PC one is unplayable); Wii release was done entirely in co-op with a buddy. I'm just speaking from personal experience that I think it's best played on the PS2. Wii version is definitely the second choice as long as you use the classic controller. ;)


Nice to know the Wii version has Classic Controller support. I'll definitely try to look for a copy next time I'm out, and hopefully buy it if I have enough money on me.


Quote from: Rynnec on May 12, 2012, 01:48:05 AM
Nice to know the Wii version has Classic Controller support. I'll definitely try to look for a copy next time I'm out, and hopefully buy it if I have enough money on me.
I think it does... make sure to check the back of the box before buying. I still recommend the PS2 version the most, though (it's also the cheapest).

Spark Of Spirit

Quote from: Foggle on May 12, 2012, 08:44:00 AM
Quote from: Rynnec on May 12, 2012, 01:48:05 AM
Nice to know the Wii version has Classic Controller support. I'll definitely try to look for a copy next time I'm out, and hopefully buy it if I have enough money on me.
I think it does... make sure to check the back of the box before buying. I still recommend the PS2 version the most, though (it's also the cheapest).
The collection does not as they were unaware of the Classic Controller at the time (!?) making it so it doesn't support it. Unless of course there's homebrew for it like for the roll in DKCR.

The VC versions support the controller, however.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Spark Of Spirit

I don't know why people say Monster World IV is too easy... Some of the later dungeons are crazy.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Been replaying Devil May Cry 4 on Hard mode/Son of Spards. Having played the game recently, my overall opinion on it has gone down. It's still a good game, but it's now my least favorite of the DMC games (aside from what I played of DMC2 of course). I take back saying that 4 had better bosses and enemies than 3, the enemies in 4 are hard in a ridiculously cheap way, in particularly the infected scarecrows who can interrupt your combo even if you're getting clear hits on them. The bosses are no better, Berial his cheap AoE move he spams, I had no idea what I was supposed to do when Bael had those annoying antenna enemies, Echidna was annoying and easy, and so was Agnus, and Sanctus is the worst boss ever. 3 had its share of annoying enemies and bosses, but at least you only occasionally encountered them. I'm currently at the second-to-last level, I'll get back to the game if I ever get enough patience to get through the boss rush.

Speaking of 3, Very Hard mode is kicking my ass. The only way I can see myself getting through the game without overdosing on Green Stars is to keep practicing, unfourtunately I still have a few games I want to finish, so I'll hold off on my VH playthrough and focus on my Vergil playthrough for now, go back to Persona 4 (which I'm almost done with, just need to get the requirements to unlock Naoto's social link and then I'll go through the final stages of the game), start and finish .Hack GU vol. 1 once I'm done with that, then go back to DMC3. Or, I can screw all of that and just wing my way through the game. :D

I've also finally started playing Pokemon White. Chose Tepig as my started and am currently in Driftveil City. I'm actually enjoying this game more than Soul Silver so far. I still enjoyed Soul Silver, but  I didn't really get into it the way I did with Pearl, and that's mostly because how inconsistant my team was in that game. Here, my team is a lot more consistant like it was in Pearl, so consistant that I probably won't transfer any of my Gen IV Pokemon into the game, I still may want to get a Riolu egg from my cousin, if only for Aura Sphere's helpfulness.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Rynnec on May 12, 2012, 10:42:16 PM
Been replaying Devil May Cry 4 on Hard mode/Son of Spards. Having played the game recently, my overall opinion on it has gone down. It's still a good game, but it's now my least favorite of the DMC games (aside from what I played of DMC2 of course). I take back saying that 4 had better bosses and enemies than 3, the enemies in 4 are hard in a ridiculously cheap way, in particularly the infected scarecrows who can interrupt your combo even if you're getting clear hits on them. The bosses are no better, Berial his cheap AoE move he spams, I had no idea what I was supposed to do when Bael had those annoying antenna enemies, Echidna was annoying and easy, and so was Agnus, and Sanctus is the worst boss ever. 3 had its share of annoying enemies and bosses, but at least you only occasionally encountered them. I'm currently at the second-to-last level, I'll get back to the game if I ever get enough patience to get through the boss rush.

Those plant-scarecrow hybrids are annoying as hell. They can interrupt your combos at any time, and the only safe way to fight them is to abuse the charge shot level 3 on them which is pretty boring to do, but playing the game on DMD mode it feels almost necessary since one single hit takes out a huge chunk of your health. I also HATE that move where Berial explodes for massive damage on you, which he can sometimes even do without warning. Once again, the only safe way to fight him is to stand back and abuse charge shots on him, which does take him out but it takes a while and it becomes a boring fight. Seriously, if it weren't for that one cheap as hell movie, he'd be an OK boss to fight, but that really is a pretty cheap move.

As for the bosses, I like the Echidna (I think you're referring to the plant boss, here), since that boss fight is actually fair, and its fun to try and stack up an SSS combo on her as either Nero or Dante. I also like the boss fights with Credo and Dante. All the rest are pretty average to me, though. Bael isn't cheap or anything but he's not much fun to fight, and Agnus is pretty much the same deal for me. Sanctus is an ass-hole with how much he spams attacks on you. I especially hate him the 2nd time he fights you in which he keeps dashing around you. He also doesn't give you a long enough window of opportunity to attack him making it really frustratingly hard to finally stun him. He's just not a fun boss to fight.

And as you know, I can't fucking stand the boss gauntlet from Mission 19 toward the end of the game. That there is the definition of filler/padding. It has no reason to exist in the main game, since its basically just a boss survival mode with an annoying dice mini-game stuck in-between each one to help break up the pace. This was one of the first signs of Capcom being lazy ass-holes in their game design.


Mission 19 would have been a good place for a boss fight with Vergil/Vergil's spirit. The entire game's plot gave his sword and important role, and threw out hints that Nero was somehow connected to Vergil, so why not?

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I would think that had DMC5 actually been made, Capcom would have brought back Vergil in some form and gave us an idea of how Nero is related to him. We may have even gotten some iteration of a Nero vs Vergil fight.