Things That Bother You About Gaming

Started by Spark Of Spirit, May 17, 2011, 03:10:13 PM

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Also, I had it in a surge protector (I'm pretty sure it was off) while there were multiple power outages a few days ago. Hell, I might have had it completely unplugged from the surge protector, I'm just going over anything I can think of.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Spark Of Spirit

Keep it in a well-ventilated area. Try keeping a fan nearby.

Unfortunately, you're probably going to have to send it in. Eventually it will die on you.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


You mean keeping a fan on it at all times?? A fan worked the first time I used it after this problem but I did only keep it there while I was on my Xbox for about 30 minutes. Also, I put it in a well ventilated area a day or so ago and had it off for 10+ hours at time. Maybe I need to pick a better spot.

You're probably right about me needing to send it in for repairs...
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Spark Of Spirit

Keep a fan on it when it's in use. It might not help much, but it should blow away at least some of the heat.

Unfortunately when a 360 begins to overheat it means it's near the end.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Spark Of Spirit

Anybody else having connection issues in Splatoon?

I realize the big update is tomorrow and all, but I really wanted to try out Neo Splash-o-matic and some new clothes before it hits. Guess that's not happening tonight.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 04, 2015, 08:44:29 PM
Anybody else having connection issues in Splatoon?

The only time I ever have Connection issues is when Blackbelly Skatepark is in the rotation of maps. Every time I lag out it puts a damper on my drive to play the game. Kinda killed my drive to play the new Urchin Underpass, so I went with ranked mode and play some there. For some reason, no lag there.

Spark Of Spirit

After the update I got only one connection error. I have no idea what that was about. I never had as many connection errors as I had the last week.

Anyway, the update is pretty cool! The new Urchin Underpass is WAY better than the old one with so much more to do and the new weapon classes are a great addition to the balance. It is a bit annoying to get sniped by a bucket, though.  :D
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I like the bucket. Great amount of burst damage and pretty decent coverage is how I feel. Trying to get that Squid Girl costume right now. Encountered at least a few people that had the Tunic and one that had the hat. Then I'll probably focus on the Famitsu Sushi chef outfit.


So... how hard you think it's going to be to get that 8-bit Mario? That one I'd actually like. My cousin wants me to drive him to GameStop at 7 a.m. to preorder that retro 3-pack because you can only preorder it in store apparently. Told him "hell no". Yoshi's Woolly World bundle still hasn't become available on Amazon because there's apparently a manufacturing issue with the Yarn Yoshi Amiibo here in the states. My buddy who works at Amazon has said that there's a lot of Japanese ones being imported. And the Chibi Robo game hasn't had its bundle listed yet even though the regular one is up there. I know we've harped on it a million times, but the Amiibo thing is such a freaking mess it baffles me.

Spark Of Spirit

If the three pack is really that popular, I wonder about the 8-bit Mario. Mario and Luigi in both series are still the easiest amiibo to find so I do wonder if the 8-bit one will be just as common. I'm thinking it will be since it's Mario.

It would be nice if the other amiibo got as much stock as those two did. Right now I still only have Mega Man, Sonic, and Toon Link.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Probably pretty mid-tier to find. Maybe it's because Smash Bros line is pretty popular and people are more focused on that line in particular. That and it is another Mario amiibo and we all know how loved Mario is in the amiibo fandom  :P. (But seriously, I do kinda want that one. Strange that they didn't announce the Modern Mario in that image. Makes me wonder if they're gonna bundle an amiibo with Super Mario Maker at all here in the US) Then again, I haven't really seen much of the Splatoon amiibo outside of the launch day, so I would try to find one of those 8-bit Mario around the time it comes out.

As for the 3-pack, my plan is to go to my GameStop after work on Friday Night to Saturday Morning to see how bad the line is and push my luck to see if I can get one of those reservations for the retro packs. If not, well looks like I'm importing those 3 from somewhere else.

Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 06, 2015, 05:02:40 PM

It would be nice if the other amiibo got as much stock as those two did. Right now I still only have Mega Man, Sonic, and Toon Link.

Yeah, the stock situation sucks. I mean, I know it probably takes a good amount of time to make these things and some characters have gotten restocks like Marth, Wii Fit Trainer and Pit. I was kinda surprised to see a Jigglypuff restock on Target website last over a week and how Palutena lasted for an hour on Amazon. But yeah, Nintendo did get hit with demand overload with these things.


Good news for me was that I was able to score a pre-order for the Retro pack. The line wasn't as bad as I was expecting. The store I went to was allowing up to 64 pre-orders and I got there at around 7 AM and I was the 3rd guy there. Was kinda expecting there to be more people camping out, Met some nice people on the wait there. Mostly talked about amiibo stories and other video games stuff. When the store opened up, there were about 17-18 people or so. Was pretty nice event all things considering.

As for the other thing that bothers me, who salty about Splatfest here? I sure as hell am not, if only because I was on Marshmallows and was kinda expecting a bit of a repeat of Cats vs Dogs 2.0, considering for every 4 games I've played, 3 would be against fellow Marshmallows while I would only get like 1 Hot Dog or so. But holy hell are people pissed that Marshmallows won the popularity vote and the match results were almost a little bit even. Yeah, the Hot Dogs had about 4% more win rate, but it was pretty close all things considering. When will people realize that the multiplier won't have any huge impact on close scores like those 2 Splatfest? Even if you were to apply the new 4x multiplier to previous Splatfest, the old winners would still be the winners. Doesn't help that at least 2 different Splatfest happened where the least popular team won, Roller coasters vs Water Slides for NA and North Pole vs South Pole for Europe where Roller Coasters and South Pole won despite the fact that they were the least popular teams, but still won.

Spark Of Spirit

That was an annoying Splatfest. I got a bunch of disconnects (an error I've gotten maybe twice before) and every time I got a game it was almost always against my own team. I hope Nintendo does something about the congestion soon.

I think I fought Team Hot Dog maybe 8 times total through the whole thing. At least I won most of the matches.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Nintendo should put the Wii release of Super Mario All Stars onto the Wii U eShop. That unaltered overpriced collection was criticized a lot when it was released for Wii to celebrate Mario's anniversary, but it would fit right at home on eShop, particularly alongside Metroid Prime Trilogy which also went out of print.