Things That Bother You About Gaming

Started by Spark Of Spirit, May 17, 2011, 03:10:13 PM

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Spark Of Spirit

Quote from: Foggle on April 25, 2012, 06:31:03 PM
See, that quote from the Beamdog guy about the Wii being a "toy" was dumb, but I felt like he was somewhat justified since his company had been burned. This one actually is a manchild rant.

Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 25, 2012, 06:29:06 PM
His argument boils down to Nintendo shouldn't make good games for the system because I'm an adult.
No, it boils down to "I don't understand how graphics and hardware work."
The NES wasn't even cutting edge when it came out. And that's one of the highest selling systems of all time.

We would all be whining about how Super Mario Bros. 3 was released in 1990 when we had "better standards". Oh wait, no one did that.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


His implications are so mentally deficient.

  • He implies that XC isn't as good as FF 7 because it doesn't have great graphics. Even its most hardcore fans admit that FF 7 has terrible graphics.
  • He implies that Wii games have a non-existent color palette and brown textures everywhere. I own around 15 Wii games, all of which are extremely colorful (except MadWorld), and the only brown texture I remember seeing is the one for Donkey Kong's fur.
  • He implies that Wii games' lack of anti-aliasing is worse than those of the other consoles. It's really about the same.
  • He implies that games with non-fancy graphics don't sell. Meanwhile indie developers are making serious bank off of Steam distribution.
  • He implies that it wasn't Monolith's decision to develop XC for the Wii. But it was.

Spark Of Spirit

The SNES was outdated because of the Neo Geo, too. Talk about revisionist drivel.

Also, is he unaware of the whole "HD Towns" controversy? If this game was on a HD system, it probably wouldn't have the scale it has thereby making it a weaker game. But at least it looks "pretty", right?

He also called the Super Mario Galaxy games "kitschy" and not indicative of how great a HD Mario game would be. He is insane.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


The comments are also a joy to read.

QuoteI agree. I had the same problem with Madworld.
THANK YOU! I wish that game didn't come out til the PlayStation Move or something.
QuoteSo the best that you can hope for with the Wii U is to rebuy all the games from this gen? Yeah that's cool :\
QuoteThe thing is, as this punter says, there's really no excuse for Ninty's no-fi hardware at this point; there is just zero argument to support such an underpowered system (unless the argument is: grandmas and their grandbabies can't afford them. because gamers certainly can).
QuoteThe way he said games consume Everyday thoughts reminds me of me how I think of Mass Effect everyday. He really took this article seriously, he may be my new favorite of the GI staff.

The point is that far far better tech is quite readily available; an iPad apparently has greater graphical capability than a Wii. Nintendo asks a lot when they ask devs to continue to work with last-gen tech when we're about to move forward another gen (and then Ninty will be current with the now current gen, which by then will be last-gen- ridiculous and insulting); it's insulting to those devs, and you should feel insulted as customers than Nintendo simply doesn't care to offer a better product (because as long as there are games like Mass Effect and Uncharted and GTA, the argument that graphical fidelity and depth/quality to your game is exclusive, is revealed as total bunk that is the last bastion of desperate minds).
QuoteI completely agree, i have a friend that insists that the wii is better than the playstation for two reasons. One: he is an xbox fanboy and basically anti sony. Two: the wii has zelda. He also says that the 3ds is better than the ps vita. Once again because he's anti sony but also because the 3ds has zelda. If Nintindo didn't have some of the most historic franchises such as zelda and mario no one would buy their stuff. It's sad to see Nintindo fall behind, but it's their own fault they had the choice to move forward in technology and chose not to.
QuoteI'm sick of seeing games that I would absolutely love to play sent to die on the Wii and the Wii only. Seriously, Madworld sold what, 20,000 copies? Everything about that game looks like a blast but it hasn't and probably will, never move onto another system. There aren't enough games on the Wii, and I can't stand the controls, to justify me buying a Wii, but for there to be games that don't get the proper exposure they should because they're not promoted or because the image they send conflicts with the family friendly look of the system is ridiculous. Resident Evil 4 was remade on the PS2 (and pretty much every other system since) because it didn't meet sales expected of it. Why can't other games get a second life on other systems as well?

