Favorite Games On Each Console You've Played

Started by gunswordfist, March 30, 2011, 05:30:29 PM

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It should look something like this:

- RPG (Sweet Home)(God, do I love this game.)
- Action (Mega Man 2)
- Platformer (Super Mario Bros.)

-Platformer (Super Mario Land 2)
-Action (Link's Awakening) (favorite game on GB)
-RPG (Pokemon Red/Blue)

-RPG (Pokemon Crystal)(favorite Pokemon game)
-Action (LoZ Oracle Of Seasons)

-Action (Astro Boy Omega Factor)(Greatest handheld game ever)
-Platformer (Wario Land 4)
-HMs (Mega Man Zero, Metroid Fusion)

-Platformer (Super Mario World)
-RPG (Breath Of Fire)(Shut up, BoF 1 and 2 are the only SNES RPGs I've ever beaten)
-Beat Em Up (Super Double Dragon)
-Action (Super Metroid)(Favorite SNES game)

-Action (Einhander)(Favorite PS1 game. best 3D shoot em up ever)
-Platformer (Tomba!)
-RPG (Final Fantasy VIII)
-BEU (Fighting Force)

Action (Devil May Cry)
Beat Em Up (The Warriors)
Platformer (Ratchet & Clank Going Commando)
Stealth (MGS3)

MGS4 (Favorite game)

Haven't played any exclusives on 360 yet
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Spark Of Spirit

This is prolly gonna take a while...

Platformer: Super Mario Bros. 3 (But there is a lot of awesome stuff here)
Action: Mega Man 3
RPG: Mother
Beat em up: Double Dragon II

Master System:
Platformer: Sonic The Hedgehog
Action: Alex Kidd In Shinobi World

Game Boy:
Platformer: Trip World
Action: Operation C
RPG: Final Fantasy Adventure

Game Gear:
Platformer: Castle Of Illusion
Action: Shinobi GG 2

Platformer: Bonk's Revenge
Action: The Dynastic Hero
RPG: Ys Book I & II
Shmup: Lords Of thunder (This is the best shmup console ever, though)
Puzzle: Chew Man Fu

Platformer: Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
Action: Mega Man X
RPG: Earthbound
Shmup: Axelay
BEU: Final Fight 3

Sega Genesis:
Platformer: Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Action: Gunstar Heroes
RPG: Phantasy Star IV
Shmup: Thunder Force (toss a coin to determine which one)
BEU: Streets Of Rage 3

Sega CD:
Platformer: Sonic CD
Action: Popful Mail
RPG: Lunar
(These are the only games I've played on the system)

Action: Metal Slug 3
Fighting: Garou: Mark Of The Wolves

Nintendo 64:
Platformer: Goemon's Great Adventure
Action: Mischief Makers
Party: Smash Bros.
Shooter: Perfect Dark

Platformer: Tomba!
Action: Mega Man X4
Fighting: Rival Schools
RPG: Brave Fencer Musashi
Adventure: Soul Reaver

Platformer: Jet Grind Radio
Action: Power Stone
Party: Power Stone 2 (See what I did there?)
RPG: Grandia 2
Fighting: Project Justice
BEU: Dynamite Cop!

Playstation 2:
Platformer: Maximo
Action: The Red Star
RPG: Valkyrie Profile 2

Party: Mario Kart Double Dash
Adventure: LoZ: Wind Waker
RPG: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

Game Boy Advance:
Platformer: Sonic Advance
Action: Mega Man Zero 3
Adventure: Metroid Fusion
RPG: Mother 3
BEU: Double Dragon Advance (Best beat em up ever)

Shooter: Halo
Platformer: Jet Set Radio Future

Platformer: Henry Hatsworth
Action: Contra 4
Adventure: Hotel Dusk
RPG: Mario & Luigi 3

Platformer: Mega Man Powered Up
Action: Ys SEVEN
RPG: Valkyria Chronicles II

I'm not really comfortable doing this with systems still out, though.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Platformer: Super Mario Bros. 3

Sonic Trilogy

Yoshi's Island
Super Mario World
Donkey Kong Country 1 and 2
Mega Man X 1 and 2

Nintendo 64:
Ocarina of Time
Star Fox 64
No Mercy
etc., etc., etc.

Quote from: Desensitized on March 30, 2011, 06:08:40 PMPlayStation:
Adventure: Soul Reaver

I always thought that you hated Soul Reaver. :-\

But, yeah, anyways that happens to probably be my favorite PS1 game among maybe a few others. Its definitely a damn good Zelda rip-off, IMO (I liked it better than what I played of Okami, to be honest)

Sonic Adventure 1 and 2
Power Stone 2
Soul Calibur

Playstation 2:
Devil May Cry 3 (from what I've played of it, at least)
Ratchet and Clank 3

The Wind Waker

Same as Desensitized
The greatest action game of all time (fact)
oh, and Stranger's Wrath was pretty good, too

Spark Of Spirit

Hmm? I like Soul Reaver. I haven't played it in a dog's age, but I remember enjoying it. I never played another LoK game after this one, though. Also, I heard the Dreamcast version is the best one, but I never got around to it.

Also, I might be alone here, and I like Clover a lot, but I never got into Okami much. I tried, but it just never grabbed me. The reason I was a Clover fan was because of Viewtiful Joe. (Wish I could find God Hand around here)
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Okami was a Zelda game with a less involving narrative and a gimmick that gets tired partway through. I like what else I've played through Clover, but that one never got far from me at all.
Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Desensitized on March 30, 2011, 07:19:50 PM
Also, I might be alone here, and I like Clover a lot, but I never got into Okami much. I tried, but it just never grabbed me. The reason I was a Clover fan was because of Viewtiful Joe. (Wish I could find God Hand around here)

Yeah, I must confess I never got into the Okami craze myself. I respect the game and all, and Kamiya is a brilliant developer, but the game honestly got kind of boring for me after a little while.

Spark Of Spirit

By the way, for those interested, I found this killer old thread on NeoGAF where a user went through a shit ton of old NES games and picked out the very best ones for each genre. I would recommend trying some of those out, all the ones outside of the Avoid category have aged well and are well worth playing today.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Shit,  forgot Genesis and N64 somehow:

-Platformer (Sonic 2 AKA Greatest 2D game ever made)
-Shoot Em Up (Contra Hard Corps, best in its genre)
-RPG (Phantasy Star IV)
-BEU (Streets Of Rage 2)

-FPS (Goldeneye)
-Shooter (Jet Force Gemini)
-Platformer (Super Mario 64)
-Action (Star Fox 64)
-Fighter (Super Smash Bros.

-Fighter (Super Smash Bros. Melee)

-SEU (Metal Slug 3)
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Quote from: Desensitized on March 30, 2011, 07:45:52 PM
By the way, for those interested, I found this killer old thread on NeoGAF where a user went through a shit ton of old NES games and picked out the very best ones for each genre. I would recommend trying some of those out, all the ones outside of the Avoid category have aged well and are well worth playing today.
Thanks. More NES games to put on muh phone.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody