Things That Bother You About Gaming

Started by Spark Of Spirit, May 17, 2011, 03:10:13 PM

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Spark Of Spirit

And it still sold best (something crazy like 70% of total sales) on the system it was originally going to be released for. So it was a waste of everybody's time and money and might have killed the series despite everyone saying it was going to happen that way.

Ubisoft is many things, but smart isn't one of them.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


 :'( Not my Origins style goodness.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Look! Look! The circus came to town today, guys! They're here to take your pre-order money! What, our last game was a buggy, glitchy disaster, and from the pre-order editions we're offering, we appear to have learned nothing? Posh! Just think about parkouring on moving trains and give us your money, you poor bastards!


I see a woman so they learned something. :>
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Oh shit, you're right! She must have taken years to create!  :humhumhum:


They even promised that she'll have a face most of the time!
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Nah, Unity spoiled me. Assassin's are only scary when they're just eyes, teeth, and Rapunzel-like hair.


The inordinate amount of hate The Evil Within gets should not make me as mad as it does. I guess I just get really defensive when people constantly shit on games I love. Especially when they start spouting garbage about how "the mechanics don't make sense" while consistently upholding Souls as the be all end all of video games - which is far more obscure than TEW in almost every aspect of its design. :wth: And let's not even get into the people who think it has worse combat than The Last of Us and Resident Evil 6...

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

While I still have to play the game myself, I think that people just plain don't get what TEW is supposed to be. Most people expected it to basically be a Resident Evil game invisioned as a new IP, but that's not what it seems like to me at all, despite Mikami clearly taking some inspiration from his old work. To me it seemed like an all new take on horror/action that forces players to rely more on resources and carefully traversing the environment as opposed to raw firepower keeping you alive. From gamers' whose opinions that I trust, the game seems to be more along those lines than just a straight-up RE knock-off, but most people complaining about it consider it to be flawed in how it differs from RE or other survival horror games like Dead Space, when it's not even meant to play anything like those games.

As for Souls, the aesthetics look boring as hell (except for Bloodborne), and the combat looks sluggish, but I've heard from pretty much everyone who've played them that the games are a lot more fun to play than they look, so I do eventually want to try them.


The Souls games are pretty great (Demon's is an all time favorite of mine), but they're a lot more convoluted than TEW, which is why these people's opinions confuse me so much. It isn't a particularly hard game to understand IMO...

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I think the reason that Souls gets away with it is because it has built up a reputation as a series that is supposed to be challenging and difficult to master, so people go into them with the expectation that there will be quite a learning curve with their mechanics. As for TEW, I believe that people weren't really expecting much challenge, and mechanically expected it to play like a modified RE game, so when it didn't match up to their pre-conceived notions it confused them and they decided to complain about the game rather than to learn how to play it properly and enjoy it.

Spark Of Spirit

It might just be me, but I always think of survival horror games as naturally hard. You're playing in a horror story where everything is against you-- like, that is what the central conceit of the genre should be. So when people were saying TEW was hard I just thought that was the point.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I want to strangle anyone who thinks Gunstar Heroes has better music than Contra Hard Corps.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody



Unseen64 has reported that Nintendo of America has lost faith in Devil's Third and will not be publishing it themselves in the US. Supposedly, key members of their staff think the game is bad and unworthy of release, but they're open to another publisher handling its NA distribution. The source is someone within NoA who recently gave details about the long-delayed (canceled) Project H.A.M.M.E.R.

That's pretty cold if true. :(