Oh, and I love this one:

QuoteI'm not a graphics fanatic but I definitely understand this complaint. It's hard to take the wii seriously when it's operating at slightly above gamecube power and it's technical shortcomings are apparent in basically every single game that doesn't use an "artsy" or "cartoonish" style. It's like if some studio went and developed a brand new PS2 game with incredible story and gameplay. It would be awesome from a gameplay standpoint but why not take advantage of the better technology available today? Why limit yourself to aged hardware?

Xbox 360 and PS3 (ignoring PC for now) allow developers to push the limits of graphical capabilities (Crysis) or sacrifice graphical quality for the sake of gameplay (Think about how much people loved EDF). The fact that Nintendo thinks it's reasonable to not even offer this option is ridiculous, and honestly I'm curious how the WiiU's hardware capabilities will hold up once the next generation of PS's and Xbox's come out. Will it hold it's own or will the WiiU once again be the underdog that gets by on gimmicks and cheap ports rather than offering a platform for new AAA titles?
Quoteignoring PC
Quotepush the limits of graphical capabilities (Crysis)

Crysis? The game that took four years to get ported to consoles because Crytek couldn't figure out how to make it work on their hardware? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Spark Of Spirit

So superficial. I'm glad the people who actually matter, the buying public, don't think this way. NSMB and Galaxy games have each outsold every COD game and that's the way it should be.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Rosalinas Spare Wand

QuoteResident Evil 4 was remade on the PS2 (and pretty much every other system since) because it didn't meet sales expected of it. Why can't other games get a second life on other systems as well?


Revisionist history at its finest here. Resident Evil 4 was announced for the PS2 literally right before it was released for the GameCube. It wasn't a case of failing to meet projected sales, it was a case of Capcom getting cold feet at making GC exclusives. It resulted in that exclusive deal being broken over time and is partly responsible for Shinji Mikami leaving Capcom.

Spark Of Spirit

Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on April 25, 2012, 07:32:51 PM
QuoteResident Evil 4 was remade on the PS2 (and pretty much every other system since) because it didn't meet sales expected of it. Why can't other games get a second life on other systems as well?


Revisionist history at its finest here. Resident Evil 4 was announced for the PS2 literally right before it was released for the GameCube. It wasn't a case of failing to meet projected sales, it was a case of Capcom getting cold feet at making GC exclusives. It resulted in that exclusive deal being broken over time and is partly responsible for Shinji Mikami leaving Capcom.
I actually think this is responsible for killing Viewtiful Joe. The first game sold half a million on the Gamecube, and sold peanuts on the PS2. Then the second game came out and the sales were still split with like 300,000 on GC and 100,000 on PS2. If Capcom would have just let it stay on the system where it flourished, it might have done much better instead of awkwardly splitting the base.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 25, 2012, 05:57:24 PM


I have simply read one too many of these over the years. Gaming media is so laughably close-minded anymore.

Free Mario? Free Link? Are you kidding me? Man... where to start...


How anyone can think Super Mario Galaxy looks bad is beyond me. :wth:

Also, G4 has lost Adam Sessler. G4 has been shit for quite a while now but Sessler was the last thing they really had going for them. He's actually a really intelligent guy with a lot to say about games and the industry. Now that he's gone there's really no reason to pay attention to G4 at all. :(

Not that that's difficult unless reruns of Cops and Cheaters are your thing. :blush:


Spark Of Spirit

I wish it was Morgan Webb instead.

I only ever watch G4 for the E3 coverage, but having to deal with her is just annoying.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


DirecTV completely dropped G4 like two years ago.

I've hardly even noticed, to be totally honest.


I hate Morgan Webb as well. But at least the most worthless person I saw on Attack of the Show is gone from G4. Yep, I'm talking about Olivia Munn. Man, I wish I had the video on me where Dave Jaffe and Olivia Munn were talking and Olivia wanted to know if Dave was circumcised. Dude, you're at E3. You're supposed to ask about the game he's making, not his penis skin. Bitch doesn't even know shit about games, she even admitted that she was mostly hired for her looks.

Looks like the only reason I'll be watching G4 is Ninja Warrior. That is the only thing I give damn about on that network.


Ah, Ninja Warrior. We used to watch the original version (Sasuke) and its spin-off (Viking) in my high school Japanese class on off days. Good times! ;D

I don't really hate Morgan. I mean, I don't give a shit about G4 at all, but she doesn't really bother me. Olivia is awful, though.


I had a hard time taking Morgan Webb seriously when she complained about Super Mario Galaxy being too "kiddy".